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Personally i would prefer 4k as my overriding factor. But that requires a card that is less common than rocking horse poo.

I have been 4k for 4 years now and i couldn't imagine going back. 

I think I'm lucky though, some people swear they see the difference between 60 and 144fps, be dammed if i can.

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  • 1. DDz Quorum

Two weeks ago I got myself an Ilyama 24" monitor, that was "g-sync compatible" - yep, bit of a risk, but it worked out fine. Nvidia control panel shows it can enable G-Sync, and in game I see 144hz ... so, it works.  Euro 217,= was its price. (Connected to 1080ti)

Beats the 437 I paid three years ago for same size/specs Acer 24", with true G-Sync support...

(Just saying, besides G-Sync and FreeSync, G-Sync compatible exists, and can work)

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Yep definitely going to be a 4k Monitor, even if the 970 isn't up to snuff atm my next card will be and thus the reason I'm thinking about the G-Sync option being supported as future proofing the investment.

So I take it Kevin you Monitor is 60hertz, My 1080P is only 60 hertz, and it looks smooth here, it will make a good 27" second Monitor, and my 24" will be my third. And when Dad comes to visit, I can rob the 27" and hook it up to an older PC and do some 1946 and FPS together.

4 hours ago, T_O_A_D said:

Yep definitely going to be a 4k Monitor, even if the 970 isn't up to snuff atm my next card will be and thus the reason I'm thinking about the G-Sync option being supported as future proofing the investment.

So I take it Kevin you Monitor is 60hertz, My 1080P is only 60 hertz, and it looks smooth here, it will make a good 27" second Monitor, and my 24" will be my third. And when Dad comes to visit, I can rob the 27" and hook it up to an older PC and do some 1946 and FPS together.

Ok, so, a while back, Nvidia started supporting AMD Free Sync as well as G Sync so as not to discourage anyone with a Free Sync monitor from buying an Nvidia cards. Might need a Displayport cable. Don't know how it stands now but back when I got my monitor, about 2 years ago maybe, the equivalent AMD Free Sync monitor would cost you about a hundred USD less or more. My point is, you can use either with an Nvidia cards but check specific model compatibility no matter which Sync you go with, do your research. I'm running 1080p at 75Hz on a 34 inch AMD Free Sync monitor on an RTX 2060 Super, Intel i7-10700K and 32GB of 3600Mhz memory. 1080p, but 2560 wide (2,764,800 pixels). In DCS on mostly High settings I'm capping out at 75FPS almost constantly. IL-2 BOX Maxed out is pretty much constantly capped at 75fps, I think the lowest it's ever been is maybe 65 but if it even does it's rare. Sometimes on DCS Supercarrier takeoff it'll get down to 45 if I look back while staged to launch but I'm still running an old version of DCS, 2.5 something (too much to download on satellite) so I'm sure it'll run even better with the latest optimizations I believe DCS has implemented recently. I picked up a couple of Lenovo 19 inch monitors for each side and now I can run triple monitor with the 34" ultrawide in the middle, but when I do that it's a video card crusher. Even if you go 1440p I would HIGHLY, HIGHLY, HUGELY recommend you go for an ultrawide preferably curved if you can but it's not necessary, I get no noticeable edge distortion on anything. They go even wider now but your going to be pushing a massive amount of pixels with anything over ultrawide and it's going to cost $$$$. If you want a deal on something that's not going to kill a graphics card and will look amazing, go with a 2560x1080p 34 inch with as high of a refresh as you can. Otherwise, go for a 3440x1440 and you'll thank me later. Just be aware that's like 4,953,600 pixels so you're gonna want a 3080 ti or better when the prices, IF the prices drop. I'm looking to pick up at least an RTX 3080, probably a ti. I'd love to get a 3090 but the prices are just way too ridiculous right now.



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4 hours ago, T_O_A_D said:

Yep definitely going to be a 4k Monitor, even if the 970 isn't up to snuff atm my next card will be and thus the reason I'm thinking about the G-Sync option being supported as future proofing the investment.

So I take it Kevin you Monitor is 60hertz, My 1080P is only 60 hertz, and it looks smooth here, it will make a good 27" second Monitor, and my 24" will be my third. And when Dad comes to visit, I can rob the 27" and hook it up to an older PC and do some 1946 and FPS together.

When i bought my 32inch 4k monitor,  at the time, 60hertz was all you could get!

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7 hours ago, fruitbat said:

When i bought my 32inch 4k monitor,  at the time, 60hertz was all you could get!

Well I wouldn't spend any money to get more if your eyes are satisfied.

