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  • 1. DDz Quorum

Howdy chaps.

Results are in.

Before I announce the results, a quick explanation of how the voting was scored: 

For simplicity, I went with a "points based on preference" philosophy, so First place = 1 Point, Second place = 2 points, etc.  As such it was a "lowest score wins" structure.

Ergo, for the sims a voter had a total of 10 points (1+2+3+4=10) to distribute amongst the sims.

For the days a voter had a total of 28 points (1+2+3+4+5+6+7=28) to distribute amongst the days.

Where a voter only applied a preference position to one or a few of the total available sim/day choices, the remaining points total left available to the voter were applied equally over the remaining un-preferenced choices. For example if a user chose only Il-2: 1946, that scored 1 point. The remaining sims then scored equally (10-1)/3 = 3.


The scores as follows:


1. GBS/Box - 55 points

2. DCS - 63.5 points

3. CloD - 78 points

4. Il-2: 1946 - 83.5 points



1. Tuesday - 80 points

2. Thursday - 95 points

3. Sunday - 100 points

4. Monday - 101 points

5. Wednesday - 114.5 points

6. Friday - 141 points

7. Saturday - 152.5 points


A total of 28 out of a potential 35 members voted, representing a round 80% turnout.

Spreadsheet attached for transparency. Please feel free to double check and tell me if I made any errors.

DangerDogz Voting 2019.xlsx

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  • 2. Administrators

Thanks for the hard work on this Tom, it's very much appreciated.


Thanks for the work Tom, as suspected GBS wins and then DCS. Maybe set up a once a month "1946 special" night to do the things that the others cant do. I am sure that with enough notice pilots will make an effort to attend thus keeping 1946 alive. The next step is to allocate the GBS and DCS nights, taking into account those who can only fly weekends.

  • 1. DDz Quorum

Great job Tom. 

GBS on Tuesday looks like a winner, ( no change necessary )

DCS on a Thursday ?

CLOD on a Monday or Sunday (only one point difference between those days) ?

If CLOD was on a Monday we could go with Crash’s idea but perhaps rotate GBS with IL2 46 every other week ?

Maybe Arjen and Tom should have the final say with these stats in mind .......

2 minutes ago, Painless said:

Great job Tom. 

GBS on Tuesday looks like a winner, ( no change necessary )

DCS on a Thursday ?

CLOD on a Monday or Sunday (only one point difference between those days) ?

If CLOD was on a Monday we could go with Crash’s idea but perhaps rotate GBS with IL2 46 every other week ?

Maybe Arjen and Tom should have the final say with these stats in mind .......

If GBS is our most supported sim then why not increase the days we fly it and have it on the most supported days, i.e. Sunday and Tuesday?  Also, why not increase DCS to two 'official' days rather than the ad-hoc basis it seems to exist under at the moment?

If we put CLoD on a Sunday evening then we would seem to be replacing one dying out sim for another dying out sim:huh:   

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  • 1. DDz Quorum

Y'all can do fine without my thoughts about this, cos I aint got none, and I can't make any sense of it all. 



Friar and Funflak need GBS on Sundays. I would be able to DCS once a month on Thursdays

  • 1. DDz Quorum

But then Sid can't make DCS Thursday...

This is not gonna be simple.

We're gonna have people left out whatever we decide. At some point  we just have to go with what's got the numbers and if it's inconvenient then tough titties - if virtual flying socially with the dogs is important to you then you'll you do what you can to make real life arrangements to allow you to fly the nights you wish.

We cannot pander to everyone's convenience. It's impossible.

Everyones suggestion thus far has merit, which makes it doubly problematic.

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  • 1. DDz Quorum

It is a pickle for sure Tom.  Look at tonight, GBS on a Tuesday and only Arjen was on TS at 9.00pm ! 


  • 1. DDz Quorum
1 minute ago, Painless said:

It is a pickle for sure Tom.  Look at tonight, GBS on a Tuesday and only Arjen was on TS at 9.00pm ! 


And around that time I took a look at our CloD server.... 19 peeps in there! (Not relevant to here, but made me feel kinda funny :) )

  • Haha 1
  • 1. DDz Quorum

My suggestion:

GBS BoX is now our primary and logically occupies the #1. Tuesday slot.

DCS would logically be then the #2 Thursday slot.

However in order to give members a better chance of flying the primary sim in a social manner, I believe GBS deserves two nights a week in order to allow exposure to the greatest number of members.

Ergo #3. Sunday should also be GBS.

