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  • 1. DDz Quorum

Painless inspired me to post this topic - having a natter on TS, conversation fell to the motorcycle thread; it then evolved to a similar for cars. At this point I confessed I've flown more different aircraft than I've owned cars and my car collection was decidedly under-whelming! So Painless suggested why not an aeroplane one? So here goes.

First, the aircraft I can legitimately claim to have flown, hands-on, didn't crash it!

My first flight! Headcorn, aged 11 and I lost my aviation virginity to... a Cessna 172 Skyhawk II! :



Then to the cadets, where I became a something of a ho' for aircraft - got the majority of aviating bed-post notches in my time (kind of) wearing blue.

My first true love - the de Havilland Chipmunk:


Many happy memories in this plane - bimbling around Cambridge on a hot summers day, watching the cumulus actually boiling up in the thermals and being overtaken by a P-51! Mock dogfighting with another Chippie over Whitstable; making the IP say 'Ooof!' and hearing the wings creak with a slightly over-exuberant pull into a loop over Pegwell Bay; orbiting the Capel le Ferne Battle of Britain Memorial and the Shakespeare Cliffs; and where I learnt that my favourite manouevre was the stall turn. I think heaven - if such a place exits - for me will be a warm summers day over Kent in a Chipmunk with unlimited fuel...

Then it's replacement - the Scottish Aviation Bulldog T Mk.I:

RAF Scottish Aviation Bulldog T.1 XX630

Pleasant enough but didn't like having to sit left seat (throttle on the right is just wrong!), having the IP overlooking what you're doing was disconcerting and there was a little deadspot in the middle of the stick travel where you could waggle the stick and nowt would happen! However, still have some fab memories - flying out of Manston and feeling my way through some very marginal weather and finding another Bulldog and flying a very loose formation with it under the scud; but my favourite was getting a ride with an AVM and upon being told what my level of flight experience, his comment was "well, that's pretty much everything. Done Spins? No? Well we're not supposed to do them in these..." Then spent the next 20 minutes getting up to 12,000ft (highest I'd then been in an unpressurized aircraft) and then tumbling down out of control and practicing recoveries! I had a blast. Thanks Bully!

Next - the Jodel D.11:


One word summed up my experience in this aeroplane: BORED! It was also unpleasantly hot.


However, this lowlight was more than made up for by my next non-standard outing. However prior to that, one more RAF training crate!

Grob Vigilant T1


This neat little powered glider was introduced to me on my trip to RAF Barnstaple for my Glider Course; a week in sunny(ish) North Devon with the goal of going solo! Wh00t!

Except after a spate of engine failures, and a period of grounding, the type was not allowed to be flown solo by cadets, so my 'solo' was with the CFI, but he sat there with his arms crossed doing a good impression of taking a nap!

Two things stick in my mind from this plane - one, being a tail-dragger it could get away from you directionally if you didn't keep on your toes, as I neglected to once  - I learnt some choice new anglo-saxon words from the IP that takeoff!

Secondly, that we were under advisement to three point the plane, in case the tail down rotation that tended to occur on a two-pointer increased AoA to such an extent that the aircraft would takeoff again. It was pointed out to me by the CFI that I habitually I kept two-pointing the a/c, but that the balloon never occurred under my hand and all seemed under control. Whether this was an admonishment or a compliment was always something of an equivocation but I took it as a compliment and kept flying it that way cos it worked!


Boeing Stearman PT-13:


Glorious! My first open cockpit experience, and on one of the most breathtakingly gorgeous summer evenings you could hope for - the sky gradually fading to a deep pink with the odd tuft of lilac hued cumulus scattered about. Simply magnificent. The smell, the noise, the sensation of the wind racing around you was fabulous. Being flown by Charlie Brown - he of moustache and Spitfire renown - was another highlight. Though I misheard an instruction to make a 90 degree change of heading turn as a 90 degree angle of bank turn, so I think I put the wind up him a tad when I threw her over on one wing and ground around making holes in the sky for a few seconds... sufficed to say his next instruction was most clearly enunciated! I blame the boom-microphones...

My penultimate (at time of writing) powered ride was this little honey, the Piper L-21B Super Cub:


My girlfriend at the time, bless her, bought me a lesson out of Redhill in this lovely little aeroplane. I had a blast. No aeros, but some nice wing overs, and I got to practice some serious side-slips, something the Cub seems to do very well and really flatters the pilot. Gentle, forgiving, a delight. Coming into land at Redhill paralleling the heavies on approach to Gatwick was somewhat disconcerting , mind!


