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Updated 18/05/2022 - FINAL BRIEFING


A Dogfight map series of missions featuring air and ground war to be played out by DangerDogz and 352nd.

It is hoped that this event will last over a number of sessions with the progress (or retreats) being carried forward from one session to the next, taking place on either a Saturday or Sunday (or perhaps even a mixture of the two to enable us to get as many people as possible involved from each group).

Each session will last a maximum of 2 hours (unless we can arrange a “mega day” where players can drop in and out over the course of a much longer session.)


Allied and Axis forces have started a campaign to take control of the Eastern side of the Arras region of France.

Axis forces will be moving down from the North around Lille. Allied forces will be moving up from the South around Peronne. Towns and villages will become points of conflict with Commanders making critical decisions to halt the enemy advance at all costs or engage to gain ground.


The winners will be decided by an accumulation of points scored by players and the territorial advances made over the course of the campaign.


Equipment – Allied


M4a2 (Sherman) *Allied skins should already be in your cache from the last event. Please request them if you do not have them.

T34-43 * Allied Skin Available for Players to Download.

T34-42 (free version) – No skins available.

KV1-s * Allied Skin Available for Players to Download.

SU152 * Allied Skin Available for Players to Download.

Sdfkz-10-5 (German Flack vehicle) * Allied Skin Must Be Downloaded by All Players.

All tanks will start from ALL spawn points with fixed 10% fuel. Upon first refuelling 100% fuel (achieved by visiting a supply convoy location or supply store) will be taken on board.

SU152 and Sdfkz-10-5 will start with 50%


The missions will use the Arras map which is intended to be a World War I map, and as such the airfields have had to be modified to accommodate WWII aircraft. Extreme caution must be exercised when taking off and landing due to the bumps you may encounter.



Typhoon 1b


U-2vs  – * Allied Skin Must Be Downloaded by All Players.

Planes will be limited to carry individual bombs of a maximum size of 500lb in whatever multiple configurations are allowed by the plane type.

All planes will start with fixed 60% fuel (except spotter which will have 100%).

Repair and refuelling will be available at each airfield. The RRR areas are designated by a green or blue flag.

Equipment – Axis


Panzer IV - * Skins should be available from the last event. Please request them if you do not have them.

Panzer III-L (free version) No skins available.

Panzer III-M - * Skins should be available from the last event. Please request them if you do not have them.

Panzer VI (Tiger) - * Skins should be available from the last event. Please request them if you do not have them.

Sdfkz-168 (Ferdinand)

Sdfkz-10-5 (German Flack vehicle)

All tanks will start from ALL spawn points with fixed 10% fuel. Upon first refuelling 100% fuel (achieved by visiting a supply convoy location or supply store) will be taken on board.

Sdfkz-168 and Sdfkz-10-5 will start with 50%


The missions will use the Arras map which is intended to be a World War I map, and as such the airfields have had to be modified to accommodate WWII aircraft. Extreme caution must be exercised when taking off and landing due to the bumps you may encounter.

BF019-G6 Late

BF109-G14 Late



U-2vs  - * Axis Skin Must be Downloaded by All Players

All planes will start with fixed 60% fuel (except spotter which will have 100%).

Repair and refuelling will be available at each airfield. The RRR areas are designated by a blue flag.

Planes will be limited to carry individual bombs of a maximum size of 250kg in whatever multiple configurations are allowed by the plane type.

Server Settings

Missions will be played with no external views enabled.

All players MUST use the icon mod that gives air to air triangles but NO ground objects. The honesty to comply with this request is being entrusted to the wish of both sides to have a fair battle.

Navigation icon on the map will be enabled.



 Capture Points

The map has multiple capture points located in the towns and villages across the map.

The point is indicated in the town or village by a simple war memorial style monument. Inside the monument is a flag. Once captured the flag will be raised either Green for Allied and Blue for German.

Players must get within 20m of the monument to trigger the capture.

The location of the capture points are designated by Yellow and White dots on the map.

Yellow dots indicate that when the point is captured you get a spawn point plus a supply convoy consisting of a lead defensive AAA truck, ambulance, maintenance truck, ammo truck and fuel truck which will make their way to the capture point from approximately 2km away. They will stop on the main road close to the capture point location.

These may then be used to repair, rearm and refuel.

The convoy will NOT automatically be removed should a capture point change hands.

Each capture point has the ability to receive three supply convoys (you capture a point-supply convoy arrives, loose it, take it back-supply convoy arrives, loose it, take it back-supply convoy arrives).

After this you will just get the spawn point at that location should you lose it and have to take it back for a fourth and subsequent times.

Fewer numbers of tanks are available at these spawn points compared to the white dot capture points due to the option to repair, rearm and refuel being available.

White Dots indicate a capture point that gives you a spawn point and a fuel truck. The fuel truck will be refreshed each time a capture point is re-taken and also at mission start for the side holding the point. If a point is lost the fuel truck will be removed and replaced by one for the capturing side.

There are a number of airfields, which when captured will just give a spawn point with spotter planes.

Spawn points when activated are located in the general location of the capture point but not always right by it. Fuel trucks will be located by the spawn point where applicable.

There is no limit to the number of times a capture point can be taken, lost and claimed back.

Tank availability numbers at all points will be re-set each time the point is lost and won back.

All capture points taken during a session will be retained at the end of the session and assigned for the start of the next session.

For capture points that would have triggered a supply convoy, the convoy will be generated when the mission begins as having parked up in and around the capture point location to represent that they arrived and then moved off the main road.



The 4 key Airfields (2 for Allies and 2 for Axis) can be attacked. They are protected by multiple flack units however.

Should you take out the 4 key facilities (2 x fuel deposits, large maintenance hangar and medical facility) the airfield will be disabled for 15 minutes.


All road bridges are legitimate targets. All rail bridges will start destroyed so cannot be crossed and are not repairable.

All road bridges can be destroyed by planes and tanks if required.

When a bridge is killed a yellow cross will appear over it on the map.

Bridges can be repaired by a player moving their vehicle into a zone located either side of the bridge as you approach it.

When the bridge is being repaired the cross will have a yellow square around it.

Repair time for road bridges is 15 minutes.

Rail bridges cannot be repaired

Players do not have to stay in the zone whilst the repair is underway.

All bridges either destroyed or under repair at the end of a session will be fully repaired for the start of the next session.


There are a few small factory complex dotted about the map. These, if attacked can earn points.

Supply Stores

Each side has two supply stores hidden in tactical locations. If located these can be attached to both score points and deny the enemy a re-supply point.


Tank Movement

At the end of a session players will be required to notify their position to their mission administrator.

You will then be allowed to spawn in from the closest owned capture point that is not in advance of your position at the start of the next session.

Players nearing but having not reached an already owned capture point will be allowed to re-start from that position. The definition of “nearing” will be judged on a case-by-case basis with screen shot evidence but will rely on player honesty.

An adjustment will be made to the tanks available at that spawn point to accommodate for the extra units starting from that location.

Commanders may be allowed to make “movements” (taking tank stock from one spawn point and allocating to another) between missions. This movement must be within a 10km radius.


My vision for this event is that it will hopefully bring a bit more tactical awareness into play with the missions not always being all kill and be killed.

I hope that you will all be able to take part in some capacity on the dates we run this event and that I have thought of some sort of element that will get you wanting to sign up.

I hope that I have thought of everything you either must or should know to get the maximum enjoyment out of this event, but if I think of anything else I will of course update this post.

 Event Date

The first running date for this event is SATURDAY 21ST MAY AT 9PM UK TIME (like the last event we did, 16:00 352nd common time zone)



  • Thanks 2
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