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Now that I am able to generate missions and host I am planning to run a campaign loosely based on fenrers s P-38 campaign and based on RAF 73 squadron

With numbers currently low , we would all fly RAF, however if I can drum up enough support and others express an interest then both sides will be flyable.

So will start with Battle of France, Battle of Britain, Reach out to France, Malta, and then fictionally the Desert Air Force.

I would like to know if there is any interest in this from outside, Crash, Professor, Mosquito and Petrol ,who I have discussed this with on comms, so I can estimate  numbers for missions.

I also intend to promote this on the main BoX forums to try to get others interested in flying with us.

This is in the very early stages so any suggestions or advise will be gratefully accepted.

  • Like 3
  • 1. DDz Quorum

What I really did like about the P38 campaign were the personas - you are someone, until you go POW or worse...

(It's a lot of work though, keeping the scores!)


Further research has made me think that it would be best to  change this to a 73 Squadron RAF Campaign

No 73 were one of a handful of Squadrons transferred to protect the BEF in France in 1939-1940.

Flying Hurricanes it fought actions intercepting reconnaissance aircraft, bombers and protecting the fairey battles in attacking convoys and bridges.

Its last action was covering the evacuations from St Nazzaire.


Historically it underwent conversion to night fighter operations but we will have some leeway here


Subsequently they were transferred to Cairo and flying P-40s and Hurricane Mk 2s they fought in the desert campaigns against the Africa korp (we will put a short stay in Malta into the mix)


Finally they converted to spitfires and covered the Italian and Balkan campaign.

I have ordered a book on the squadron history and will use this as reference but the missions will be an approximation and we will have to substitute some planes.


I would appreciate any thoughts or feedback on this


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

It would be good to get some of the Dogz who have dropped by the wayside involved in this.

  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all

I would like to kick off this campaign on Sunday 21st April at 21:00 UK time
It will be mods on with only the small icon mod initially required then later on the desertr war mod here
I plan to run one session but if very short then perhaps a second map will be ran on the night.
I have been in touch with wingwalkers and 352nd so hope we can get some additional numbers for this.
Could I please ask for all those interested to reply here so I have a rough idea of numbers involved.
  • delta7 changed the title to Heads-up New Battle of Stalingrad RAF 73 sqd campaign -

Gentlemen, Welcome to No 73 Squadron RAF.

Thank you for volunteering to support the Advance Air Strike Force. As of today, the 1st of May 1940, you will join the rest of the squadron near Reims as we prepare for the inevitable conflict against the enemy; who at this very moment are moving to forward positions near their borders

The good news is that we are expecting reinforcements from across the Pond. Several brave Americans have volunteered to join us, crossing into Canada to enlist and are on route as we speak. There may be others who will join from Canada and free Europe but we cannot count on these just now.

We will be flying in the best front line fighter the RAF can spare at the moment, the Hawker Hurricane. Our task will be to support our French colleagues in intercepting enemy aircraft and escorting the Fairey battles in their attack missions.

Intelligence is sketchy but informed us that we will likely be outnumbered, however I’m sure out superior teamwork and fighting spirit will overcome anything they throw at us.

Take a few days to familiarise yourself with the area around Reims and your aircraft. Further info will be on a need to know bases but the squadron leaders expect a high degree of readiness.




Start mission 21:00 Sunday 21st April.

Please be on TeamSpeak by 20:45 when a role call will be done and I will generate mission.

We will be flying Dogz co-op settings so MODS ON; plane on minimap, icons on, unrestricted loadouts.

MODS requires-

dogz small icons or small triangle mod from here



Later in campaign when we move to desert you will need desert mod here





This is meant to be a relaxed night with settings that we can all enjoy.


I would ask that during the battle of France that you restrict Hurricane loadout to .303 browning’s and not the cannons available, bombs at 250lbs if you wish to carry them.


I will be using il2mod1941 instead of battles you will be able to fly these if desired but I would ask the loadout to be 250lb bombs not rockets.

I will try to get RAF skins for these prior to event

  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks to Colin I now have a skin for the IL2 m42 as we will use this plane as substitute for fairey battles.

