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Showing content with the highest reputation since 03/05/2025 in all areas

  1. Gentlemen The landings have been a success . Ground troops are preparing to push forward from the beachhead. Our task is to destroy enemy ground artillery and tanks which stand in their way. If successful we can try to take out enemy reinforcements and supplies. Mission is scheduled for Sunday 16nd March 2100 hrs,
    2 points
  2. Our DCS Server:
    2 points
  3. Thanks Sir, we all know Life v1.0 takes precedent over flying. Do not bust a gut to get on, no point. Your wife comes first.
    1 point
  4. The wife sent me this. I_have_no_secrets.wmv
    1 point
  5. Hello there Its probable better to mod a cheap joystick. Here's one I did earlier and also read this Lots of fun! Bye for now
    1 point
  6. I'm afraid I won't be able to make this Monday, as I will be on an actual plane at the time, on my way back to blighty!
    0 points
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