Then a sailplane interlude:



The entry level training glider of choice, it was staid, solid dependable, but responsive too and nigh impossible to spin unless you loaded a crap ton of ballast in the tail, which was regarded as unsophisticated if not downright unwise. Chasing thermals in this was both a challenge and a delight, and nailing a good landing very rewarding, if not very difficult.


PZL Bielsko SZD-50 Puchacz


I only flew the Pooch (as she was affectionately called) once to do spin training (since the ASKs were so belligerently uncooperative in this regard!) but flying this in the aero-tow was great fun, feeling your way around the wake & prop-wash of the tug - I was complimented by my instructor on my debut aero-tow flying, something I attribute to all the sim time chasing you buggers around! The spin itself was positively sedentary compared to those I had experienced in the Bulldog, so having geared myself up for some serious weightlessness and rotational adventures I was a little taken aback by the dignity and unhurriedness of the Pooches attitude to spinning!


And finally the big tamale:

Supermarine Spitfire T.9



What a day, one I'd dreamt of since I was 4 years old.

The start-up was the moment it crystalized into reality for me - this was actually happening, the airframe trembling (or was it me) with anticipation, the Merlins steady staccato chug like the breath of some impatient beast anxious for the chase...

Then the takeoff - good god the takeoff! I knew beforehand that it was going to involve significant levels of sound but despite this I still muttered a small gasp! Nothing quite prepares you, not just for the noise level but the entire nigh overwhelming blast of sensory input. Sound, vibration, acceleration, my adrenaline was maxed out and I went from excited but analytical (I had planned to watch the rudder input, boost settings etc for comparison to the sims) to a state of sensory overload and internally giggling like a little boy. Not a chance of paying any attention to the details I had so scientifically planned to monitor! It was the very essence of awe inspiring.

It was great to feel some 'g' again; not lot's but enough and to watch the world revolve whilst in the peripheral of your vision you see that wing shape... simply magnificent.

Video of it below for those who haven't seen it:


As well as the aircraft I actually got hands on stick time with there were some honorable mention rides:

Hawker Siddley HS.125



Lockheed C-130K



Hawker Siddeley HS 780 Andover



Westland Wessex HC2



Hawk T.Mk.1A 


This I have only loose memories of - partly because it was long ago (almost 18 when it happened), partly because I was so excited, partly because I had so little input - "do not touch ANYTHING!" - but mainly because I was overwhelmed! It wasn't a long flight, some 25 minutes, but sensory overload is a thing! I recall Welsh valleys going passed around me at some unfeasible rate of knots and some sustained and pronounced 'g'! My faculties, being accustomed more to speeds in the 90-100 knots range were somewhat saturated at the 400 odd I was told we were doing!

So guys, that's my collection - let's see your aviating bed-posts!

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  • 1. DDz Quorum

Wow, what a selection Tom, well impressed mate 👍🏻 
I have joystick envy ...... again !

  • 1. DDz Quorum

Being an aviation nutbag since you stepped off the potty kind of explains your skill in a virtual cockpit now me thinks! Bravo Tomsk 🎖🏅🤔



Stick Time is

Cadet Mk 3.jpg

Sedburgh T-21.jpg

Cadet Mk3 and T-21 Sedburgh at 631 Gliding School 1965


Chipmunk at RAF Woodvale


K13_glider.jpgThen K-13 and Blanik at Burton and Derby club and a week aerotow maybe Hereford? and a week with a T-49 at the West Wales club

T49 capstan.jpg

Then another weeks aerotow at Burton and Derby (got to solo that!)

Also had rides in Beverely and a low level flight in a Hastings :)



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Yes, Tom very impressive indeed. Now I respect your excellent knowledge even more.:salute:


It isnt a very pretty plane. We flew facing backwards in the tailboom :) Bet you have had some helicopter rides Arthur :)

16 hours ago, Crash said:

 Bet you have had some helicopter rides Arthur :)

I think I've flown in just about every type of troop carrying chopper deployed by Nato in the early nineteen eighties.  In 1983 I was in the back of an HU 5 taking us back to Bessbrook.  We'd only just taken off when there was a big bang,  some shouting and then what's called 'auto rotation' in helicopter circles or five seconds of absolute terror in plain english:blink:.

