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Also a quote in English not translated.

From Luthier:

I want to confirm that everything said here is true, we have implemented some drastic features for anti-epilepsy protection which are affecting FPS and killing SLI support.

We CANNOT make these optional. That will allow an opportunistic or an unfortunate person suffering from epilepsy to sue Ubisoft for damages and literally close down the studio for good.

This was a stop-gap measure to make sure the game gets released. As I explained in the clumsily-translated Russian article, everything in our game causes seizures - gunfire, explosions, fire, sun passing behind canopy framework, etc. Basically flight sims are an epileptic's nightmare.

We'll work to improve the framerate and perhaps address individual issues individually as opposed to applying a single rough post-effect filter, but it is basically a very sad situation. Something completely unrelated and unexpected came to our sim with a giant axe and whacked at it at the last moment. We just didn't have time to properly address it.


Possibly I found the answer at 1c in the thread.

ellow vacationers relax comrades!

il2 sturmovik ... conf.ini find the file in the user profile c: \ users \ pupkin_i_i \ documents \ 1c ... \ Il2 sturmovik ...

in the config file, find line in the config file, find line

antiepileptic =... antiepileptic =... and correct to the antiepileptic = 0, save the configuration and correct to the antiepileptic = 0, save config

measure our FPS, and legate of the result here. measure our FPS, and legate of the result here.

  • 2. Administrators

from reading around appears that might work on Russian version, not the western, but we'll see.


This is crazy. So this is just a result of a poorly implemented last minute stop gap and hopefully will be addressed properly in time. Wonder what the laws on this are in the US and Canada? Apparently other games are either getting around this or fixing this properly without breaking functionality. Unless this is something brand new because of some changes in the laws that previously release games like Just Cause 2 can be Grandfathered out of. I've been playing some recently release games and they run just fine. The legal systems suck. Everyone without epilepsy is being inconvenienced because of this. I know having a disability is very inconvenient especially for the stricken. I mean my social and mental disabilities inconvenience you guys all the time and causes me great dismay. Used to be you could just pop up a disclaimer and problem solved. Hopefully as Todd stated there is an easy way to disable this. Any word on the concern that Steam will be required to run the game and whether or not modding will be doable?

  • 2. Administrators

So, anyone know any russians,

The future of the project The Battle of Britain

Dear friends,

Thank you for your support. Please accept my personal apologies for the problems when you start the game. We worked in full all hands on deck for a long time, last month was even more hectic, and we had a little to the final cleaning of the product.

This is what the team will work in the coming days:

1. Anti-epilepsy will once and forever banished from the Russian version of the game. This adds up to 10 fps on older machines. You now can manually disable the filter - the instructions were given repeatedly.

posted by luthier here,



crap !!!! I pre-ordered 2 days ago

hopefully if the russians get a workaround it will find its way here too


So, anyone know any russians,

I had a Russian house cleaner stop by the other day. I could give her a call...

Actually, it was kind of weird. This 27 year old girl was knocking at my door two days ago. She said she was here to clean. I told her that I had nobody coming to clean. They gave her the wrong address. She said that was not her only bad luck, she had also locked her keys in her trunk. And also her cell phone. (She had a very heavy accent).

It turned out all to be true. We had to get on the internet and lookup her auto insurance phone number so they could come out and unlock her car. She said this was the third time this has happened to her this month! I thought this had to be some kind of scam, but it was not. She also didn't know her boss or company's phone number. It was a small cleaning company with 2-3 employees run out of somebody's house. She didn't know their last name, and the company wasn't published on the internet.

But somehow, we found some way to get the number, and yes, she gave her the wrong address. Her auto insurance came and unlocked her car, and after about an hour the 27 year old Russian cleaning girl was on her way...

So, I guess I don't really have much faith she can help us here...

  • 1. DDz Quorum

I have now decided to wait till all this gets sorted. I have cancelled my pre-order.


I have now decided to wait till all this gets sorted. I have cancelled my pre-order.

Your lucky Friar, I've been trying to cancell my order all afternoon and I keep getting a server error message when I click on cancell order :(


I understand that the filter only affects SLI mode and low spec machines, panic if you want to but I am supporting the forthcoming game!


I have not pre-ordered the game yet, but it remains to see how annoying this filter thing is. In the words of the great Douglas Adams, Don't Panic.

Still, pretty much a dick move to pull this sort of thing.


So glad I've been to busy and to broke to pre-order.:laughing7:

I guess upgrading the comp. operating system and dropping around $1,400.00 on a multi caliber rifle silencer were better choices for now.

  • 1. DDz Quorum

Well having read the various posts on other forums this is my conclusion:

Maddox and company produced a piece of software that failed a quality test.

The test is quite an important one, the software was proven to be seizure inducing and they, Maddox and co, acknowledged this.

They applied a work around that samples frames and reduces the seizure inducing effect, but this requires some intense calculations and therefore lowers frame-rate.

They have not had time to create an SLI version of this workaround that will improve frame-rate.

Seizure inducing..

That is a big thing, there are people who are susceptible who have never had a seizure, there is no way any responsible company would release something like this on the market.

It is not only those that are already epileptics that are at risk.

What I would like to know is how IL2 compares on the same test, that alone would empower us to make our own choice on whether or not any workaround is safe and feasible.

This does not bode well for Maddox, this has been a significant investment for them.


Well having read the various posts on other forums this is my conclusion:

Maddox and company produced a piece of software that failed a quality test.

The test is quite an important one, the software was proven to be seizure inducing and they, Maddox and co, acknowledged this.

They applied a work around that samples frames and reduces the seizure inducing effect, but this requires some intense calculations and therefore lowers frame-rate.

They have not had time to create an SLI version of this workaround that will improve frame-rate.

This does not bode well for Maddox, this has been a significant investment for them.

