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Amazing who will you flush out when you admit to using a mod/hack. He, he.

Yeah, after hearing that you'd pretty much made-up your mind to try it, I figured it would be ok if I did too.

Like I said before, I've only had it a couple of days & last night was the first I'd tried it. :)


I just noticed this thread. Ive been playing aroud with the mod/hack for about 3 weeks now and overall I like it.

I had the problem of the game freezing at 5% but if you change sound settings to 44MHz thenn the problem disappears, or did for me at least.

The sounds are the best thing in my view and I hd never particularly had a problem with the default ones. Now I do.

The HS129, the Hawk, the Storch and teh Avenger are allplanes I was looking forward to flying and I'm quite happy with them. The heavy bombers are cool to play with but Ifind their FM to be too easy. I couldn't stall a B29 when I tried it and have been able to loop all the heavy bombers. I don't know if that's realistic but I suspect it's not. Note, this is not due to the makers changing the FMs but rather due to the simple AI FM that came with them. That is also the reason why the Avengers are such dogs to fly.

Guys have also done good things with the maps. In general if they modify a map they include it with a new name but if you want you can replace the default versions. What they have done is replace textures so that the older maps aren't just flat green deserts. In some cases they have raised/lowered terrain. This may cause problems with AI but I'm not sure. It would certainly alter DGen missions which were designed for the old flat maps. However, as I never play DGen it doesn't affect me.

Other things I think are cool:

Turning off/dimming lights on AI for night missions.

Improved, brighter reticles in some planes.

Lengthened the draw distance for smoke and fire (this one can impact frps though)

Some debatable ones are:

One guy has 'made' a CR32 from pieces of other planes,mainly the CR42 (it uses that FM and DM).

He is also working on a Typhoon, again, made from different pieces. For this one I'm not sure which FM is used.

The Modding site is quite divided over it. Personally I think they are good but worry that it'll lead to someone altering FMs for 'normal' planes.


Shiite. I think everyone should get it. Unlike BG that had issues, I have had no issues whatsoever. Not only the sound mod for the engines, but some fantastic cannon & machine gun sounds for the Spit, Hurri, 109, & 190. The smoke mod is great to. Train smoke actually looks more realistic. Wreckage smoke looks allot better than a short thick completely black column of smoke. Of course there are allot of mods I am not interested in. I have dl'd & installed what I was interested in, with the exception of some of the map changes.

All in all I have had a positive experience. The sound mod switcher even works just fine. Of course when I am flying online I use my regular copy of the sim. But if any of you are in the least bit curious about the mods, I say just check them out. Actually I felt I needed to in order to address threads\posts on the Ubi forum(s). I feel more comfortable knowing what I am talking about when the subject comes up.

The mods are here, and are here to stay I am afraid. I truly wish they weren't. But the mods I am speaking of are exactly that, they are not hacks that make changes to FM's or DM's.

I have not been an offliner for a couple years now. But these simple mods have breathed new life into the idea of starting an offline career and doing some offline flying.

I love the way the Spit & other ac sound when idling. You can actually here a bit of back firing from the exhaust. Pretty neat.

  • 1. DDz Quorum

OK you got my attention.

I'm downloading the mod now, sound only, having registered there today.

When I have it I will pop it in our vault, restricted to K9ers only, to save on having to register for it.


I went for it too. :rolleyes: The engine sounds are much more realistic but I'm having a little trouble adjusting to them after years of the old sounds. The guns are awesome!!! Also I noticed that outside sounds from inside the cockpit have much less volume. Got snuck up on by a 109 and just about hit the ceiling when his rounds riddled my fuselage.

  • 1. DDz Quorum

Wow. Now I know what the hullaboo is about.

Tried the Spit +25 and the Dora and I can only wonder why Oleg has not taken this up and made it official.

Surely he has tried it and found it as awesome as I have?


Bloody sound mod. Tried to host coops tonight and every 4th coop, the game would freeze and I would have to do a hard reboot.

I will have to delete the HACK version and my game tomorrow and reinstall the game.

Be warned.


Bloody sound mod. Tried to host coops tonight and every 4th coop, the game would freeze and I would have to do a hard reboot.

I will have to delete the HACK version and my game tomorrow and reinstall the game.

Be warned.

Wow, you guys are all ahead of me on this.

Why didn't just install another version of IL2 and make the mod version?

  • 1. DDz Quorum

Just copy your existing install to a new folder, then install the mod into that.

Yes it needs to be patched to 4.08M.


Can't remember but pretty sure 4.08 is needed. It's a good idea regardless as 4.08 has some good stuff in it. There's a self-executing install now available so it should be a snap to do.

  • 1. DDz Quorum

I can't get it to work. Just sits at 5% at the initial loading screen.

IL2Setup->Sound->change to 44 thingies...only works on that setting.


BINGO!!!! That worked, thanks B16Enk. :icon_thumright:

Had to run il2setup.exe and on the Sound Tab, Sampling Rate needed to be set 44100.


I had a quick test with it last night, whilst we were all headless chickens with BG having router problems.

My first impressions...

I liked the 109 sound. The high pitch whine from the fuel injector sounds great and the external sound is even better. I'm assuming it's that that's making the distinctive noise?

But I was under-whelmed with the sound of the Spitty. I flew a Mk.VIII so maybe I didn't get the right engined version?

So I'll enjoy trying out the rest of them.


I went for it too. :rolleyes: The engine sounds are much more realistic but I'm having a little trouble adjusting to them after years of the old sounds. The guns are awesome!!! Also I noticed that outside sounds from inside the cockpit have much less volume. Got snuck up on by a 109 and just about hit the ceiling when his rounds riddled my fuselage.

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