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It looks like Vista or Win7 is nearly mandatory, Ilya says that game does not run well on DX9.


Then Im fooked mate , I dont want the hassle of an upgrade, and more important I cant afford the price,as I would have to get a clean full version of windows 7


It looks like Vista or Win7 is nearly mandatory, Ilya says that game does not run well on DX9.

It looks like the original Il-2 on DX9.

My game


Jedi's game


Same card, same settings, only mine is dx9 and his is dx10


whats your system specs delta?

Processor: Intel® Core™2 Duo CPU E6750 @ 2.66GHz (2 CPUs)

Memory: 2046MB RAM

Card name: NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT

windows XP

I have ordered another 2gb memory and Asus GTX 460 Direct CU TOP 768MB GDDR5 Dual DVI Mini HDMI Out PCI-E Graphics Card so I will see how it goes with this but seeing other posts even this might struggle, hopefully they will optimise the code


whats your system specs delta?

Processor: Intel® Core™2 Duo CPU E6750 @ 2.66GHz (2 CPUs)

Memory: 2046MB RAM

Card name: NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT

windows XP

Hi I am interested in how this works out as its a similar system to mine. I was going to rebuild this summer but I will be spending some money on replacing the suspension on the car, and wifey wont be too impressed if I go and spend loads on computer stuff as well :notfair: I could buy a graphics card though and if it gives a half decent frame-rate that would do until later in the year.


whats your system specs delta?

Processor: Intel® Core™2 Duo CPU E6750 @ 2.66GHz (2 CPUs)

Memory: 2046MB RAM

Card name: NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT

windows XP

Hi I am interested in how this works out as its a similar system to mine. I was going to rebuild this summer but I will be spending some money on replacing the suspension on the car, and wifey wont be too impressed if I go and spend loads on computer stuff as well :notfair: I could buy a graphics card though and if it gives a half decent frame-rate that would do until later in the year.


It s unplayable with this , I tried the free flight in a single spit over the sea and it does not render the sea until you are just above it - when high up it looks like a load of green tiles. this is even at low settings. I tried a flight over london and it wwwaaasss aaaaa ssssllllliiiiidddddeeee sssshhhhoooowwwww with constant pop up of buildings.

Ill try to get a screen shot to let you see what I mean


Dave; I'm running an almost identical system to the one you're planning to upgrade too. I'm running Win XP on an E6600 pushed to 3ghz with 4gb of ram and a 460 card with 756mb vram.

Just waiting for postie to put my standard edition dvd through the door. I installed the latest nvidia beta drivers last night in anticipation, so hopefully I'll be able to give you some idea of what it runs like soon.


Just waiting for postie to put my standard edition dvd through the door. I installed the latest nvidia beta drivers last night in anticipation, so hopefully I'll be able to give you some idea of what it runs like soon.

Hello Arthur, Keep an eye out for a UPS van. I dont think that they are using Royal Mail.


Dave; I'm running an almost identical system to the one you're planning to upgrade too. I'm running Win XP on an E6600 pushed to 3ghz with 4gb of ram and a 460 card with 756mb vram.

Just waiting for postie to put my standard edition dvd through the door. I installed the latest nvidia beta drivers last night in anticipation, so hopefully I'll be able to give you some idea of what it runs like soon.

thanks mate Ill be interested to see how you get on


Just waiting for postie to put my standard edition dvd through the door. I installed the latest nvidia beta drivers last night in anticipation, so hopefully I'll be able to give you some idea of what it runs like soon.

Hello Arthur, Keep an eye out for a UPS van. I dont think that they are using Royal Mail.

Well I wonder about this Crash. Didn't you get the CE? It comes in a nice big box, too big for postie. I've ordered the vanilla dvd. The sort of thing which normally arrives in a jiffy-bag that postie can deliver .

I'm not sure if anyone has had this delivered yet? Being a tight git, I didn't pay any extra for speedy delivery. Otherwise I'd be posting now in the Male-Menopause hysteria threads over in the Ubizoo Cliffs of Dover forum. :laughing7:

Even if it dosen't run that well, after eight years of anticipation I'm still looking forward to installing and giving it a whirl. :thumbsu:

  • 1. DDz Quorum

Oh well, looks like its time for the Friar to take a wonder into the wilderness my fellow Dogz....