Place it into this folder c:\1c game studios\il2 sturmovik Battle of Stalingrad\data\graphics\\skin\il2m42

This will be flyable in campaign .you can select this skin under custom skins, you should select rear gunner and bombs



BBop_Boulton Paul Hack.dds


8th May 1940




Today we have had news from a reliable source that an attack is imminent. In all likelihood the enemy will attack on the 10th of May in two days’ time.

Friendly forces patrolling the border have noticed heightened activity on the German side and the sounds of trucks and armour moving into the area.

You may have noticed an increase in observation craft in the skies above.

You are now on high alert. One squadron will be maintained at standby at all times and all aircraft must be armed and ready for action.

While we hope it will not come to pass an invasion looks likely and we have faith in our men to carry out their duty to protect our allies.


Please be on dogz teamspeak by 20:45 UK time on Sunday so I will have numbers to generate mission. Start time 21:00 hrs

This will be run as a co-op with our standard settings. MODS on. Please use small icon mod.

This will be run on our events server so password is same as we used in matches vs 352nd

IF it goes quickly, and everyone wished to continue, I will generate a second mission for the night.

You will be able to fly hurricanes or il2m1942, please see post above for il2 skin.

If anyone has questions please get in touch .


  • Like 2

Small update - the 352nd have requested that we fly this as a dogfight, so that you can respawn if killed. 

I have limited experience generating DFS but we will give it a try. 

We will run this for 1 hour then I will take a note of scores.

I would like everyone to try to prioritise staying alive over enemy kills

I will review events after mission and see if we need to change anything 

  • Like 1

Scramble scramble 

The enemy is on the move and heading towards the frontier.

The battle squadron are getting ready, hurricane squadron will escort them as they attack enemy positions 

Good luck to all


I will take a roll call at 20 :45 and generate mission with enough slots for preferences, either hurricane or battle.

Take off is at 21:00. 

  • delta7 changed the title to RAF 73 sqd campaign - Announcements


We have given the enemy a bloody nose.

All targets were successfully completed with limited casualties.

Our victories today will ensure that the enemy wont get all their own way and give our ground troops some relieve.

News from other sectors is not so good , the enemy continue to push forward and our battle squadrons took losses.

We fly again soon


Next round is provisionally Sunday 5th May.

I will keep this thread for announcements and have started another for comments/feedback


  • Thanks 2
  • 2 weeks later...


14th May 1940

Dark days are upon us. The enemy is advancing on all fronts but the main thrust will be towards Brussels.

We must stop the reinforcements from arriving so have called on volunteers for the next mission, the destruction of vital bridges

Despite losses , to a man the battle squadrons have stepped forward and it will be our duty to escort them in this task


Start mission 21:00 Sunday 5th May

Please be on TeamSpeak by 20:45

We will be flying Dogz  settings so MODS ON; plane on minimap, icons on, unrestricted loadouts.

This is a dogfight and you will start parked next to runway. There are unlimited planes.

I would ask that during the battle of France that you restrict Hurricane loadout to .303 browning’s and not the cannons available, bombs at 250lbs if you wish to carry them.

I will be using il2mod1941 instead of battles you will be able to fly these if desired but I would ask the loadout to be 250lb bombs not rockets.


This mission is inspired by true events

On 12 May, a formation of five Battles of 12 Squadron attacked two road bridges over the Albert Canal; four of these aircraft were destroyed while the final aircraft crash-landing upon its return to its base.[31][32] Two Victoria Crosses were awarded posthumously for the action, to Flying Officer Donald Garland and air observer/navigator sergeant Thomas Gray of Battle serial P2204 coded PH-K, for pressing home the attack in spite of the heavy defensive fire.[33] The third crew member, rear gunner Leading Aircraftsman Lawrence Reynolds, did not share the award. Both fighters and flak had proved lethal for the Battles. Although Garland's Battle managed to destroy one span of the bridge, the German army quickly erected a pontoon bridge to replace it.[34]


  • Like 2

15th May 1940

Congratulations to all involved in yesterdays operations.

All bridges were successfully hit and damaged, slowing the enemy advance. However due to the heavy flak reinforcements we will not be able to return and complete the job.

Enemy engineers are repairing the damage and putting up pontoon replacements, as we speak, under cover of fighter protection and flak screens, and we cannot continue to suffer the losses our battle squadrons have incurred.

While most of our aircrew returned safely, due in no small part to the excellent co-odination of our aircrew,  other groups were not so successful and in particular 12 squadron suffered severe losses. 

