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As This May Not Work In Summer Time, Got Me A New Video Card...

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  • 1. DDz Quorum

My 4 years old GTX580 'TwinFozr' just became a 'UnoFozr' as I found out one of its fans stopped running.


So, I decided to get creative:



Issue is the big fan is connected to the Chassis fan connector, it only runs at 860 RPM.

When running CloD, the Cards temparetures goes up to 98C, the speed of the remaining original fan goes up to 85%

I should go look for a different connector, or try and find out how the 4 wires of the original fan should be connected to the 3 wires of the new fan ...  :shaunhb:


Anyways, the thing is obviously in need of replacement...


Ordered a 970 ... should work ... shouldn't it?

  • 1. DDz Quorum

perhaps when you fit the new fan the old one could be somehow wired up for your bridge?

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  • 2. Administrators

Don't know from personal experience, but have heard various grumbles about the 970 across a few forums, i would search the interweb a bit if i was you.


From what I know, which isnt a lot, most of the complaints were that the 4 gig 970 was in fact 3.5 gig.

  • 2. Administrators

I'd like to be more helpful, but i cant remember what the problem was that i read about, only it was specific to the 970, and not my 980.

  • 1. DDz Quorum

Well, I dunno, it works fine, so far.


Bit of trouble setting up multiple displays on it, but once I got the correct DVI cable hooked up... all is as it is supposed to be.


What's so wrong with no research, buy twice?




It does not look like much now, does it?

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