12 hours ago, Mayhem said:

Ok, so, a while back, Nvidia started supporting AMD Free Sync as well as G Sync so as not to discourage anyone with a Free Sync monitor from buying an Nvidia cards. Might need a Displayport cable. Don't know how it stands now but back when I got my monitor, about 2 years ago maybe, the equivalent AMD Free Sync monitor would cost you about a hundred USD less or more. My point is, you can use either with an Nvidia cards but check specific model compatibility no matter which Sync you go with, do your research. I'm running 1080p at 75Hz on a 34 inch AMD Free Sync monitor on an RTX 2060 Super, Intel i7-10700K and 32GB of 3600Mhz memory. 1080p, but 2560 wide (2,764,800 pixels). In DCS on mostly High settings I'm capping out at 75FPS almost constantly. IL-2 BOX Maxed out is pretty much constantly capped at 75fps, I think the lowest it's ever been is maybe 65 but if it even does it's rare. Sometimes on DCS Supercarrier takeoff it'll get down to 45 if I look back while staged to launch but I'm still running an old version of DCS, 2.5 something (too much to download on satellite) so I'm sure it'll run even better with the latest optimizations I believe DCS has implemented recently. I picked up a couple of Lenovo 19 inch monitors for each side and now I can run triple monitor with the 34" ultrawide in the middle, but when I do that it's a video card crusher. Even if you go 1440p I would HIGHLY, HIGHLY, HUGELY recommend you go for an ultrawide preferably curved if you can but it's not necessary, I get no noticeable edge distortion on anything. They go even wider now but your going to be pushing a massive amount of pixels with anything over ultrawide and it's going to cost $$$$. If you want a deal on something that's not going to kill a graphics card and will look amazing, go with a 2560x1080p 34 inch with as high of a refresh as you can. Otherwise, go for a 3440x1440 and you'll thank me later. Just be aware that's like 4,953,600 pixels so you're gonna want a 3080 ti or better when the prices, IF the prices drop. I'm looking to pick up at least an RTX 3080, probably a ti. I'd love to get a 3090 but the prices are just way too ridiculous right now.


Thanks for all that, 5ms response time is concerning about the VeiwSonic, I'm used to 2ms. I'm  sure I can still utilize the 970 with the 32 inch at 1080 maybe at 4k with BOS, but DCS has my GPU maxed out at 1080 as the screen shots will show. But I can get the Monitor now, the prices won't change much on those and be ready for a newer GPU when I can get one. I'm totally not worried about VR anytime soon. I get spooked enough while engrossed by my wife as is, a total disconnect from real world with VR are on isn't an appeal LOL It also appears that I may need to add more system Ram, My CPU is loafing along nicely though.


DCS Load test.jpg


BOS Load teast.jpg

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Personally don't think 5ms makes hardly any noticeable difference at all, especially for flight sims, it's 100Hz and supports HDR 10 too if that makes any difference. Did you see that driving game on that video I posted, I think it was Forza or Need For Speed, it looks pretty good to me. It's and MVA panel too so it'll have better color accuracy but it was just a suggestion. The GPU is going to be the killer, they are insanely overpriced now for what they are. It's supply and demand though and all this Covid mess has thrown everything out of whack. The RTX 2060 Super I got for $330 right before the craziness started are going for over $800 new and around $800 used. I've even seen some asking 1K on Ebay which is just stupid. I recently got into VR, and I'm sure some will disagree with me, but it's not a replacement for a good monitor and TrackIR. It's cool to try out, and there are some games and apps that are pretty cool, but for flying, my personal opinion, I tried it a few times and went back to the monitor. The cockpit proportions in the DCS hornet look off too, like down by your feet, it's kind of cartoonish. Playing on the monitor is just way more comfortable, convenient and practical for me at least. Call me old fashioned but I'm considering selling my headset, I haven't used it in 2 months. I do like it for driving games with a wheel though where you don't have to crook your neck all the way back in an office chair with your controllers on the desk trying to track that bogie. If it was a real plane it'd be a different story, probably real nice for a dedicated sim pit too.

So here's another one that looks pretty good in the 3440x1440 category. 1ms, curved and 144Hz refresh. Damn, wouldn't mind having it myself.



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Yeah, that looks like a nice Monitor, and you are not alone thinking the way you do about VR and Flight sims, I have talked to several that have said the same thing.

I myself have been holding out on it due to clarity that you mentioned and a better interface that has no hiccups tracking your hands, for clickable cockpits.

And since the only Game that is active among us is DCS that supports it, isn't my favorite to play, well then there is no real need for it.

I need to ask FunFlak what Monitor model he purchased he seems real happy with it.

  • 4 weeks later...

