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  • 1. DDz Quorum

I ask the question because it occurred to me that time and effort is still being put into IL2, with Mods and SEOW campaigns etc.

If Cliffs of Dover turns out to be anything like what I have so far seen, by way of screen shots and videos, I can see IL2 being left to gather dust mostly.

Sure we have a much greater selection of aircraft, and missions etc. but won't CoD draw us in and totally occupy us for the foreseeable future?

Would love to know more detail on the online aspect, such as DF hosting and campaign/co-op hosting too.

Is it likely to be more *nix friendly thus enabling easier permanent DF servers?


Hi Rog, I have been thinking about how to improve the Dogz and I think that if we had a training/coaching night or preferably Saturday/Sunday afternoon (Dogz time) it would encourage those who are a bit reluctant to fly with us. With CoD about to appear then I think that it would help anyone who has problems with the new flight models and allows those who can fly well to watch and coach. What do the other Dogz think?


I ask the question because it occurred to me that time and effort is still being put into IL2, with Mods and SEOW campaigns etc.

If Cliffs of Dover turns out to be anything like what I have so far seen, by way of screen shots and videos, I can see IL2 being left to gather dust mostly.

Sure we have a much greater selection of aircraft, and missions etc. but won't CoD draw us in and totally occupy us for the foreseeable future?

Would love to know more detail on the online aspect, such as DF hosting and campaign/co-op hosting too.

Is it likely to be more *nix friendly thus enabling easier permanent DF servers?

Not everyone will have a machine capable of running CLOD at an acceptable level so 1946 will still be the mainstay of the dogz for quite some time. Besides, we know nothing of CLOD until we actually get it in our hands and while I'm sure it will be top notch it may have its own quirks in the beginning.

The lack of theaters can't be underestimated. BOB missions are great but they can get stale after just playing them over and over. With the lack of American aircraft, Pacific theater or carrier ops there will be many things CLOD just won't be able to satisfy for quite some time if ever. Hopefully we get a PF on the new engine but we can only wait and see.

I'm sure in the early days people will be playing CLOD exclusively for a few weeks but after the initial impact fades things will settle out evenly I feel.

  • 1. DDz Quorum

Me thinks it'll be rather frustrating in the beginning in the end ...

My guess is the main plus of Clod over IL2 will be the in cockpit lighting...

One will get used to that quite fast. And one will really miss that when falling back to the old IL2, once one wants to fly 'other aircraft' than the ones in Clod.

You will think 'yuck... ugly dark flat stinkin' cockpit in here... yuck' ....

I can't imagine flying Clod only, and missing out on the good old IL2 Sturmovik.

For me personally, there's a small comforting item in Clod: there's a flyable 110 B)

We should get as many smart mission builders together as fast as possible, and have them create a whole bunch of exiting missions, dogfight and coop.... mind you, surely not limited to the happenings in the Bob alone....

A set of training missions, preparing the dogz as a squad, to make it ready for operations.... that'd be cool... that in addition to Crash's great idea...

:iagree: I stay cool until everything is sorted. Me personally don´t care to much about shadow effects and other flashy details. For me it is the feeling of flying that matters. I think the UP thingy is close enough, but you folks that have runned this game for decades may have another opinion. But what do I know, I´m just a knoob compared to you experienced fellow mates :gym:

I am sure my machine will not run COD well so I will not be spending any time with that sim in the near future. It will be IL2 for some time to come and I am hoping that people will stick with it as well.

Training nites may not be a bad idea. I fly against the AI and that is hard enough. Going thru pilot career at moment, don't always come back with a kill, and I mean planes get away from me that I am sure you guys would leave in the dust. That plus I don't have Track IR, and my situational awareness is not comparable to somebody that has it. Still working on keeping my eye on plane and I still fly with the text above the plane to help my identify and see it. Landings are about 50/50 but its getting better. My ground attack time is paying off but still no expert. Have most of the realism settings on but not all yet. Anyways, I have a way to go yet before I am at least somewhat proficient in this sim.


:iagree: I stay cool until everything is sorted. Me personally don´t care to much about shadow effects and other flashy details. For me it is the feeling of flying that matters. I think the UP thingy is close enough, but you folks that have runned this game for decades may have another opinion. But what do I know, I´m just a knoob compared to you experienced fellow mates :gym:

I would have to say the same, the detail in IL2 is good enough for me and I don't run anything fancier that 4.101, its the flying that counts, interesting but not impossible missions & faily good flight models.

  • 2. Administrators

I'm with you Swep, although I'm in the process of gradually upgrading my rig to enable me to get as much out of CloD as possible, we'll need to continue with Il-2 for the forseeable as well as starting to bring the new game on-line. Bear in mind that at the point of release there will be no co-op missions other than what's built in which may well be limited.



I'm thinking roughly the same, that there will be a lot of infatuation at first, (though I am expecting a much bigger difference between IL2 and CloD than I feel some of you are [iNFIDELS!]) but that we'll miss the planeset/ map/ mission variety of good ole IL2 and wander back regularly. (I also have high hopes for the next UP)

  • 1. DDz Quorum

There are many of us I think with rigs that will need all the fancy stuff turned down to enjoy CLOD.

The comments about same theatre all the time are very valid compared to the vast array we have at the moment.

I would like to keep a mix between the 2.

As we go through this "revolution", one thing I think we should be updating is the text on our website home page (Roger has enough to do so its down to us Dogz). Its looking a bit dated now.

I have sat down a couple of times to put pen to paper without coming up with much. Is there any Dog that would like to take on the challenge, if not I will have to make myself sit down and come up with something.


  • 2. Administrators

Happy to work with you on this Colin, two heads may be better than one!



I'm with all thats been said in previous posts. Looking forward to Clod and think it should look miles better than IL2 with dynamic shadows, much more realistic cockpit frames, lighting and instruments etc. etc. etc. But it does only cover a few months in a small theatre over the channel with a limited plane set. So maybe it will begin to get a little stale after a bit before the next updates appear. Also my computer has a snowballs chance in hell of running it, hell, it can only just manage IL2. I'm lucky to get over 40fps at 20,000 feet over the sea with no other planes anywhere near. It normally chugs along at half that. But I am in the process of finalising an upgrade and hope to order the bits over the next couple of days. Although I have a fairly restricted budget as far as gaming systems go it should run Clod reasonably well. It will eat IL2 though and it would be nice to be able to carry on playing it for a while without sometimes wondering if it's made of treacle. So my vote would be to swing both ways for a while.

  • 2. Administrators

I still think i'll be playing il2 quite a bit, but if the flight models and damage models in CLOD are as a significant step forward as what is being reported, its going to be hard coming back to il2, cause thats what its all about at core level.

that to me is more important than the eye candy, that's just a handy tremendous bonus.

  • 1. DDz Quorum

cLod..oh well.. 'bout time I got with the times it seems!

Glad to see IL2 has some mileage yet :)


cLod..oh well.. 'bout time I got with the times it seems!

Glad to see IL2 has some mileage yet :)

Hope so. Mind you at present I do not fly online so it makes little matter to me at that level, I still will get enjoyment from the sim and I am sure there will be people flying it online for some time to come as all can not afford the hardware upgrade.


I'll be flying what ever is being hosted while on coms.

I've always been inclined to dumb down the settings, or the game to include all who are on coms.

If I want it harder I just toggle the stuff off manually on my end.

I'd fly ROF more often if it was being hosted while I'm on coms,

But as of right now, I can't host it wort a crap with a dual core.

And being a 99% online flyer myself. It leaves me pretty much no choice.

I fly with humans or a don't fly at all. Short when testing or building missions.

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