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As we all know, since the tragic events of Shoreham last August, things will never be the same again for airshows in the UK.


First reports coming in of the opening shows of the season from pilots and crowds alike are painting a picture of stale, over-regulated displays. And with organisers having to stump up a lot more cash in the way of regulatory costs imposed by the CAA, most of the small to medium shows have already pulled out of the calendar. (The revisions to CAP 403 have been discussed at length here: http://forums.airshows.co.uk/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=71656)


An account from Peter Teichman, owner/operator/pilot of the Hangar 11 Collection based at North Weald:

The first few airshows of the new world, post Shoreham era under the new CAA regs have taken place. I opened the first show of the season at Old Warden last Sunday on a super clear day and that went very well. Have to say that I had to alter my display radically to abide by the new regulations and it all seemed a little far away but hey, this is the new world we are living in - https://www.facebook.com/Hangar11Collection/?fref=ts


Also from one of the most experienced aerobatic pilots in the UK:

Screen Shot 2016-05-18 at 13.33.21.png


One particular discussion that has saddened me the most is the prospect of a future without airshows at our beloved Duxford. http://forums.airshows.co.uk/viewtopic.php?f=15&p=723257#p723257


We saw early signs of this last year when the September show was constantly being interrupted due to traffic build up on the M11. With the regulations as they are now, DX may struggle to put on a 'safe' show as deemed by the CAA. 


It's been mooted the reason we cannot yet book September airshow tickets, could simply be that there may not be one.

Ticket sales for the May display have been slow and I see Legends is still not sold out...



I hate to be the prophet of doom, but this is even more reason to enjoy Legends this year, it could very well be the last we see at Duxford.



  • 1. DDz Quorum

That is a major pain in the harris m8. The writing has been on the wall since Shoreham I suppose : (. Perhaps a solution would be to create a venue especially for air shows far enough away from population centres and main roads to be deemed safe. I vote for that instead of a high speed rail link @£82bn. If only..........

Maybe re route the M11 a bit ?

Any slightly more practical ideas ?

If they keep on legislating the risks out of life like this, in another 50 years 25 million people will suddenly drop dead of boredom on a wet Tuesday afternoon.

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  • 1. DDz Quorum

Well, we could always load up some old DVD's in 4:3 and watch those... sitting on the couch at home, seatbelts fastened... lol


No, it's bad... too bad.


How far can we stretch it? 

At some time, will we all be wearing a device that re-oxyginizes our blood, so we do not need to breath anymore, as to not breath in any filth so our loungs will stay nice and healthy..:blindfold:

  • Like 2

This stuff is ridiculous. You can't legislate away all risks.  Guess they should ban automobiles, the most dangerous part of an airshow is the drive to the airshow.   Yeah its an airshow, s##t can happen, if you can't handle it, stay home.  The real problem is this mindset is everywhere, like a slow creeping paralysis.

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  • 2. Administrators

Problem is, GK, that the Shoreham crash affected people who just happened to be passing the site and weren't visiting the show. This was seized on by the anti-air show lobby (a sizeable group of (mostly) outraged residents who have chosen to live close to an active airfield and then complain about noise and traffic etc) and the health & safety lobby to force the CAA into a knee-jerk reaction. I wonder how pleased they'll be when their local airfield closes and the land sold off to developers for house-building?

This is not to diminish the awfulness of the Shoreham accident, but any time there's an incident it's another opportunity for the people who don't want air shows in their backyard to stir up the whole, "ooo it's so dangerous and therefore we must ban them". Naturally the pro-air show lobby don't get a look in.

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The writing is certainly on the wall for Duxford as a major airshow venue and I presume its all over for Shoreham anyway.


 The CAA's reaction is predictable.  They have much bigger fish to fry than being embarrassed by a tragedy at an airshow.  The increase in their charges announced soon after the accident has nothing to do with improving safety but from their point of view is a simple way of removing lots of the problem; a massive hike in charges will simply kill off lots of the smaller shows.


This won't change.  As has been pointed out, this is an opportunity for lots of the "anti's" to get their way.  The airshow industry will have to adapt to whatever is thrown at them or simply stop.


I must admit, I have been slightly surprised at some of the information that has come out post - Shoreham, about how air display routines are authorized and how display pilots flying them are checked out.  I do feel sorry for Andy Hill and I mean that without irony but I was surprised at the number of hours - or lack of them - that he had on type and the fact that his authority to display seems to have been issued by a member of his own aerobatic display team.  This can - and I've no doubt will - be construed as a conflict of interest.    


Semi related and probably as influential in the CAA's decision making was the Gnat accident recently, interesting to read the pilot had a medical condition that got him chopped from the RAF and was never declared on his subsequent civillian medical examinations.


AAIB report:




Remembering from college a discussion about "the public" vs aviation, specifically those who move in next to an airport, and then proceed to complain about aircraft noise.


The instructor had been somewhere, as part of an airport planning board.  When "the public" (read those who lived around and used the airport) demanded an extended runway, he pre-empted them by making them sign a waiver of sorts.  Basically it said "I want this extended runway, and by extension more and bigger airplanes, and agree to not complain about said more and bigger airplanes' noise in the future."  I doubt it would get the aviation types far in today's legal climate, but it was better than nothing.

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  • 2. Administrators

Probably be an infringement of their human rights. Funny how that never seems to go both ways though...

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  • 2. Administrators

It doesn't actually say anything about legends one way or the other. Don't forget though that Legends is a TFC show where the others at the site are IWM shows - rules are rules but interpretations differ. I hope the tank bank will be open for Legends, but if not...

...I'll go stand some place else

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