Due to the increase in enemy air activity all squadrons will be on high alert with one section ready to scramble immediately it is required

Stand by for further orders.


  • Like 1
  • 2 weeks later...

Attention pilots


The enemy have repaired the damaged bridges and supplemented these with pontoons, they have secured their bridgeheads and reinforced them with aa making further attacks futile.

This has also freed up their fighter planes which we believe will be used to escort bombers.

Their bomber force has been observed moving to forward bases in preparation for strikes against us.

We believe that their main targets will be our forward air bases at Asch and Klein Brogel and communication hub of Maastrict.

With the prospect of air strikes and the advancing enemy ground troops we have made the decision to withdraw west.

The battles have already moved to safer bases in the west and we will use our remaining hurricanes to defend the air space to cover the evacuation of our ground personnel and the civilian population.

There will be standing patrols and every remaining airfield will be on high alert to scramble.

There will be a briefing update in 3 days time.



Next mission is scheduled for Sunday 19th at 21:00 GMT. A detailed breif will be posted on Sunday.

Please be on TeamSpeak by 20:45

We will be flying Dogz  settings so MODS ON; plane on minimap, icons on, unrestricted loadouts.

This is a dogfight and you will start parked next to runway. There are unlimited planes.

There is also an airstart base for this mission.

Pilots are only allowed to use this if they have been shot down or crashed following a take off from one of the ground start bases.

I would ask that during the battle of France that you restrict Hurricane loadout to .303 browning’s and not the cannons available, 


  • Thanks 2

Dawn 17th May 1940




The first wave of enemy bombers and their escort are in the air and heading for our positions


Our ground personnel are still evacuating so we must protect our air bases at Asch and Klein Brogel and our communications centre at Maastricht


A flight will fly from Einhoven and cover sector 1713 to 1719

B flight will fly from diest and cover sector 1813 to 1819

C flight will fly from St trod and cover sector 2013 to 2019


We are flying into the sun so bombers may be difficult to spot , so flights will stagger from 7000ft to 1000ft. Once spotted call in other flights for reinforcement.


There may be secondary waves so essential we protect our objectives




This is posted early as I am busy overnight.

Next mission is scheduled for Sunday 19th at 21:00 GMT.

Please be on TeamSpeak by 20:45

We will be flying Dogz  settings so MODS ON; plane on minimap, icons on, unrestricted loadouts.

This is a dogfight and you will start parked next to runway. There are unlimited planes.

There is also an airstart base for this mission.

Pilots are only allowed to use this if they have been shot down or crashed following a take off from one of the ground start bases.

I would ask that during the battle of France that you restrict Hurricane loadout to .303 browning’s and not the cannons available, 

  • 2 weeks later...
24th May 1940
The enemy advance has been swift and relentless, their tanks covering great distance at speed and sewing panic to troops and civilians alike. In the air they have targeted civilians  on the road and in cities.
The allies have retreated to the west . We have set up on old WW1 airfields to defend Paris.
The last major obstacle is the marne river.
They are building up forces to cross the last major obstacle before the French capital. Like in the great war we hope to hold this line, halt their advance then force a retreat.
The battles primary target will be a large enemy troop encampment with secondary supply lines to be hit Ground attack have to attack targets in 1307 1410 1508 1612
hurricanes are to provide cover. The enemy have standing air cover, patrolling at between 6000 and 10000 ft. The hurricanes are to intercept these and draw them away from the ground attack forces.
il2s will take off from bon maison and corbarieu
hurricanes from mt soisson Pierrefonds cravacan
this is a tight map but seems to work ok, airfields are rough but you can successfully take off with flaps and full power.
there will be some anomolies as I have had to use a WW1 map for this sector but hopefully wont impact on the mission

Next mission is scheduled for Sunday 2nd at 21:00 GMT.

Please be on TeamSpeak by 20:45

We will be flying Dogz  settings so MODS ON; plane on minimap, icons on, unrestricted loadouts.

.303 machine guns only for hurricanes 

max 250lb bombs , no rockets.

This is a dogfight and you will start parked next to runway. There are unlimited planes.

  • Like 2
  • 1. DDz Quorum

Nice work on the back story delta.

Just a quick question do you send Deacon this by email as he and his guys may not have visibility?

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