CloD then moves to Monday, and Il-2 1946 to Wednesday.

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Thanks Tom. Not an easy situation, but dealt with correctly in my opinion. I concur with your suggestions. 

Incidentally, there’s a job going running the country apparently, if you fancy that? ?

  • Haha 1
  • 1. DDz Quorum

Well, thanks for your feedback gents.

It's nice and all but... ain't that easy. There's more questions to be considered:


DCS looks after itself for the moment... some co-op style missions are WiP by me but at least we have a DF server we can roll in on at any time and practise what we like.

CloD - similar to DCS. Some co-ops might be nice but we don't have a repository as such.

GBS - DF server is good but for the co-op element we are reliant on FT/Arthur/other to provide co-ops; are they available on these days? Does FT permanently have to sit there editing co-ops and not fly? Does he even want to?

Il-2:1946 - Are FT/Crash (our traditional '46 hosts) available on a Wednesday? Do they even want to host still if they are? If not, who can/will?

My suggestion was based purely on the numbers. These elements have yet to be considered and as such will require input from the affected parties.



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  • 2. Administrators

It doesn't work well for me I'm afraid, but as I said previously, any decision should be made democratically for the good of the group and not necessarily for specific individuals. As such, if the changes suit the majority then so be it.

~S~ chaps


  • 1. DDz Quorum

Sounds good to me... Aint perfect, see Jabo above.... ?

As for FT hosting:

I have no other things scheduled during the week. (I do not have a social life you know - how cool is that!)

Whether I can manage to host any given night, will be depending on my mood / energy level. Those tend to be on the low side at the moment, hence the hosting-but-no-flying. (Yesterday both were up enough to do two successful 110 sorties - too bad nobody was there to watch me do it! :) )


Hosting specifics:

GBS - Anyone can run a coop or a df mission.This is nice, provided one has a good mission. For anyone wanting to host, here's a link to the IL2 Great Battles Easy Mission Generator by Syn_Vander. Very Nice bit of software, this is what I use for Coop sessions in BoX. One may need to figure out what the numbers of AI are for a host to be able to run the mission without performance issues. For volunteers who want to take control of our Dedicated server and generate and host the mission from there, it is possible! Best to have a separate computer to operate the server side of things, as otherwise it'd mean a lot of alt-tabbing. If you want this, let me know in a PM, I can tell you how - Kevin already knows how to do this. Missions: Some people have some, but due to AI behavior one would need a tuned one, to have the correct a/c numbers and types, tuned to the audience at that time. That Mission Generator is really nice for that!

DCS - Same regarding our server, access to it is possible, one should upload a mission to the server, one can then load/start it via web-interface. Missions: We do not have many available - yet. Fenrir knows more.

CloD - The most technically challenging of them. It's possible to host a closed event on our DF server, but one needs to know a lot about it, it means some tuning/editing - not easy. One could even run ones own Dedicated server, you can do that on the same Pc as the client is running. Missions: Hm, we have none or hardly any. The six I created are hosting-wise such a challenge that even I am struggling to host them :)

1946 - I think it's covered sufficiently by Crash and me. Missions: we have big set of missions that is shared in the Vault. Somewhere... For anybody to download and host,


Hm, maybe this should be not here, but in another topic? Oh well.


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Are we moving any further forward with this? If we agree to fenrirs proposed dates then we should perhaps move to next stage of advertising these and trying to get more participants, both internally and externally. Perhaps we can get a couple of volunteers to champion the 2 main sims ,box and dcs, post on forums and be a point of contact. We also should look at hosting, we are very reliant on FT, id say overreliant , and while he is generous and willing to give his time perhaps we should have others willing and able to take up the task of hosting should it be needed.

I am aware that I am asking others to step up  while not able to do so myself, so I do apologise for this, I would help more but due to a combination of personal circumstances and my pc still acting up a bit I am unable to help as much as I would like.


  • 1. DDz Quorum

Hi Dave,

My suggestion was more of starting point for discussion and to generate positive/negative feedback than as a full-proof solution.

What I suggest is that we volunteer/nominate 4 representatives to hash out in a private TS committee, each having chosen their first preference a different Sim.

We'll each pour over the results and try to come to some sort of a consensus.

If the Dogz approve of this course of action, then I'll try to organise a gathering this week.

I volunteer to be the DCS rep.

I would nominate the following members:

Sid for GBS

FT for CloD

Jabo for Il-2

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Yes that sounds good, just wanted to keep up the momentum, we have a habit of letting things slip, but that soundsike a good plan

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