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352nd V DangerDogz "Battle For Arnhem" -  Final Briefing


When: Saturday 5th March. Mission Start: 21:00 UK time (-5 hours for USA Eastern Standard Time). The map will be put up at 21:00. It will not be held or restarted just because your TrackIR was not on. It is a dog fight map, go out and come back in. Players must be on comms in good time to get a brief of what is going on etc.

Mission Type: Dog Fight

Location: DangerDogz Dog Fight Tank Special Event Server. MODS ON

Mods Required: Icon mod to give air to air icons (a small coloured triangle) but no ground icons. (Known by the DangerDogz as "Dogz Icon Mod - Tank battles v2.00" , 352nd "AIR to AIR NO GROUND"). Other mods as personal choice.

Comms: Each side will use their own TeamSpeak servers. At the end of the event, the DangerDogz will join the 352nd server to say "Hi". Server details will be published in the DangerDogz private threads.

DD_Friar will sit in both Teamspeaks (on the 352nd server in his own room so that 352nd _Deacon can communicate)

Match Duration: 90 minutes.

Scenario: The town has 5 key points (flags). Capture a flag and gain a spawn point. Loose the flag, loose the spawn point.

Who Wins: The side holding the most flags / spawn points at the end of 90 minutes. For pilots, destruction of main supply convoys, artillery and rear supply depots gets bragging rights.

Equipment: Allies: P38, P51, Typhoon, M4a2 "Sherman", T34-42 Axis: BF109-G6, BF109-G14, BF-110, Panzer V1 "Tiger" (max of 2), Panzer IV, Panzer III

At The Start: Once the mission has been started, there will be a 5 minute pause for tanks to spawn in and sort themselves out. They should stay within the white circle. Planes may take off as soon as they spawn in and head for Arnhem. A message will display and a horn will sound for the tanks to start. The white circle will also be removed at this point.

THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW (to avoid you asking annoying questions on the night!)

Flags / Spawn Points: When you capture one of the 3 main positions (Railway Station, Main Bridge or Factories) a re supply convoy will be triggered to drive to the flag. If it arrives it will give you Repair, Rearm and Reheal. The convoy is made up of 4 vehicles. A lead (Allies: American halftrack, Axis: Armoured Scout vehicle), followed by a truck (for ammo and maintenance), an ambulance and a fuel tanker, each of the respective side. If you need them, just get within range when they are parked (you will see the six icons on your HUD). Turn off your engine and open a hatch. RRR is quite quick and will not take long. The icon will go white when you are within range.

Capturing a flag / spawn point: There will be NO MESSAGE telling you who has captured which flag. You must check the map to see who owns what. If you are capturing one of the 3 main points you will get a message informing your side only that the convoy is on its way.

The Re-Supply convoys will start on their own side of the lines, out side of the town, and make their way to the appropriate flag that has just been captured. They will park up as near as possible to the flag area. They are code named "Romeo" for the railway, "Mike" for the Main Bridge and "Foxtrot" for the factories. They will announce that they are setting off and if they are coming under attack.

When the convoys park up by a flag they may be within the "flag capture zone" so if you are attempting to take control of a flag and it does not change, there could be an enemy vehicle nearby that must be killed first.

Spawn Camping:  This could look like it is happening if someone is en route to the flag to capture it just as you spawn in. If you find yourself getting killed as soon as you spawn in, pick another point. If you find yourself as an attacker in this position, PLEASE DO NOT sit in this position. It is not clever and no fun for anyone. If you can take the flag, do so. Home spawn points (located to the north and south of the town) can not be captured so please as an attacker, do not waste your time and go there.

Planes: ATTACKING ENEMY AIR BASE IS FORBIDDEN. Please keep outside the yellow exclusion zone. Your primary job as pilots is to protect / assist your tanks. You can also attack the artillery, attack the main supply convoys and rear supply depots. You can RRR at your home airfields.

Plane Arming: Loadouts have been locked for both sides. Allies will not be able to take any bombs bigger than 500lb and the Axis anything bigger than 250kg. Multiple load outs are allowed.

Tank Spawn Points: The starting points have unlimited tank numbers (except for the Tiger which is limited to two only.) When a flag is captured you will get a limited number of tanks at that spawn point (Allies M4a2 x 5, T34 x 1, Axis: Panzer IV x 3, Panzer III-M x 2, Panzer III-L x 1). If a flag is lost and re-taken these numbers are re-set.

Plane Spawn Points: Plane numbers are limited. Allies: P38 x 10, P51 x 10, Typhoon x 7. Axis: BF109-G6 x 10, BF-109-G14 x 10, BF-110 x 7

Mission Timing: There will be a notification after 60 minutes playing time and 90 minutes. When the end of the mission is called please stop and cease fire IMMEDIATELY. 


I hope that we all have a lot of fun with this event which hopefully is the first of many.

Salute DD_Friar




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