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My son is visiting next week and I think that if I had a track of an F-14/F-18 doing launches and traps on the supercarrier it might keep him entertained for a bit. I take it that you can just play the track and not touch any controllers and it would give the full VR experience of doing it yourself. so if any of you gents could help me with donating a track (not the Syria map as I dont have that one) I would be grateful.

  • 1. DDz Quorum

Will do Crash. To those others considering the same it's worth keeping the trk fike as short as possible in order to avoid desynchronisation and corruption. 

  • 2. Administrators

If you do it in multiplayer, even if you host it for yourself, the track recording becomes much more reliable. just an Fyi.

Edit, I may have a track of 4 of us launching in Tomcats of the super carrier which  will be pretty good, it will be this launch at the start,

I'll take a look.

  • 1. DDz Quorum

If you time it properly, you might even find a pilot who can take him up in the rear seat of the Tomcat? Like in real-time? TS and stuff?

I'm sure it would be easily done on a Monday evening? (Easy as in timing :))



Not sure if we could make Monday and he goes back on Thursday. Thanks for the offers guys :salute:

  • 2. Administrators

Hi Crash, I've tried a few different times, but I'm finding it impossible to make a track that doesn't go screwy after a while, basically when I start the landing!

Anyway, here is a F-18 and F-14 track each, starting on a populated super carrier, take off and some acrobatics which hopefully won't make him puke!

Who knows when you watch them, they may complete to the landings, but both on mine play correctly until the landings, when they just go fubar. DCS and tracks is a rubbish combination!!!


server-20210613-130937.trk server-20210613-133406.trk


Thank you young man :)

The F-14 starts up and then taxies off the side of the carrier :) The F-18 launches and does the aerobatics but lands in the sea :( I think I need to adjust my settings as it was rather jerky but worth a go



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