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~S~ and Welcome Fumps!

Fresh meat, err I mean, a complete novice eh! We've not had one of those for quite some time by my reckoning. Any questions, just ask away. We have loads of experts on many topics, natural and unnatural.

Hope to see you in the air soon.

  • 1. DDz Quorum

Welcome my Web Weary Wonderer, for is that not what WWW stands for these days.

By signing up here t the Dogz you have agreed to set you life's path on a rollercoaster ride. There will be highs (first on line kill was one for me, the others include nights with Brenda down at the Downed Pilot, but you will learn more about her as you progress) and there WILL be lows (getting shot down for umptenth time by some of our dead-eyed pilots). But overall you will have fun. There is no such thing as a stupid question, so dont be afraid to ask, you will be discovering things that we all take for granted.

My role within the Dogz is Chaplin, but definatly of no fixed denomination. Should you need a friendly ear, I am always avaialble. Cash will ensure confidentiality.

Cheers and welcome



Ha ha cheers for the welcome.

I have a laid back approach to learning stuff. I just see skills as stuff ya know & stuff you don't.

I have a had some top comedy moments when i have not remembered to change my flaps when just getting off the ground, flipping upside down and putting war paint on the run way.

Nah I'm really enjoying it. I stopped playing all games at one point as i just got fed up with buying games for various platforms & finishing them within a month.

This will make me struggle & thats how it should be in my book.

So yeah let me get up & running & i will probably be an easy target for a while for you guys lol.

By the way that young lady makes me want to take up archery


You will love this game...

I've been flying IL2 for 5 years and I still get that sick feeling before a formation take off.

No matter how good you set the sim will still test you

I hope to back online soon so will be seeing you online


Yeah I'm buzzing like mad over this game it's really got me.

I Flew a short (Single) mission the other night & got my first couple of kills.....i did three laps of the room......lol

Then crash landed ....but the difference is i stayed with the the right way up & i knew for once what I'd done wrong.......Forgot to lower the landing gear . but it one step closer lol

It's all good though


Hi and welcome.

for a lot of info on the game to help you progress then I suggest having a look here


http://mission4today.com/index.php?name ... Base&cat=8

the version you have is very old, but good to start with, if you want to get up to date you will need to find the 1946 dvd


http://www.play.com/Games/PC/4-/3251021 ... oduct.html

there are many more planes,campaigns and updated flight models

it is more demanding on your pc so I would check your machines specs out before buying

good luck


As delta7 has said, you should try finding the il2 1946 DVD. We have another new applicant to the Dogz from Sweden and he was able to find a used copy in his local store for the equivalent of $8.00.

I''ll be in touch with you by email shortly.


BTW love your call sign.


~S~ and Welcome Fumps.

You'll fit right in here, all tastes catered for from the eminently sensible, through insane and on to downright bizarre.


Sorry 'bout that ol' boy...you'll have your chance soon enough...It was pure luck...I thought you were just being kind to the new guy...

wingnut<----------Lucky just to get his crate in the air


~S~ Fumps!

Welcome to the greatest squad around.

Once you pick-up 1946 you'll be able to get all the help you need from this friendly bunch to get it patched-up, get hooked-up with Teamspeak ext. Then you'll get online with us & experience what this sim is really all about.

Think your exited about finally getting a kill vs. an AI plane. Just wait til you get your first against a live pilot. Especially when it's someone who seems to destroy you without even breaking a sweat time after time after time. :knight::boxer:

Hope to fly with you soon.


~Salute~ Fumps mate.

Welcome to the best darned squadron in the whole IL2 community. I have been flying this game for about one year now. I was a first person shooter nut. I played UT 2004, Battlefield 2 / BF 2142, Doom 3, and most of the other all out frag fest shooters.

I got into IL2 out of being frustrated by them darn jet jockies in BF2 dropping their stinking bombs on my tanks and APC's all the time so I got me a CH Combat stick and was going to learn to fly a jet. Well, the game came with the original copy of IL2 and of course I loaded it and flew it for awhile and I got hooked. I never did go back to BF2 and learn to fly them jets.

Like it has been suggested you really need to upgrade to the IL2 1946 version. You can get a new copy for $20.00 dollars on amazon.com plus shipping that is. Shipping is free on orders over $25.00 of amazon stuff.

Ah yes, the learning cuuuuuuuuuuuurve. Like you mentioned before, I got tired also of playing a game for a couple weeks and finishing it and wondering, what now? This game will probably never get boring because you will always be progressing and learning new things. Plus every sorty is unique to itself. I don't recall any two sorties comparing to one another.

Well, enough blah, blah, blah. It's nice to have you here and we have pilots from all skill levels and many that can help you out with any questions or problems you may encounter. Just give a shout on the forum and some one will get back to you relatively quickly. Keep at it man and try to keep the war paint on the plane. ;)

DD_Logos :icon_salut:

  • 1. DDz Quorum


One thing I forgot to mention. We like to know where in the world all our members come from, so could I ask you click on the link below and follow the thread to our Members Map page, and put a pin in. You might find it interesting to see where we are all based as well.





How do again good people!!!

Actually just re-read this thread & i have to apologise for not properly introducing myself.

My propper name is Gav (Gavin but no one ever calls me that, it's Gav or Fump)

I live in the North of the UK (Leeds), I'm 32 & growing old disgracefully.

Main interests are:

Music(I play acoustic Guitar, Bass, didjeridoo & bongo's)

Mountain biking (Cross country & no i don't do spandex....thats a crime punishable by death in my book)

Drinking falling down & sometimes getting back up again

Also i am going to apologise in advance, i have a really random silly sense of humour that is quiet legendary within my circle of friends & i laugh a lot.

I am a really laid back character & rarely take things personally or seriously.

Erm thats enough boring stuff about me now I'll just shut up lol


drinks and has random bouts of silliness?

boy, did you ever come to the right squad!

Now just get the proper version of the game and get on line with us...you won't regret it (often)


Welcome aboard the best ride of your life with the best squad of fellas around! :D:)

Ergh! Leeds.. Say it aint so?!


~S~ Frumps and a big welcome. As you have already seen, this is a very diverse group of people, very friendly and willing to help out a novice. Remember that drinking and flying don't mix in the real world. Thank God that its encouraged here!!

P.S. have BG send you the welcoming bottle of Scotch.


  • 1. DDz Quorum

~S~ Frumps sir,

Welcome to the Dogz, your "CV" sounds ideal for the squad however I feel it only fair to warn you that we like to have several sensible "silliness free" hours of flying every time hell freezes over !! LOL ;)

I am the training officer and as such run ,(on request) sessions during the day,(GMT) for anyone who asks for a bit of help.

I also instruct at the "Joint-Ops Virtual Combat School" which runs a whole program of courses taking you through BFS(Basic Flight School), through to AFS2,(Advanced Fighter School 2).

If that sounds like it might be of interest to you let me know, if not, no problem.

~S~ Painless

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