With a system that is made up of the following;

XP pro sp3

Intel Core 2 Duo Cpu

E8600 @ 3.33ghz

3.25gb ram

Nvidia Geforce 9800GT

Unless the more knowledgeable amongst us can tell me other wise, I will not be buying CLOD (there is NO budget for more kit)

I am going to have to stick to flying UP 2.x




Oh well, looks like its time for the Friar to take a wonder into the wilderness my fellow Dogz....

I don't think you're going to be on your own Friar. No worries, the new UP will be out very soon and by the time we can both afford an upgrade ( I suspect a DX10 compatible one) I'm sure Olegs' mob will have CloD sorted. They might have even managed to wedge a FW190 in there too! :thumbsu:


Oh well, looks like its time for the Friar to take a wonder into the wilderness my fellow Dogz....

With a system that is made up of the following;

XP pro sp3

Intel Core 2 Duo Cpu

E8600 @ 3.33ghz

3.25gb ram

Nvidia Geforce 9800GT

Unless the more knowledgeable amongst us can tell me other wise, I will not be buying CLOD (there is NO budget for more kit)

I am going to have to stick to flying UP 2.x



Hey Friar, I'm in the same boat tech-wise. I should be able to buy a new MoBo/CPU/SSD and probably new vid card within the next 6 months, so I'll likely wait until I can do that first.

That said, from what I'm seeing on the banana forums, people with mid-range rigs are getting somewhat similar experiences to those with high-end machines so it certainly sounds as if the problems are software related rather than hardware limited.

I'm confident that 1C will put out some patches in the next few weeks that will result in significant improvement in performance.

I hate to say it, but it does seem, for whatever reason, that Cliffs was rushed out the door. Again given 1C's record, I think 90% of the issues currently plaguing early adopters will be ironed out by the time you and I have saved up the money to upgrade...

I'm tempted to buy it anyway, just to fly 1vs1 over the channel in FMB to get used to the new FM.



They might have even managed to wedge a FW190 in there too! :thumbsu:

Well, there's a butcher bird on the boxtop so there better damn well be one in the game!

Seriously, what's up with that?


To be honest, even if you don't think your kit is up to the job I would still buy the game and give it a go. I have got it installed and I feel like I have a bit of a mountain to climb in terms of getting my head around all the new features. I still havn't worked out how to start the engines and if I jump in with an air start the engine blows oil over the windshield and dies within a few minutes. So even if you cant fly in combat there is quite a bit to keep you occupied at low settings so you are up to speed when you can. I think I am going to look at some of the training missions!

  • 1. DDz Quorum

I've got mine up and running - taking ages to sort out controls etc but am flying anyway.

As far as specs go, in a 6 x Hurricane v 9 x Fiat G50 over the sea I achieve fairly consistant 33 fps in cockpit and 52 fps outside:

Asus motherboard with a Intel X58 chip

i7 950 quad core running at 3.06 ghz

6gb DDR3 RAM

1 x GTX460 1gb (second one installed for sli but not enabled)

1680 x 1050 monitor res

All ingame settings are at medium except for model detail which is on high

Antialiasing at 8x, although it can still look very jaggy from some angles

Tried for .trk but 'Launcher' failed to respond whilst selecting folder to save .trk into, also tried FRAPS screenshot but haven't set stuff up properly yet.

Doesn't run entirely smoothly but looks nice - also shot 2 eyeties down.


got it running last night : with single plane around 40fps over the sea ;20 fps over country - over london single figures or stuuuttteeeerrrss

res 1280*800

epilepsy off

details medium but

Forest off

Buildings Low

grass off

set up joystick axis and Ill use the time until my new toys arrive to set up my controls

They definatly need to optimise this thing. Buildings and forest are what are killing it.

im spending more time on the 1c technical forums than flying the thing

  • 2. Administrators

some good news for a change, lol,

from luthier

This is a copy/paste from the 1C forum:

From Luthier:

Hi everyone. I’m very sorry to see that some of you are having technical difficulties with the game. It pains me personally to see that these problems are preventing you from enjoying everything the game has to offer.

The team has been working at a frantic pace since mid-summer. I personally have been working 12+ hour days 7 days a week pretty much non-stop, with only a short breather around Christmas. Optimization has always been our top priority; for example, the game you are playing now is roughly twice as fast as the version shown at Igromir.

