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Don't know if this is common knowledge but the Buttkicker gamer 2 tactile feedback transducer kit with amp is $127.99 USD right now at the Buttkicker website with promo code GLCS20. Code is good for 20 percent off anything site wide. I just picked one up for the heck of it and they didn't even charge me tax. I'm going to see if I can get it working with a secondary sound card and 3rd party software to enhance the experience even further.

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Hmm, set up a board isolated from the floor screw BK'r to it, set pedals and chair on said board.

Add in a joystick stand to said board and get the whole thing rattling LOL

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Yeah, apparently some folks have some pretty elaborate setups using these or similar. I'm gonna try it out on just the chair for now, but I do have a Microsoft Sidewinder 2 Force Feedback so, it might be interesting to see what it's like to use both simultaneously. 

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Any way I can get someone to pin this to the top?

So, bass shakers like the Buttkicker Gamer 2, typically use the low frequency output from your sound card to generate the feedback. This isn't particularly ideal as any low frequency bass will produce a vibration. If you want more defined feedback, like a thump when your gear locks in, rumble on touchdown, shutter, driving over rumble strips or anything else, you'll have to buy 3rd party software that will work with a secondary sound card to produce specific effects during specific events. The two I've run across are SimVibe and SimShaker. SimVibe is 90 USD and doesn't look like it's been updated lately nor does it seem to specifically work with titles like DCS and IL-2 BOX. Good news though, I spoke with the creator of SimShaker, he offers 3 programs (and one sound module addon) each for various sims. SimShaker Wheels is for all your sim driving needs and covers most of the common race titles like Assetto Corsa, RFactor and Project Cars 2. SimShaker Wings covers IL-2 BOX as well as some others, and SimShaker for Aviators covers DCS and a few more. While the Wheels and Wings versions have their own sound modules for bass shakers functionality, the For Aviators only supports USB rumble seats like the Jetpad without an additional sound module to add secondary sound card bass shakers capability. Still with me? Long and short of it is, if you want the whole package you have to buy 3 programs and the total is like $87 USD. Good news is, after speaking with Andre (the creator) I was able to get him to offer a 15% promo code '3SKABA9V' if you buy the Wheels, Wings and Aviator Sound module (the base Aviator program is free). So that brought the price down to $74 USD. If anyone is interested, watch some videos on SimShaker or Simvibe to get a better understanding of the enhanced feedback they provide. So just to sum it up, I just bought a Buttkicker Gamer 2 complete system, that clamps to my gaming chair, for $127.99 and got the complete SimShaker package for $74 plus tax. So grand total for what should be an awesome addition simming for ~207-ish USD. Not bad, not bad at all. Testimonials seem to indicate this is a must have addition, once you try it you'll never want to sim without it. I can't wait to try this out in conjunction with my Oculus Quest 2 VR headset. If anyone is interested and has questions let me know. Demo period is available for evaluation purposes. Links below.


Promo code (15% off complete license package): 3SKABA9V


Promo code (20% off site wide): GLCS20


This only applies to the US. The Buttkicker is only available in one place in the UK and is very expensive for what it is and its limited  supply there anyway. I imported the first version from the US  for $45. By the time a voltage converted, import duty, VAT and "handling charges" it cost me at least $125 so I saved nothing as the UK price was about £130 :( 

I agree about how good SimShaker is with the Jetseat.

  • 1. DDz Quorum

I use SimHub for my ButtKicker (which was Crashes ;) ) for Assetto Corsa/Competizone racing sims which was free and does a good job.

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On 6/20/2021 at 6:55 AM, Crash said:

This only applies to the US. The Buttkicker is only available in one place in the UK and is very expensive for what it is and its limited  supply there anyway. I imported the first version from the US  for $45. By the time a voltage converted, import duty, VAT and "handling charges" it cost me at least $125 so I saved nothing as the UK price was about £130 :( 

I agree about how good SimShaker is with the Jetseat.


On 6/20/2021 at 8:33 AM, Friar said:

I use SimHub for my ButtKicker (which was Crashes ;) ) for Assetto Corsa/Competizone racing sims which was free and does a good job.


Well, here is what I believe to be a viable alternative setup that might be more accessible to the UK. I ordered them just for the heck of it to test out. If they work, I'll run them off the second channel of my secondary soundcard for more oomph. Hopefully me bum don't go numb. Amp's available in silver too for all you flashy gits.



On 6/25/2021 at 12:02 AM, Bob said:

I use these, which weirdly actually do work well. https://www.razer.com/gaming-headsets/razer-nari-ultimate/RZ04-02670100-R3U1 


GOOD LORD BOB! I don't think we've even met and already you're tempting me to lighten my wallet. Then I go to the Razor site and not only are they on sale, but they give me a 10 dollars off promo code too? My wife is going to strangle me. I'd heard about headphones like this in the past but thought they fell out of production. These respond to bass in the game/music audio, which is fine, I'm sure used in conjunction with something like a Bass Shaker they'd add just that much more to the experience. Probably can't separate the shake from the audio you hear though, but that's ok. One very interesting thing is that the Razor site says that while the vibration is tied to the audio, it moves smoothly from left to right depending on where the sound is originating. Now that, might be interesting to use combined with the Butt kicker. With two sound cards and a bass shaker you can run your game audio off one sound card (or USB headset), and then run software that plays specific impulses on the other sound card, that you don't hear, but gets pushed to the shaker. So for instance, if there is a lot of bass in the game sound or music, it won't set off the shaker, but when your wheels touch down, you get shot, your gear retracts or some other event, it will activate the shaker. Would be nice if you could do that with the headphones but it's unlikely as they probably just show up as one USB device. Ha, still, I'm envisioning me, sitting here, with my VR headset, my Microsoft Sidewinder Force Feedback, my Butt kicker, shaker headset, throttle and rudder pedals when my wife walks in and takes a video of me to post on Facebook so her family can all have a good laugh. Anyways, I'm having a bit of a geek out with this stuff now, I might have to get a set of these headphones and see what kind of setup I can come up with. Awe man, having flak burst around you and actually feeling it, that's gonna be AWESOME!!!

Welcome to the Dogz by the way, give me about 3 weeks and I'll be back on high speed broadband instead of this god forsaken satellite. 

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Hi Mayhem

look forward to flying with you, guess as you say with the Buttkicker it will give even more sense of realism.  Was sceptical at first but they really do add to the immersion 


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