I agree Rog, Gibbage made a good post on the zoo

Originally posted by Gibbage1:

I know Oleg and crew cater to a rather ravenous fanbase, but the fans tend to give Oleg more slack then take. I have been on Oleg side through quite a bit since I worked with him, met him a few times, and even worked on the original series. Out of all of it, I got to say, that this is quite simply the biggest botched release of a product I have ever seen this side of Duke Nukem 4 Ever!!! And its still not out!

First, its delayed for about 3-4 YEARS while Oleg makes sure every rivet is in its proper place on the underside of a British Lory, and that every panzer, AA, and delivery truck has a historically accurate license plate. Honestly, IL2, CloD has been in development for OVER 8 YEARS!!! How do I know this? Cuz Oleg told me about it after the release of IL2 FB! 8 years! This better be one hell of an amazing game for 8 years of development!!!!!! So far from what I have seen, I dont see 8 years. We will see.

So the long LONG awaited launch is rapidly approaching, and Ubi starts playing the DRM shuffle. First, its Ubi's DRM, then its no DRM, then its Steam DRM, then its no DRM, then back to Steam? WTF? I like Steam, so I dont mind that, but this 2 stepping is getting insane. If it was Ubi's "Online or dont play" DRM I would of skipped IL2 totally. Wont deal wit that one bit.

Then, we get the DVD/CE blues. DVD in the States? Collectors Edition? Where? Who has it? Who is selling it? PPL on Amazon getting refunded, game stores dont know whats going on, NOBODY knows whats going on. Its a pure a total MESS!!!

Then the release dates get juggled. 25? 31? 16? Im so friggen confused on when and where it will be launched, my head is spinning. I think late April I will check my Steam and see if its launched yet.

So the lucky people in Russia get there copy, congratz! Hoping to read good things, and all I read about is bad BAD FPS issues due to a "epilepsy filter". W...T...F... You MUST be joking right? People reporting sub-teens on monster gaming rigs?

Thats bad, but how things are being delt with is total FAIL on both Ubi and 1C. Lots and lots of people are very quick to blame Ubi here, but then Ilya comes out and says its all 1C! But a conflicting statement that says its Ubi's policy? WTF?

As I stated above, the product has been in development for 8 years. Ubi started forcing epileptic test's in 2008 after a lawsuit, and suddenly, Oleg had to half-*** a filter that cuts frame rate in half just before ship. Nice! Great job! If thats not enough, you cant disable this frame filter!!!! Why should I have to suffer because .5% of the worlds population has a .1% chance of being effected by MY video game?

Its sad, very very sad, that the only combat flight sim left, is this. I was really looking forward to supporting it fully, and maybe even do some 3rd party aircraft if Oleg released the SDK tools, but this failure is getting really hard to support, and not all the blame rest's on Ubi's shoulders. Oleg should of had fair warning about the epileptic filter, and if not, at least give is a friggen switch!!! Dont pushing your customers like this!

I am not cancelling my order but I dont think I will install for some time yet :icon_cry:


Thanks for link he has it now.

So as I read that, if you fool the system you get it for like 14 bucks?

Man the exchange rate to just down load it legally is terrible LOL


I would be very wary of using a russian version. I have done a bit of digging and found this


FAQ on the game, installing and configuring STEAM

Is there an option to buy a version of 1C in the West? Would it be possible to ask a friend to buy the CD in Russia and inform key, and I will introduce it in his client Steam?


In Steam implemented a regional system of protection because in different regions of the boxed edition of Steam-games vary in price. Therefore, Games, purchased in Russia (boxed version) will not work outside the CIS. . To determine the location of the player's Steam verifies the IP-address from its database of IP compliance and countries. Attempts to circumvent this protection through proxies can lead to blocking your account.


Doh - you wimps. I have just ordered my copy. I would rather show a bit of faith in Olegs work and buy it even though it dose seem a bit of a lash up at moment. I feel sure it will be sorted out in the end. There is a new video on the Bananas of a Hurrican starting up, going for a spin and landing and it dont look too bad at all. It does falter a couple of times but no worse than IL2 has always done for me on the computers I have had to run it on. Anyway, having paid all I could afford on my upgrade I find IL2 running like a new game so if Clod is a bit of a disapointment I still feel like a kiddie at Christmas especially with new updates due.


Well, I'd advise against going all spastic over a few premature ejaculations assumptions. I'm running the russian version right now and It's no where near as bad as the naysayers would have you believe. Besides the whole Anti-Epilepsy thing is a complete and utter non-issue as I knew it would be. The problem is already solved and the solution will be in the first patch, along with many other teething troubles.

To be honest I'm surprised that all the forum mania has infected even the chaps around here that I know to be rather steady sorts. Oleg and co have never done anything but prove over and over that they're worthy of our trust. I will put my money where my mouth is and support COD.

  • 2. Administrators

+1 BA - you realise that's twice in one year we've agreed on something!

I think we're seeing here a situation where there is so much negative press (usually from people 'out of the loop') and considerable anticipation, people are just getting a bit tense. I honestly don't feel that the game is any slower than '46 on my rig, and the quantity of additional detail is staggering. Just sitting in the Tiger Moth yesterday with vehicles moving about the airfield, deckchairs on the grass beside the dispersal hut, shouting 'Contact!' and pressing the i key - just brilliant.

Well done Oleg.


  • 2. Administrators

if you've got around a GTX280 card or less, forget playing at any decent res, thats for sure.

I'm sure its going to be the best flight sim out there for years to come, but my first impressions are, that its in dire need of the patch coming out in a few days, to make it truly playable.

I'm having to play on 1280x800 with a gtx280, i7940@3.5Ghz to get acceptable frame rates, and thats really only over the sea.


I think a gtx460 is in order for me....

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