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Have we uploaded a newer beta server version of Teamspeak 3? This programme has given me so much trouble over the last few months it makes me wonder if we as a squad should consider a dedicated voice programme. Recently every programme that I needed a mic or headphones for worked perfectly except teamspeak. Even more frustrating is that I can use teamspeak for every group except Danger dogs? This morning I logged on and saw there was an upgrade so upgraded. Now if I use the old version I get my mic and headphones working but cannot join Dangerdogs as it now uses a newer version. If I upgrade I can join the server but get no mic??? I have a usb headset and a jackplug headset combo...both give me the same messages and throughout all this I can use them both perfectly on msn, skype etc... I will continue to work on it today...anyone else got the same problem? Of course I have checked all the settings necessary and its not muted, yes its my default etc.... IT WORKS PERFECTLY WITH EVERYTHING EXCEPT DANGERDOGS SERVER, frustrating right LOL :icon_cry:

  • 1. DDz Quorum

Well it is a dedicated TS, run by DarkStarr LLC for us.

We have no say in the upgrade cycle and have to accept each and every upgrade foisted upon us.

Does anyone else have these issues, or experienced similar?


No problems for me. TS always seems to run well.

unfortunately TS has crashed quite a few times (for no apparent reason) and when this happens it will not immediately reconnect as there are "too many clones" :starwars:


I have noticed lots of peolpe being kicked lately. To date I have spent 6 hours trying to correct this without luck. I have uninstalled both teamspeak and the drivers for my 2 headsets. I have tried every combination of re install. I get the same result every time. I can get my headsets to work 100% with any application but TS3. I can hear perfectly on TS3 but cannot get the mic to work. Before today I could get it to work on TS3 on everybody elses server except DD now they are all the same after I installed this latest update today. Maybe its my computor although as it works with everything else...I dont think so. Wits end.

  • 1. DDz Quorum

TS3 is Beta software..

Whilst what I said above is true, I did forget one thing..

The TS3 Server may not necessarily be updated, so when you get a message that there is an update for the client available this may not be compatible with the server.

Rule of thumb is only update the client when attempts to connect to the server fail because of incompatibility.


No problems for me normally. But I agree that we don't need all of these updates. It seems to work just fine for what we need, and then we get 5 unnecessary fixes for something that was not broken. Then Tint stops working sometimes.

I understand TS wanting to continue developement, but they are using their customers as beta testers, like it or not. I would be interested in why, if DarkStarr has a choice, do they update their software so often? Maybe some users want it?

  • 1. DDz Quorum

Similar to Jim, no issues at all with TS3 since we started to use it. I've done multiple updates and it has always worked with all Dogz, from my side anyway, whether they are on the same version or not.

I run a USB headset for TS alone with the game sound coming from the surround sound speakers.


So after all that I was on TS3 with fastdad, knowing he could not hear me I hit transmit and.......he can hear me. The way I test my conection is to go to settings and test the mic. Before this update I could see the power line move when I talked and hear my voice. Now...nothing but apparently I can transmit. Matbe the next update will put it all back. LOL.


S! All

TS3 crashes for me anytime I click on "options" or when I try to test the mic (in team speak) If I leave the options alone, I can hear but cant transmit. I checked my mic with the "test hardware" (through the control panel / sound and audio devices/ test hardware) and the mic is working.

Like to join you all for some Saturday co-ops again

Regards to all!



Hello, AP m8. Will see you tonight. Perhaps we can get you on t/s2 and talk you through the t/s3 problems you're having?

Hi Arthur

I don't think I have a copy of TS2 anymore. Is there somewhere I could recover a copy? Do you guys still use TS2?

I can get TS3 to run and I can hear (as long as I don't try to use "option" or test the mic in TS3) but for some reason TS3 doesn't recognize my mic. I tested it with "test hardware" in control panel sound and audio devices and it is working.

The strange thing is that it did work a week or so ago.



Hmmm......would suggest things you've probably already done. Like checking whether T/S 3 is recognizing your mike, but I think thats in the 'options' panel and if it's crashing when you go into that....... :icon_cry: Or re-loading T/S to latest Beta (they seem to upgrade it every week!) and make sure you're not using any linked T/S display application like Tint--that thing crashes T/S for me and I gave up using it.


Hmmm......would suggest things you've probably already done. Like checking whether T/S 3 is recognizing your mike, but I think thats in the 'options' panel and if it's crashing when you go into that....... :icon_cry: Or re-loading T/S to latest Beta (they seem to upgrade it every week!) and make sure you're not using any linked T/S display application like Tint--that thing crashes T/S for me and I gave up using it.

Hi Arthur

Got it running. I think I have to go shopping with the wife, but will try and connect with the ubizoo coops later today if possible. Is the IP still bg.servegame.org:8767 pass word ubizoo



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