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  • 2. Administrators


Well, its coming soonish :)

Following on from the 54 squadron Battle of Britain campaign, I'm working on a 92 squadron campaign starting Jan '41 until Oct '41 when they were withdrawn.

92 squadron were the first squadron to be re-equipped with the Hispano cannons in the 'b-wing- format that we are used to (and that worked), the first to be equipped with the new merlin 45 engines (ie Spit MkV), and were an intergral part in taking the fight to the Germans in '41, flying numerous circuses, rhubarbs and rodeos.

Plenty of well known pilots graced 92 squadron, Johny Kent (of 303 squadron fame), Geoffrey Wellum, Brian Kingcome, just to name a few.

The map i'm going to use for this is GilB57's 1:1 westfront map, as 92 were based at Manston during this time.


I'll run the campaign at the same settings as the 54 squadron campaign was run at, and it will be written as a full strength squadron (12 plane) event again.

I've already pretty much done all the skins now, including making 12 nice 92 squadron skins, and will release a skin pack to go with the missions again.

A few screenies as tasters from where i've been messing with things lately, Mission to Lille,




















  • 2. Administrators

Hooray! Another campaign from FB, and centered around one of my favourite squadrons too! Really looking forward to this Kev.

Off now to dig out Kingcombe's book.


  • 2. Administrators

Thanks guys, Is that a hint of what day to run the campaign on TOAD, lol.

This will be interesting and quite different from the 54 squadron campaign, as all the advantages that the RAF had in the BoB, we don't have for this campaign.

It will be us this time operating over enemy territory, and us having to watch are fuel, basically the role reversal from BoB.

1941 was not a great year for the RAF fighter command, probably the worst of the whole war, lots of pilots were lost, for no tactical gain imo.

We'll start of flying the SpitMkIIb, before getting the MkVb, and will start of flying against mainly 109E7's before quickly becoming F2's and then F4's, and will just catch the introduction of the Fw 190 into theatre (ouch).

survival, will be victory!


Yes yes yes! Kev you certainly know how to press my buttons, lol. I'm there, call me a Spitfire whore, I don't care :) :) :)


What did they call these Ops.? Rodeos? Didn't they become quite sophisticated operations; top cover, low cover, close escort? Then follow up sweeps, withdrawl cover, etc. Will it be like that?

  • 2. Administrators

What did they call these Ops.? Rodeos? Didn't they become quite sophisticated operations; top cover, low cover, close escort? Then follow up sweeps, withdrawl cover, etc. Will it be like that?

Circus operations were coordinated bomber and fighter ops, 6/12 Blenheims escorted by ever increasing number of Spitfire squadrons, designed to get the luftwaffe up and fight.

Rodeos were fighter sweeps over enemy territory,

Rhubarbs, were low level fighter/fighter bomber sweeps normally taking advantage of low cloud, to attack targets of opportunity.

although there are many other types,


and yes the missions did become quite sophisticated, and will try to recreate this as much as possible, within the limits to planes in the air to run a co-op smoothly.

waiting for UP to see how much i can use triggers to aid this, has potential, as does the possibility of using zuti MDS1.2, and although effectively running the missions as a 'co-op' using some of the MDS features may have some mileage.

  • 2. Administrators

been doing a bit more work to the skins, damn spitfires are a pain in the ass to skin the codes properly :growl:




Still needs a bit of tweaking, but at least i've made myself a nice template now, changing the actual letters and numbers in the aircraft codes is easy now, just want to work on the stretching a tiny bit now.

  • 1. DDz Quorum

Kev, might be worth seeing what you can do for the roundel colours: that blue looks a bit too light for my eye and the red a bit too scarlet - a shade nearer crimson would be a bit more apt. That aside, bloody good work! If you wanna bundle your template over I'll gladly help out producing if it's something you want some assistance with.

  • 1. DDz Quorum

Looks very promising!

One question: Is that Map in UP2.01? (Can't seem to find it... :sad5::blink: )

Is it in a separate mod? If so, how to get it / install it?

  • 2. Administrators

Its here, FT,


hoping it will be in UP3.0, if not i'lll do up an install guide.

although when you download the map its in the form of JSGME, i found it much easier picking it apart and doing a manual install.


Done a bit to the roundels, but its supposed to be a war weary scheme, so.....




hoping it will be in UP3.0, if not i'lll do up an install guide.

although when you download the map its in the form of JSGME, i found it much easier picking it apart and doing a manual install

If, by chance, it is not included in UP 3.0, would it be possible to post installation instructions for the computer illiterate like me. :icon_farao:



I wish I could make it but I can't possibly commit :(

Looks brilliant though- nice balance, lots of A2A action... <sigh>

Nice work on those skins, btw...

I'm sure you guys will have a ball :)

  • 2. Administrators

no need to commit mate, if your free and i'm running it, join in, no need to commit to every week!

don't even know what day/time i'll be running it yet, will decide closer to the time via a straw pole.


Can't wait for this! mmmmm hispanos.....even if they do have 3 rounds in each gun, still mmmm :D

  • 2. Administrators

12 skins finalised :goodjob:

all aircraft serials actually served with 92 squadron, although only QJ-F, D, and B's codes match the serials, due to a handy photo i found.

still its good enough for me, historically wise :icon_study:

4 MkIIb's early morning patrol over France, Jan '41.







  • 1. DDz Quorum

Are the skins available to download yet FB? and have you decided which day you will be running it?



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