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As I eluded to in the shoutbox yesterday, would like to try to get as many of us as possible to fly together on ATAG in a Dangerdogz wing.


It was really good fun the other night, with myself, APHill, Faustnik and Fenrir.


The more we have together, the more we can really have some fun, definitely strength in numbers is useful!


So what time is a good time to fly for everybody who's interested?


I should think we'll almost certainly be flying the Spit 1a 100 octane, the Spit 2a and the Hurricane, 100 octane.  I hope so as I seem to have forgotten how to fly the 109 without blowing the engine. :rolleyes:


I had a quick look at the Spit after setting up my controls yesterday. I couldnt find a cold and dark start but after watching a couple of vids it seems pretty simple.


For both Spit and Hurri; turn on fuel, hit start, open radiator. Ignore mixture controls.  Familiarise yourself with rev counter and boost gauge. Whilst waiting for temps to come up set compass.  Then put prop pitch to 100% and try giving it a bit of throttle.  When the revs start to come up the plane will move and you're ready to go.


Immediately after take off reduce engine revs to 2600 and reduce throttle to + 4 boost.  Simples!


Most important; always make sure rad is open and reduce engine revs/boost immediately after take off.


Dangerdogz server is up Crash.  Fire up the game and find it in the server list.  Password is xxxxxxx.  You'll be able to do a cold start take off and shoot up the LW! :salute:  

+++ EDIT +++ Removed server password - this is a public area

  • 2. Administrators

Use our server, its what its there for. It runs 24/7 and is imaginatively called dangerdogz, p/w xxxxxxxxx


The reason its there is so people can practise anytime they want, without the worry of human breathers ruining there practise time. Its set up so there is enemy bombing raids focussed on the Hawkinge, Lympe and Dover areas, Hawkinge, Manston and Lympe are all available to use. Most bomber raids come in at around 12-15000 ft. Manston is the safest place to start if you don't want an enemy bomb to disrupt your practise!


You will cold start, just as on ATAG. 


Wed night on ATAG will not be the best time to be asking a hundred questions of how do i do this, this thread however is the perfect place, and our server is the perfect place to practise these things.


Things you will need to know.


1) how to start your engine (ie turn the fuel on, move the throttle forward an inch or so) and how not to overheat your engine and blow the engine after 30 seconds (THIS WILL HAPPEN IF YOU DON'T OPEN THE RADIATOR AND REDUCE YOUR PROP PITCH).


First thing i do upon getting in a new plane is open the radiator to 100%, before anything else, should be the first thing you do.


Only time i use 100% pitch is for take off and landing, even in combat rarely if ever go above 80%, cruise normally around 60%. 


2) how to set your compass, Do this whilst your engine is warming up.




This thread, and post number 13 by Robo explains the compass much more in depth,




3) how to set your gunsight and turn it on. There are two wheels on the gunsight, one is to set it to your convergence (note, this is in yards, your convergence in the ini files is in metres so you need to convert), and one is to set it for the wingspan of what you are hunting. I use the clickable cockpit mouse cursor to do this whilst the engine is warming up. There is a button located behind the gunsight on the left hand side to turn it on and off, although i map a key for this myself.


 this thread is also useful for puting a little pic in your cockpit, giving enemy wingspans,





Some more useful stuff,


a) If you want much more effective weapon loadouts that the stock ones, here you can have mine! (convergence set at 200m so you need to use 220 yards when setting your gunsight up)




Note there is no tracer in these loadouts, as this gives away you are firing, there is however plenty of DeWilde, which gives a flash on impact which is better than tracer imo.



b )  Also if you haven't tinkered with all your info windows, again you can have how i have set mine up to give you a headstart,


