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T. Flight Hotas X, TS & FreetrackIR problem

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Got myself Thrustmasters T. Flight HOTAS X controller.

I know that you guys fly with fancy stuff, but that's what I could afford (45 EUR) if we put Bank robbery solution on side ;).

  • 2. Administrators

Not sure about the second problem m8, but I reckon you can solve the first one by using autohotkey, a free utility for creating macros which can then be assigned to a button on your controller. Website is here.

I used it when I was trying cachya, and found it pretty straight-forward.

~S~ Jabo


Gents, you are trying to help informatical illiterate person.

Now that's a challenge isn't it ;).

But, I can manually set FT to run on any fps.

Usually, that's between 19 - 25 fps/s, and I adjust it every time when FT is switch on.

Jabo, I more then appreciate your effort, and went on Website with autohotkeys but brother, for me all that stuff could be written in Hungarian :(.

Didn't understand a single piece of it.

AP1, I'll found specs for my cam, review that link you gave me, and than send you PM.

THX for patience m8s.


i'l help u with that m8. just be patient till i come home from work.


RGR that bro.

Im concerned doe.

If anything happens to you, who'll lead me through all that hardware - software stuff of yours?

So I already spoke to close protection detachment Commander.

He says bunch free of charge whores and 5 liters of Slivovitcha per day can make the job done.

Greedy bastard.

Anyway, I'll cover that.


According to this if I'm reading it right, you should have a program included with the Stick to make a profiler, and designate a button for TS or anything else you want.


But when I go to Thrustmaster's support sight I am not able to locate that stick?:huh:


Otherwise I'd read the manual


If all else fails you can use Joy2Key (works for me) to do the teamspeak thing :) PS its in the vault.


RGR that bro.

Im concerned doe.

If anything happens to you, who'll lead me through all that hardware - software stuff of yours?

So I already spoke to close protection detachment Commander.

He says bunch free of charge whores and 5 liters of Slivovitcha per day can make the job done.

Greedy bastard.

Anyway, I'll cover that.


Oooooo that story is familiar.

Came home last night in such condition that I'm still not sure did I lie down in my bed or on my dog :drunken_smilie:.


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