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It really is a weard feeling for me.... CLOD is finally available in NA and I'm downloading it from Ubisoft at the moment and yet I don't know if I should be happy and at the same time I'm afraid to be disappointed. Right now I'm letting its download manager do its job and I will be trying it out today or tomorrow for sure. I have ordered the software on 7 Feb 11 and finally its here :) :-/



It really is a weard feeling for me.... CLOD is finally available in NA and I'm downloading it from Ubisoft at the moment and yet I don't know if I should be happy and at the same time I'm afraid to be disappointed. Right now I'm letting its download manager do its job and I will be trying it out today or tomorrow for sure. I have ordered the software on 7 Feb 11 and finally its here :) :-/

yep...just got home and noticed it had finished d/l'ing from steam. it started, so we are definitely heading in the right direction...now to read. :icon_study:


The big patch is coming, quite possibly on Friday, if not earlier. Little bit of comms breakdown from the developers at the moment. There are a few bugs still there, among some of the very annoying ones. Atleast if it runs OK on your rig, you will get a peek at the very entertaining game the lies beneath the pile of bugs. Make sure to turn CEM and the overheat thing on, better learn it the hard way. Turn Anthropomorphic controls off (it doesn't really work).

Spits are relativly easy to fly, they won't overheat unless you really run the engine roughly (boiling point of the water is around 115C DO NOT EXCEED).

Startup procedure is (For a spit, they are all the same, hurri is very similar)

-Magnetoes on (both) (Left side of cockpit)

-Fuel cock ON (Right side of cockpit, right of the stick in the footwell)

-Mixture to lean

-Throttle to about 5-10%

-Press I to start

-As soon as you have a solid RPM going (a few seconds), increase mixture to full.

-Open radiator (Green lever on the left)

-Increase throttle and taxi with the brake (you will have to use the button as the spit and hurri do not have independent footbrakes)

-Prop pitch is two settings, coarse and fine, most of the time just run it at full.

When in flight, keep looking at your RPM and temp gauges. RPM should not exceed 3000RPM, and water temp 115. (Standard temp in flight is about 97-100)

Adjust your radiator accordingly in the air to prevent overcooling and overheating.

The radial-engined planes need to warm up on startup, the oil need to reach about 42 degrees.

Turn ON and OFF the clickable pit with F10.

It is a bit of work to get it going, and it is certainly frustrating (more than a flight sim usually is), but it is quite fun to fly around in.

Hopefully the coming patch should fix a lot of the problems, it has been in the works for quite some time now.


The big patch is coming, quite possibly on Friday, if not earlier. Little bit of comms breakdown from the developers at the moment. There are a few bugs still there, among some of the very annoying ones. Atleast if it runs OK on your rig, you will get a peek at the very entertaining game the lies beneath the pile of bugs. Make sure to turn CEM and the overheat thing on, better learn it the hard way. Turn Anthropomorphic controls off (it doesn't really work).

Spits are relativly easy to fly, they won't overheat unless you really run the engine roughly (boiling point of the water is around 115C DO NOT EXCEED).

Startup procedure is (For a spit, they are all the same, hurri is very similar)

-Magnetoes on (both) (Left side of cockpit)

-Fuel cock ON (Right side of cockpit, right of the stick in the footwell)

-Mixture to lean

-Throttle to about 5-10%

-Press I to start

-As soon as you have a solid RPM going (a few seconds), increase mixture to full.

-Open radiator (Green lever on the left)

-Increase throttle and taxi with the brake (you will have to use the button as the spit and hurri do not have independent footbrakes)

-Prop pitch is two settings, coarse and fine, most of the time just run it at full.

When in flight, keep looking at your RPM and temp gauges. RPM should not exceed 3000RPM, and water temp 115. (Standard temp in flight is about 97-100)

Adjust your radiator accordingly in the air to prevent overcooling and overheating.

The radial-engined planes need to warm up on startup, the oil need to reach about 42 degrees.

Turn ON and OFF the clickable pit with F10.

It is a bit of work to get it going, and it is certainly frustrating (more than a flight sim usually is), but it is quite fun to fly around in.

Hopefully the coming patch should fix a lot of the problems, it has been in the works for quite some time now.

HI Jedi,

Thank you very much for the tips. I take good note of them and it is appreciated. I'll be trying things out during the next few days.


Yep, I got an email from Amazon.com this afternoon that my copy of CLOD was finally shipping 3 months late. I hope it doesn't require the CD to play, because I would have just bought a digital version to avoid that.