I hate the things.  One of the factors that influenced my decision to leave the marines was not having to get in a chopper again.


  • Haha 1
  • 1. DDz Quorum

Arthur I totally agree that a machine without proper wings has no business taking to the air ! 🤪

  • 1. DDz Quorum

As best I can remember the first plane I flew in was a Piper Cub at the local airport

Piper Cub.jpgNext came my helicopter years, 34.jpg  first was the H-34, Sea Horse,  in VietNam, CH-46, 46.jpgSea Knight.  The CH-53 Sea Stallion53.jpgThe UH-1 HueyUH-1.jpgOne ride in the back of a C-130C-130.jpgThat was the end of my military aircraft. While still in the Marines, I joined a local parachute club and made two successful descents before my mother put an end to that. Exited from a Cessna 182.182.jpgYears later a local businessman had a Stearman and offered a chance to sit in the empty seat.  No acrobatics but a lot of fun.Stearman.jpgAbout 9 months ago we had lot of damage from a windstorm,  a Derecho, a friend who's  brother in law took me up to see the damage to some land and spring pond.  A Husky A-1C, this was as much fun as the Stearman.  Its a challenge just getting into, crawl over the front pilots seat, carefull for the stick between your legs.  Two sets of controls.20190724_103605.jpg

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The only thing I ever flew for real was this thing in Iran in 2012, Zargan airfield, north of Shiraz. I think it's an Ibis Aricraft Magic 700 GS, but don't quote me on that. 

90% stick time in the air, takeoff/landing hands on but the pilot actually did 90% of the input. I didn't even know the pilot would let me fly it. No pics from the air as the airfield is right next to Shiraz refinery, which was defended by manned AA guns :D They wouldn't let us bring cameras up as per regulations, but were otherwise extremely friendly. I might have a pic of me actually sitting in this thing pre-flight on my hard drive that's in Iraq at the moment...

Oh and half an hour of flying this cost 20 euros.




I've also flown in Cessna 172's twice, but didn't touch the controls. That's about it as far as my modest experiences go.

I have long been in love with gliders and it's still my dream to be able to afford the time and money for a GPL some day.

  • Thanks 1
  • 1. DDz Quorum

Not too much expierience when it comes to flying for real compared to you guys but for what it's worth here goes....

Just before going into the RAF I thought it might be an idea to have something aircraft related to talk about in the interview so I had a couple of one hour lessons in one of these out of Goodwood (RAF Westhampnet in WWII)...


Piper Tomahawk

Many years later whilst in the Fire service my friend Dave offered to teach me to fly unofficially in the aircraft he had access to in the "Spitfire flying club" out of Popham airfield near Basingstoke.....


Ikarus C42 microlight. He only charged me for the fuel and I enjoyed about 40 odd hours flying over a four year period.


Side slipping into Bembridge airfield on the Isle of Wight.

Notable rides....


RAF Gazelle.  The pilot was a nutter and did some fun manoeuvres.

As a leaving present just before the end of my time in the RAF (1989), I was given the chance to go up to RAF Coltishall and have a "jolly" in one of the 41Sqn two seat Jaguars as a thank you for the work we at "Exhibition Production Flight" RAF Henlow, had done for their open day....

Painless 1988 (RAF Jaguar) 003.jpg

I was told by the ground crew that my pilot, Sqn Ldr Bagshaw had more hours on Jags than any other RAF pilot and that he held the record for the longest "wheelie" on landing.

Painless 1988 (RAF Jaguar) 007.jpg

Painless 1988 (RAF Jaguar) 010.jpg

Had a fantastic 52 minute flight including some low level stuff over The Wash then over Porsmouth and RAF Henlow before the "wheelie" landing back at Coltishall.

  • Like 4
On 4/8/2020 at 5:48 PM, Painless said:

COME ON BONGO !!!! .........

He he!

OK, I've obviously got stick time in a fair bit but I am still jealous of some of you guys.

My Story, as chronologically as I can.