We are continuing to work at the same pace now, after the release – no weekends in sight. We are working very hard to make the game better, and we hope that even those of you who are unhappy with the state of the game are still able to see that it is worth the wait, and that you have faith in our ability to improve on your experience.

Here’s what we are working on at the moment:

1. Performance increase. Over terrain, the two things that slow things down the most are trees and buildings. We are currently in final stages of testing optimized buildings that almost double the FPS over London on a test machine.

Tree optimization is a little farther away. You will probably see changes in how trees are rendered, they’ll take longer to appear over terrain, but once again, performance increase should be significant.

If everything tests correctly over the weekend, both of these should be released by early to mid next week.

2. Enhanced multicore support. The mode that we unfortunately were not able to finish in time is sending all render to a dedicated CPU core. The mode is working but somewhat buggy. It easily doubles the FPS, and the performance boost is especially noticeable in larger missions with lots of stuff going on.

This is probably at least two to three weeks away, and we will probably do a short public beta of this major change before it’s made live to everyone.

3. Multiplayer. There is something in steam filters that prevents game servers from being found. This is only happening with live retail versions of the game. This apparently isn’t caused by us – hopefully it’s just a simple oversight somewhere and the fix will be a simple flick of a switch.

4. FM and ballistics. We have already addressed the issue where rounds appeared to leave aircraft sideways. This was caused by the difference between physical and rendered position of the aircraft, i.e. the rendered position lagged behind the actual aircraft position.

Our aircraft programmer has a huge bucket list of things to check, which he’s going over at a rather brisk pace.

5. Resurrecting SLI support. This is our next biggest priority; it’s done by the same programmer now in final stages of optimizing buildings. We are really hoping this will be a quick task, but I don’t have an ETA at this point. It’ll either be a couple of days, or a much longer undetermined amount of time if we have to submit versions to card manufacturers and ask for their input.

6. Bug fixes and support. We are reading this forum a lot and some Russian-language forums, and working very hard to address all issues as they are being reported.

7. New stuff – larger online maps, some new aircraft such as the 109E1 and E4 etc – are all in the pipeline too, but obviously we need to solve the bigger issues first and then deal with the freebies.

Thank you all for your continuing support! Just FYI, I’m constantly doing 20 things at once, so if I don’t respond to your question it doesn’t mean I didn’t read it! I’d love to spend more time on the forums talking to the community and answering questions, but unfortunately I just cannot do it as much as I should at the moment. Please bear with us, we do really want to make all of you very happy!

  • 1. DDz Quorum

Classic IL2 support there :)

They are living up to the pedigree we all know and love, being forced to release before ready is a big gamble.

1C:Maddox can afford to take that gamble to a degree, because of the history of long term support and open dialogue.

Biggest risk is with newcomers to the franchise, who will not yet be aware of Maddox & company's highly principled approach to what they do and sell.

The Steam Forums have wailer's all over :(


Classic IL2 support there :)

They are living up to the pedigree we all know and love, being forced to release before ready is a big gamble.

1C:Maddox can afford to take that gamble to a degree, because of the history of long term support and open dialogue.

Biggest risk is with newcomers to the franchise, who will not yet be aware of Maddox & company's highly principled approach to what they do and sell.

The Steam Forums have wailer's all over :(

Fully agree Rog. I hope that it doesnt backfire on 1C. Dont look at the Ubizoo Cliffs page, its full of "its crap, i want my money back" posts.

  • 2. Administrators

Well, I can't say I'm surprised that some people are kicking off about the game if the whining beforehand was anything to go by. Yes, there are issues (see Vista), but the guys at 1C are obviously taking them seriously and working hard to resolve them. I wonder how many of the whining community are long-term Il2'ers who have seen 1C approach to problems in-game before. I suggest 1C give them their money back, ban them permanently from 1C and ubizoo forums and they can go play whatever the flavour of the week FPS is.



Postie put nothin' but bills through the letter box this morning as usual :icon_cry: so I'm starting to feel a little left out.

Checked my e-mails this afternoon and I've had one from UbiSoft apologising for the delay in the arrival of my game and giving me a free key to download the game now so I can play whilst waiting for the arrival of my dvd copy!!! :thumbsu:

Well you can't say fairer than that! Well done UbiSoft. I'm impressed. :goodjob:

Downloading now...............................................................................................................

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