  • 2. Administrators

Sorry Snacko, the copy protection is handled by Steam, so the disk doesn't need to be in the drive for the game to run. I still prefer to install off the disk without having to d/l gigs of data on my crappy connection.

  • 2. Administrators

I seem to be making a habit of ruining other people's days!



What the heck are you talking about Nick??? Are you in that Bizarro World where you say the opposite of what you really mean? :blink:

You made my day, not ruined it. If I don't have to put the CD in to play, that is a GOOD thing, right?

  • 2. Administrators

Yes, but I got the impression that you would have avoided buying the disk version if you didn't need the disk to run the game... :BangHead:

Never mind, I'm obviously having a senior moment. :bg:

Seeing as I made your day - you're most welcome m8.



Actually, in a perfect world I would rather have a CD that requires no activation so I have CD in hand. I just like having the software I bought on a disk.

But online activation means I don't have to get the disk and put it in, so that's good.. :confused3:


With a steam game, all the CD is is essentially a box with an activation code, a thin little manual with some "artwork" on it and a disc that can be used to install the game from, saving some bandwidth from the download the game files from steam. So essentially the CD is merely a bandwidth option

I must say, I quite like steam.


With a steam game, all the CD is is essentially a box with an activation code, a thin little manual with some "artwork" on it and a disc that can be used to install the game from, saving some bandwidth from the download the game files from steam. So essentially the CD is merely a bandwidth option

I must say, I quite like steam.

I'm off to Future Shop to pick up a copy :)

I got it... there were 6 copies two days ago on the release date and there were the same 6 copies today... not exactly flying off the shelf. Maybe everyone is steaming it ...


Well, I do not like th way it plays on my system so I guess that I will put this game aside for a while and wait until it gets better.


Doesn't CLoD let you pick which folder you want to install it?? I received my copy in the mail today and am installing it now, but I did not see anywhere that I could pick the install folder...


I XP will be a bit different, but this is were they will end up due to the required use of Steam, with Win7

Clod's main install inside Steam


Clod's User install



ok, I take back my "woo hoo".

Fuck you Oleg for this crap.

Buy a dvd copy of the game and all is does is take me to Steam to download.

Oh, and no instructions...just a flimsy piece of paper in the package saying "full length digital manual is accessible and downloadable from the game disc"...but it isn't.

Oleg, you're an incompetent asshole.

Seven years and this is the best you can do?


Could I just recommend to everyone who has now got a copy of CloD to talk nicely to Jedi and see if he will run a tutorial session at a conveniant time for as many as possible. A Sunday perhaps?

I've been enjoying CloD for quite a while now and my PC ain't no great shakes. This is largely due to Jedi who has been an invaluable source of excellent advice when it comes to this game. Set up needs some thought to optimise it and the GUI in particular seems to be some devilish plot by the KGB. Even joystick settings are bizarre.

There is a diamond in here but without Jedi I'd still be at the "WTF! Oleg you fool" stage.


You are far too kind Arthur, all I do is pass on information that I either find or find out. I could probably do a session on Wednesday if anyone wants it, or any other time suits me really. I'll be back home on monday evening, so everything after that works fine.

There is quite a large learning curve on this game, part due to its complexity and part due to its inherent excentricities. The control setup is less than intuitive, and the GUI is still somewhat lacking however, once one gets it running decently (either due to tweaking, or waiting for that somewhat delayed patch), it is rather enjoyable.

If there is an intest in doing a practice/introduction session I will gladly try to get a small curriculum going.

Off the top of my head I can think of the basics being;

-Trying to understand the GUI architecture of a madman 101 (also known as how to start the game)

-Attempting to not cover your windshield in oil, a comparative study of aeroengines (Complex Engine Management for dummies)

-Acquirig Altitude in Allied Aircraft and Alternate Airforces, (How to start and take off in Spitfires/hurricanes and perhaps some others)

-"Flying" (basic aircraft operation and systems familiarisation, quite a bit different from Il2)

-Flying leather trousers, with guns (The Jedi's guide to the Galaxy, in a BF109 or 110)

It really should not be excessivly difficult or time consuming, I could probably run through this in one or two hours.

Once you get past the initial hurdles, and getting used to steam, the game isn't half bad. Still need quite a bit of work though.

Anyone interested?


Never thought I would ever admit this but.........I agree with Fruitbat's sentiment :huh:


Mine is still in the box awaiting a MAJOR computer rebuild some time later this year :sheepsmile:

You're not missing anything by keeping it in the box (for now).


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