copy this text into your confUser.ini file found here,


C:\Users\kevin\Documents\1C SoftClub\il-2 sturmovik cliffs of dover - MOD


At the end of the file, look for the [ChatWindow] section,

This may require them to be moved around a bit if you're not running 1920 x 1200 like i am though.
0:-1=-posSize '0.016 0.861 0.152 0.139' -titleStr "Info Window" -alpha 0 -ualpha 0 -vscroll -wrap -history 100
0:262144=-lay 0 -fnt 0 -clr 0
1:-1=-posSize '0.819 0.595 0.181 0.145' -titleStr "Secondary Controls" -alpha 130 -ualpha 0 -history 10 -timeout 15
1:5=-font 0
1:4=-font 0
1:7=-font 0
2:-1=-posSize '0.000 0.005 0.200 0.200' -titleStr "Info Window" -alpha 50 -ualpha 0 -vscroll -wrap -history 90 -timeout 25
2:2=-font 0
3:-1=-posSize '0.781 0.007 0.215 0.188' -titleStr "Info. Window 1" -alpha 20 -ualpha 0 -vscroll -wrap -includeTime -history 5 -timeout 10
3:4=-font 0
3:3=-font 0
3:1=-font 0
3:6=-font 0
4:-1=-posSize '0.264 0.002 0.450 0.991' -titleStr NetStats -title -border -alpha 50 -ualpha 0 -custom
4:-2=-font 0 -color 120 -columnWidth '0.113 0.197 0.354 0.161 0.104 0.070' -columnSort 2
Anymore questions, ask away!
+++ EDIT +++ Removed server password - this is a public area
  • 2. Administrators

by the way, it will be my birthday, so you all have to protect me!


Thing i do in Spit is when turned on i have my radiator closed, pitch all the way down and throttle to 1/3 up so my engine would heat up quickly. When water gauge gets to around 60  i open radiator 100% and get my pitch back to 100% for take off. After take off prop pitch is reduced so my rpm would not exceed 28 on gauge. 


For Bf i open my radiator at start 100% and take off with rpm at 100%. In flight i check rpm gauge all the time so my rpm would not exceed 30. Be sure if running on 30 rpm do not go to long on that regime or you will burn your engine. Best is between 20 and 25. 30 only in extreme dogfight. Bad thing is that if you don`t set your Bf or Bf is not equipped with auto RPM regulation your eyes must always be between your enemy, rpm gauge while scanning the area at same time. 

  • 2. Administrators

For Bf i open my radiator at start 100% and take off with rpm at 100%. In flight i check rpm gauge all the time so my rpm would not exceed 30. Be sure if running on 30 rpm do not go to long on that regime or you will burn your engine. Best is between 20 and 25. 30 only in extreme dogfight. Bad thing is that if you don`t set your Bf or Bf is not equipped with auto RPM regulation your eyes must always be between your enemy, rpm gauge while scanning the area at same time. 


after a fair bit of practise you can do this automatically by listing to the engine rpm, it becomes second nature.


True Fruitbat but for now when flying on 20 rpm engine sound is so weak that i think it will die. Only when i look at my speed gauge and see it is around 400 kph on 5% nose up i realize that engine is alright :).

Most important thing is when in dogfight your rpm goes to extremes, low or high, so you constantly have to change your pitch to correct RPMs actually makes this plane hard to fight in. So my suggestion is to not engage in turn fight, just let him be with his energy and settings and engage only when in domination over enemy in altitude. 


When I am in the Controller Settings, and click the "Save As..." button, it does not save anything at all.  Does this happen to everyone or do I have something wrong?

  • 2. Administrators

i've just reinstalled CloD in preparation for next Wednesday. Could some kind person provide a link to the mod downloads please?






*** EDIT - Never mind I've found them now. Now to twiddle my thumbs for another 4 hours while they download and install.***


I am not sure if my convergence is saving as it seems to revert to 383.83 feeters. I also cant find my confUsers.ini I have installed it on E/flightsims/steam but I cant find it there either :(

  • 2. Administrators

can only change your convergence online or in the fmb (what i did) otherwise it doesn't save, or edit the user.ini file. 


All your ini files are saved here,


C:\Users\xxxxx\Documents\1C SoftClub\il-2 sturmovik cliffs of dover - MOD


Thanks Kev, I found the file and altered it as suggested. I will also do this http://theairtacticalassaultgroup.com/forum/showthread.php?t=5374&highlight=Newview but I think it could be a couple of weeks before it is installed, set up and I know what I am doing with it. Its a good job I have a laptop  and read the instructions as I try to follow them :)


Sorry I didnt join last night. My trackir view is jumping all over the place. I have turned off all the snap and pan view settings and played around with the trackir settings but the view keeps jumping every few seconds which make flying and shooting a bit more of a challenge than I need at the moment. I have had a look in the Atag forums but I cant find any info. Does anyone have an idea how to make it run smoothly? 1946 has no problems and there are no other light sources interfering. I might make a recording of what it looks like later on.

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