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  • 1. DDz Quorum

I thought that I would start athread for people to comment on last night (Thursday 26th) flying on Hyperlobby.

We flew on UK dedicated 3.

I for one had a great time. I quite liked the icon settings, name only for friendly, nothing for bad guys. The server was smooth, great atmosphre on ts, working as a proper squadron at times, having to shoot down our own at others (sorry sparrow :( ).

I nearly came away with a score of about 500 but for a misunderstanding on a taxi way, no names

  • 1. DDz Quorum

~S~ Frior M8, yup I reckon it was pretty much a big success.

I really enjoyed winging with you a couple of times even though I'm not sure you realised that was what we were doing !! LMAO ;)

As Delta said , when we went in as a group with good comms we did alot better .

The majority of the boyz were on the same side for the majority of the time and when anyone fancied a change it was no problem to swap because the side balance allowed it no problem !

It was also cool ,(for those of us who rarely visit Hyperlobby), to not rely on the "crutch" of long icons.

Men of the match .....Klinger and Rattler, (over 1000 points each) wahoo :)

What say you chaps....make it e regular feature of our week ??

~S~ Painless

PS. it was GREAT to see Quazi join us again




I enjoyed it a lot.

I was first up and joined UKDed2 with Painless when there was only 10 people on that server. Then the rest of the regular DDz started to trickle on to it, one by one. But by the time Frior & Klinger arrived on TS, the UKDed2 server was full up. So that was when we all left and joined the empty UKDed3 server.

I liked the full switch UKDed 3 server. As it forces you all to work together to stay alive. Thankfully we had Delta7 cracking the whip and 'informing' us all we needed to get into a formation.

The only slight grumble was the plane sets. That first one we all flew was German early 109s, 110s and Stukas against Russian bi-planes. So thankfully most of us flew Blue. But I left before the 2nd map loaded, what was that then?

Oh and the other little spanner in the work was the threat of getting kicked if you pick a plane that has suddenly become 'over-subscribed'. I flew a Tempest on UKDed2, got shot down, I hit re-fly and as I took off, I saw a warning in the chat-bar saying that I could not use this plane. As soon as my wheels left the ground, I got kicked off the server!


Rattler thankfully informed us to use the

Overall, it would be nice to do continue doing this weekly, as it'll save on someone having to host AND I don't have to wait around. I can just join in as soon as I fire up my PC.


p.s. I'm not a mentalist when I say this, so believe me when I say that I saw BG fly for the BLUE side!!! In a JU-88! He must of fell off his chair and banged his head half way through and switched sides whilst delirious.



+2 :occasion14:

I enjoyed it. I felt a sense of joy seeing all the DD tags. I second the idea of this becomming a regular thing.

How many HL Virgins did we have and what did they think?

  • 1. DDz Quorum

Lil Sparrow don't worry about bothering anyone, if you don't understand something, ask again..

I do, half the time you get Blimey answers that only they know what there talking about.

Just keep on wanking til you understand.

I couldn't get the # of planes to appear either, but on the above post it showed what I was doing wrong.

  • 1. DDz Quorum


dont fret so. there have many times when you have out flown me in dogfights and co-ops.

perhaps you experience is a lesson for us all to learn when we pile into something like this, and a good reason for having this debreif, if it looks like that we are going to have to split, then perhaps the more expirenced hyperlobby flyers could step forward and ask if anyone wants to swap sides inorder that the more unsure of us have someone they know to fly with and to guide them a little?



Ray m8. You are breath of fresh air. Incredibly polite and understanding. Exactly the opposite of most of the riff, raff who hang around here; including or especially me. Never, never be afraid to ask and if you don't understand the answer ask for clarification.

Good move to join Joint Ops. I would also recommend the Euro class if you can get in. Some of the classes run late if you are in the North American ones.

  • 1. DDz Quorum

people from London dont have accents, it is where english started after all, its the rest of the world that speak it funny.


Sounds like y'all had a great time, wish I could have been there.

Hopefully I'll be able to join-in on Sunday.


The only people to talk the Queens English is the Scottish.. now that takes some working out!!!

As for planes on the servers.


Great to read you guys had such fun....will be there next week, if there's no exam to be done day after, which I had yesterday(learning)/today(exam)....

  • 1. DDz Quorum

~S~ Chaps,

Crash, I understand your outrage M8 !!! LMAO ;)

Tonar sir, its like calling an American a Canadian or vice versa, but NOT as bad as calling a New Zealander an Australian !! LOL

Bbloke, excellent post,didn't Know half of that stuff !! Thanks.

Looks like a regular K9s adventure on HL is a go then , excellent ! :)

~S~ Painless


also felt we lost a little of the co-ordination of the co-ops, where we at least start off together. When we did get orginised we done really well and cleared a sector and covered each other well.

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