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First off I would like to say hello to everyone. I wish I would have ventured into flight sims sooner but better late then never.

I was wondering wondering who is playing what these days?

So many choices it seems with these new fast PC's and internet connections. I am still working on my setup and will soon have my HOTAS to configure.

So is there a thread here that gives a bit of history about this squad and about Blairgowrie. He looks like a cool guy.....

With respects



There was a thread that gave a lot of info about the Late Great BG and some history of the squad. My poor old brain cant remember where it is though.

  • 1. DDz Quorum

~S~ OverDhill sir,

Welcome to the DDz !

Interesting handle you have there, I saw the discussion about it in the "shout box" . We can't really call you "over" for obvious reasons or "hill" because we have an "APHill" already ! LOL (He gets called "AP" btw)

Maybe "Dhill" ? I'm sure it will sort itself out.

The squad has been around since 2005 and is very much like a disfunctional family, always has been , always will be. BG used to keep things in order but now that he has "moved on" we have a quorum of 7 representing both sides of the Atlantic who are there just in case there is a problem that the lads cannot sort out for themselves, (very rare). Every single member is free to express their opinion as long as it not deliberately offensive to any other member.

Like any group of chaps we have some personalities that are "louder" or more forceful than others but when it comes to it we always have a vote on important matters. Having said all of that obviously the more a person contributes to the squad, the more people tend to listen to them.

The point is that no one person is in charge, humour and fun are the most important things that we share but on occasions when it is called for (SEOW, Dogfight Ladder, a squad campaign, ETC), we all get a bit more serious and plan/fly as well as we can. Many of us are friends in "real life" and have met up and shared some great times (see Duxford threads).

I hope that sounds like your "cup of tea".

~S~ Painless.

  • 2. Administrators

To add to the above,

Most of the DangerDogz flying is still in il2 HSFX6, with flying nights being tue, thur, sat and sunday at around 7-8pm zulu time and runs normally for 2-3 hours or until the host decides he needs to go to bed, plus on wed nights american specific flight time nights (us in europe tend to be tucked up in bed by then, although not always!) That said, there is also just general flying that goes on, rule of thumb, look and see if someones on TS (can see the TS list on the forums), and join, there'll soon point you to where the action is!

Because we fly co-ops, you do not have to be in at the start, just turn up when you can fly, within that time frame.

Rise of flight is the other main sim that people fly, although there are many members that dabble in DCS, CLOD just to name a few, and nights are sometimes organised ad hoc for these as well.

Here is a thread that will tell you more about BG, and the respect people have for his memory,


regards fb.


Thanks for the info and the link. I would have liked to be part of this earlier as all of you seem to be really nice guys.

As for my handle... I can easily change it to make things easier... a couple of my other handles over the years was fordrat, hitnmiss and new2this


Over is much better than OverDHill. :thumbsu:

And won't add to the confusion, since we're mostly confused to begin with.


You don't have to be crazy to be a member, but it makes it easier to understand what's going on.


Personally I don't have a problem with his Nick on the forum and I think when flying it will be shortened to OH, or OD, Da-hill, but not OVER it's to commonly used as a communication word.

I guess we could call him Nugget in traditional flying history until sorted in the air. ;-)

OH will make a gesture, or action that will soon enough enlighten him or someone else into a fitting Nick.


Yeah like

Personally I don't have a problem with his Nick on the forum and I think when flying it will be shortened to OH, or OD, Da-hill, but not OVER it's to commonly used as a communication word.

I guess we could call him Nugget in traditional flying history until sorted in the air. ;-)

OH will make a gesture, or action that will soon enough enlighten him or someone else into a fitting Nick.

Yes like crash and burn a lot.. hahaha

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