My Dad was Chief instructor at his gliding club in Africa and I got rides in a couple with him, mostly a Slingsby T.49 Capstan.(already a pic here)

My own first hands on flying was a Gliding course when I was  16 at Kent gliding club, flew the lovely K13. Never solo'd because weather prevented course completion.K13_glider.jpg

Between that and the start of my own flying career I fairly regularly flew with my dad in his microlight. a Puma Sprint.trike6.jpg


Moving on to my commercial pilot course in the early 90's at Manston in Kent, bulk of the course was on the Piper PA28 warrior II and Archer with a section of the course for basic aerobatics in a Cessna 152 aerobat.


To complete my training and gain the full Commercial pilot license with multi engine instrument rating I flew the lovely Piper Aztec. wonderful aeroplane.1803p_bf_budgetbuy_16x9.jpg

A lack of success securing a job in aviation inspired me to get my instructors rating which I completed at the same flight school, this was done on the Piper PA38 Tomahawk affectionately known as the Trauma chicken. absolutely fantastic spin trainer.


Around this time my dad had decided to go back to fixed wing flying but remained in the microlight world and he bought a Murphy Renegade Spirit, an aircraft that is capable of being a full group A light aircraft or a microlight subject to minor modification, as a group A aircraft it is aerobatic but not if in the microlight category. In my fathers hands it was still aerobatic and I admit to being quite naughty too.


A job in an airline or commercial operator eluded me for some years but I had some great instructing jobs seasonally to bide my time, first one being with the school I trained at but it ended when the company folded. Mostly the standard fare of flying club aircraft but I can include the Cessna 172 (Fenrir already included a picture of one).

for one season I ended up flying the first of my genuine classic vintage types, the quirky but addictive Tiger Moth. and now I can include pictures of aircraft with me actually in them.


I ended up back at Manston with TG aviation who also had a Boeing Stearman, an aircraft I will treasure for ever. and I still have access to her.


About 8 years from getting my Instructor rating I finally secure my first job with a commercial operator and actually earn some money. Air Atlantique operated a Britten Norman Islander for Coastguard contracts involving surveillance and Search and rescue duty, I got to know the crews quite well as they were based out of the same flying school I was working for at Manston. they gave me a nod that the company were looking to hire...naturally I refused...


I also got to fly a Cessna 310 when the Islander was away on maintenance. and did train on a Cessna 402 but never really flew it operationally. during this time I barely ever flew above 200 feet....quite honestly barely over 20 feet...lets put it this way, I nearly hit a dolphin once.




Finally the world of Jets beckoned me into their illustrious realm, yes somebody was actually going to pay me quite handsomely to go to Dallas Texas to do a type rating on the fairly new Learjet 40/45 series and subsequently keep paying me to fly out of Biggin Hill and around Europe, North Africa, Iceland the Arctic circle and Russia. it got boring believe it or not and after 5 years me and the jets parted ways. the picture is actually of me hands on. I managed to find a picture on a Dutch spotters site with date stamp to confirm it was me, this is landing at Maastricht.


I then got back into the vintage stuff, a Job at Duxford no less and back in the venerable Tiger Moth. this then lead on to her bigger sister the Dragon Rapide. I am in the silver Tiger in the first picture.



They then started letting me loose on the AT-16 Harvard mark IIb....crazy fools. I'm closest in this pic in the RCAF scheme, the aircraft has an interesting history both in service and contemporary civilian times and once belonged to Norman Lees.



This is not the complete list, other types I have some hours on include:

Piper Cubs (do we need a picture?)



Slingsby T67 Firefly (in USAF service known as the T-3), a very capable aerobat and got an undeserved bad reputation from the Americans for spinning, if you use the correct technique it recovers with no issues.




Zlin 526 a Trener master, a very pleasant machine to fly. aerobatics are so easy in this beastie.



There are a few others in the log book, mainly one offs. Still no Spitfire....damn you Tom!!!!

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  • 1. DDz Quorum

You lucky lucky bar steward !!
 Nice post Bongo, could have done with a few more oiled up and topless pics mate? Play to your audience?

2 minutes ago, Painless said:

You lucky lucky bar steward !!
 Nice post Bongo, could have done with a few more oiled up and topless pics mate? Play to your audience?


I'm afraid due to high demand that's pay per view, it costs me a fortune in baby oil.

  • Haha 1

Only thing I flew was yellow tiger moth at duxford.

Iv been passenger in Vc-10s and BAC tridents when I was younger

Fokker twin prop and sikorsky helicopters when on rigs

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