Don't know if this thread is considered necroed now but I just saw this. To the best of my knowledge, and for clarity sake, I believe IL-2 BOX supports VR and rather well at that from what I've read. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong. I haven't played in over a year because downloading the updates was a P.I.T.A. before. Subsequently, I haven't tried it in VR yet. In fact, now I recall buying Flying Circus on sale because it supports VR and I thought VR would serve the more basic aircraft better than DCS with all it's complicated clickiness. I haven't tried it out either yet, hadn't even downloaded it. In fact, I have quite a few things I've purchased over the last year I haven't even installed because of the horrors of satellite. Couple of days and I'll be back in the swing with modern civilization. I did find out, before moving, that Starlink from Google and SpaceX was available now in North America, which relies on low earth orbit satellites rather than distant geosynchronous ones. It's in the trial phases so one has to buy their own equipment which is 400 USD plus the 100 USD per month subscription. Last I checked most folks were getting something like 200 to 300Mbps which is being ratcheted up periodically with updates. I think when it's all finished it's supposed to be like Gigabit speeds with pings around 30ms.


I'm not going VR anytime soon if ever.

I may try it someday, if the resolution equals 4k, and it can track all my movement down to my feet and fingers for interactive cockpits.

Then and only then will I entertain the thought, and I'll keep entertaining the thought till I feel it's a value.

A monitor can be shared and utilized as a TV, so it even on the high end is twice the working value of a VR headset.

Besides I know of too many that have and still fall back the the monitor most of the time or all together and sold out of the VR.

Motion sickness is a risk, is it worth the lost capital to find out you will just end up puking after you hemorrhage the wallet to boot LOL

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I havnt played on a flat screen for 3 years. You are IN the plane not looking at a screen. The resolution isnt as good as a monitor and it will need very serious  hardware to run a headset when they get that good.

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17 hours ago, T_O_A_D said:

I'm not going VR anytime soon if ever.

I may try it someday, if the resolution equals 4k, and it can track all my movement down to my feet and fingers for interactive cockpits.

Then and only then will I entertain the thought, and I'll keep entertaining the thought till I feel it's a value.

A monitor can be shared and utilized as a TV, so it even on the high end is twice the working value of a VR headset.

Besides I know of too many that have and still fall back the the monitor most of the time or all together and sold out of the VR.

Motion sickness is a risk, is it worth the lost capital to find out you will just end up puking after you hemorrhage the wallet to boot LOL

I wasn't trying to sell you on it, just wanted to clarify that IL-2 BOX does support VR. I'm looking forward to trying it out at least. I personally am very prone to motion sickness. VR is a strange thing, certain things you'd think would definitely give you motion sickness don't, while a very few things will bring it on almost instantly. Driving cars, flying planes, riding a coaster and stuff like that don't make me sick at all. Well, in a twisty fur ball dogfight in DCS where you are pulling G's while looking back I can get a mild sense of motion discomfort but it's actually pretty cool and very immersive feeling. The killer for me is any game where you can walk around in first person without teleporting, like Espire 1 VR. That will make me barf if I turn off the teleportation movement. 

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I fully understand that it was no sales pitch Mayhem, and my opinion is by no means telling folks not to do it Crash it is just the reasons that I am not.

As for hardware, what we have already was rocket science when I started all this in 98 and totally UN-affordable, by the time the hardware does as I wish for, I'll be completely debt free and I'll make myself afford it, maybe LOL

Oh and cudo's to all willing to beta test it till then!

DSC is the most I'm willing to pay yo beta test anymore, and it irritates me. LOL

I did enough of it officially for free for Oleg years ago.

  • Haha 1
On 8/16/2021 at 10:37 PM, T_O_A_D said:

I'm not going VR anytime soon if ever.

Try doing this with TrackIr:D

It's not for everyone but I'm with Crash;  I couldn't fly IL2 without it these days.

Formation flying in VR is just astonishing.

I must get my sh#t together and do some!:salute:

  • Haha 1

LOL figures a Dog sticks his head out of a moving vehicle, lucky your VR gear didn't get ripped right off your face LOL

  • Haha 1
15 hours ago, DD_Arthur said:

Try doing this with TrackIr:D

It's not for everyone but I'm with Crash;  I couldn't fly IL2 without it these days.

Formation flying in VR is just astonishing.

I must get my sh#t together and do some!:salute:

"Please keep your arms and legs inside the vehicle at all times." DIDN'T SAY ANYTHING ABOUT MY HEAD!


I'm sure!

Thus the reason I won't go in below the standard I want, I already have way to many interest to afford. LOL

1 hour ago, Mayhem said:

 I couldn't fly IL2 without it these days.



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