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Yeah, JO combined with squad sessions takes up atleast 4 nights every week, nowadays it's 5+ since I'm in the middle of APS and stuff(homework). I feel that maybe I'm spending way too much time on this, it is a game after all, so I wondered how many hours each week you guys spend on IL-2?

I'm way up there, probably around 32hours a week now that there's homework from JO..... Maybe a break from it all would be a good idea.



I normally get Saturday night and maybe a few hours in the week if I'm lucky, I have a wife and kids so I doubt I would get away more than 6 hours a week :'(

I did used to spend more time playing but since work got a bit more complicated (bloody new recycling regs are the bane of my life at the moment) and the wife needs........(never mind that one eh >:D )


Yea, you can just burn out. Good to mix it up with real life especially now that spring is springing...

I'd say I spend about 7hrs a week.


At times like you JO can overwhelm your time, it's best to JO only, during the peak times of it.

Years ago, when I first got hooked into this, it was every waken moment outside of work.

Nearly got stupid over it, just ask the wife. Much more, and I think she might of been my Ex by now.

Now I fly Tue, and occasionally Thurs afternoons, while she is at work.

And only after she is asleep or entertaining herself with the Phone and family, do I squeeze some more time in.

So maybe 6 to 8 hours a week, I have no more JO classes to do, well there is some bomber courses now, I can take.

But other than those, they'll have to make new and more, do get me heavily involved again.


Warbirds of Prey stats says that I've logged about 17.5 hours in March so far, so just a bit more than one hour per night. I tend to fly after everyone's gone to bed. I'm more of a night owl than my wife. That's not including Saturday afternoons or Sunday afternoons with the Dogz.

I don't do any JO stuff because of the time required, and the timings suck for my time zone. I can't fly until after 2200 MT.

  • 1. DDz Quorum

The fact that the Dogz fly in the evening in the UK makes it possible for me as I would find it difficult to justify the time in the day. I will always try to get on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sunday - Sunday is set in stone, the others when work allows. I like the 'Zoo' evenings on Saturday but social stuff usual blocks that. I could fly every night if I wanted but, this is a hobby and is only one aspect of my life.

Generally works out at about 12 - 15 hours per week if I sneak some offline stuff on off duty days too.


Well, this is my first six months of playing this game though, still a noobasaur, and I guess everyone who flies alot has this dilemma every once in a while.

Yep, it's probably best if I cool down for a while and stick to JO only. It takes alot of time and the learning curve is quite steep. Working on my bike license as well, plus that I have been getting signals from family and friends that maybe it would be wise to prioritize differently. As you're saying, Sid, shouldn't have one aspect overshadowing others like it does now. Can't just sit there every night jerking that stick around anymore, I reckon. :laughing7:


Wow! 32 hours a week! That is... dedication Kimosabi. I've never done any JO, so I don't know what it's like. But it seems to me, that it pushes the boundary of what I would call a game, and more like proper, full-time, studying. I can understand your viewpoint though, since it'll help you get up to speed after only playing this game for 6 months.

I manage about 2 hours... per quarter now. ;)

Although I do suffer from IL-2 burn-out right now, my interest can be peaked when things like the recent inter-squad matches pop up.

Right now, I'm really enjoying skewering Predators and Colonial Marines with my 3 metre tail.



Anyone else got this great new game and fancy our own multiplayer scraps?

Hijack/Other game plug, over.


I've got the opposite problem. Between my job and my time zone I don't get to fly as often as I would like.

So count your blessings.


I just wanted to point out Kimosabi, that this may not be the best place to inquire what a normal anything would do, let alone normal pilot. There just ain't a whole lot of normal going on here.


funny Trib...your avatar is more how I really pictured you.

I looked long and hard without success for a Dog avatar that was WWII aviation related. But I couldn't find anything I really liked.

I've been a Ground Pounder all my life, so when I found this one with dog and boonie hat I knew it was meant for me. :arab:


I average around 2 hrs a session and fly most nights Im not working

I wait until kids are in bed so its late night mostly 9pm- 11ish

Ill also spend around an hour on various forums a day so that adds up.

It is addictive but Iv cut down a bit on what I used to do.


I just wanted to point out Kimosabi, that this may not be the best place to inquire what a normal anything would do, let alone normal pilot. There just ain't a whole lot of normal going on here.

Good point Sir. :laughing7:

  • 1. DDz Quorum

~S~ Chaps,

An ideal week would be to fly Tuesday, Thursday, DDz and Saturday UBI for 2 to 3 hours each.

Having a wife, two sons and one "hire a friend" can and does bugger that up frequently ! LOL

On top of that add a two days, two nights work shift system and it gets complicated.

On top of that, add six BFS courses to teach at 7 x 3 hours each in a year.

On top of THAT add many hours producing instructional graphics for JO's Vyiew classroom facility.

Also add attending every flying course that JO have come up with over the last 4 years, (just doing ABS3 now)........ so maybe, on average enough hours :icon_shaking2::blink:B)

~S~ Timeless.


Never mind Mr P when you retire you will have a bit of spare time :) I MIGHT be allowed to take early retirement and if I do I will do the JO thing WOOOT!

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