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  • 1. DDz Quorum

~S~ Colin M8,

I prefer locked pit, no padlock, short icons myself but enjoying the fun of the match is more important so we can compromise on any sticking points I'm sure. ;)

~S~ P.

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They tested the map last weekend and have had this to say.

"Based on tonights testing - the map needs more work. All airfields need proper friction settings and targets for RED are missing. Sending the email to Smurfy now with list of required changes.

After messing about with difficulty and icon settings, here is what I purpose:

- black icons for friendlies, callsign only, at under 300m distance

- no icons for enemy planes

- externals on

- no friendly views

- no enemy views

- no padlock

- speedbar on

- own plane on the map

Let me know what you think about these (F6 is disabled here)."

I'll fly anything, but I like enemy distance set to .5m. But again I'll fly anything.

  • 2. Administrators

Friction settings?

that's user dependant, on personal footwear.

  • 1. DDz Quorum

Thanks Tonar

They were testing the map this Sunday just gone

I will drop them a post on thei forum to ask for a copy of the map

  • 1. DDz Quorum

I am hoping to receive the final copy of the map for the match later today.

I have suggested to FT that either I or he host it on Sunday so we can have a look at whats what.




I know it's kind of late but isn't it possible to have externals on the ground but not in the air? I know I've been on dogfight servers that were set up like that. I don't mind either way, but I thought that might clear up any sticking points.

I doubt that I can make it this Sunday. I have to rip up my mother's kitchen floor (down to the joists), repair all of her plumbing and put every thing back to like new this weekend. I'm thinking I might need all of it. (the weekend that is.......)


I have not signed up because I do Sunday dinners with my nephew. So, I would have to leave early on this. I might show up and see if there is something I can fly for a while if that works out. If not, it's no problem.



I'm working both this Sunday and next on nights. So I'm not going to make it. Good luck though.

Sent from my iBrick via my finger!

  • 1. DDz Quorum

A copy of my latest post over at the BFS/DBS forum

Have we made a decision on the difficulty settings (I think we ought to if not)? as we would like to practice tonight with them on so that we can see "whats what" so to speak.

Could you confirm please;

1. Will externals on the ground be available Yes / No

2. Are we going for locked pit once in the air Yes / No

3. What will the icon ranges be for both friend and foe

4. Will external padlock be available Yes / No

We should also agree that

1. If a player has been shot down they do not disconnect before the plane has crashed.

2. Strafing of airfields should not take place, bombing from altitude yes, strafing no.

3. No shooting of parachutes

4. No ramming on purpose

5. Damaged planes should be given all best effort to return to base rather than bail and re-fly as soon as you are hit.

Should we define a winning scenario?

Something like that as you have the radar stations on the map that if the Luftwaffe can destroy 3 out of 4 (for example) or will it just be points accumulation?

Not long to go now and we need to decide/publish these things so that both sides can plan ahead.

Salute and thanks for being a part of this.


  • 1. DDz Quorum

Just stating my opinion here:

1. No

2. Yes

3. No opinion whatsoever. Can do without any icons

4. No!

1. No Disconnect + Reconnect at all! Refly, yes

(Disconnect + reconnect only when in hardware/software trouble...)

2. No opinion whatsoever.

3. No opinion whatsoever.

4. No opinion whatsoever.

5. Speaks for itself ...

But, how can we judge these 'rules' ie. how to make sure they are applied correctly? I think: keep it simple.

Bad things will happen. Like I said on TS, should I find myself in a Hurricane with engine damage -ie no good landing/refly option- I might opt to hit the tailplane or wing of a 111/Dornier if I got the chance. And, why not?

What if I collide with a bomber? -ie can't pull out in time? Who's gonna judge whether intentional or not?

Keep it simple: No disconnect/reconnect due to game play. No other rules, there's a war on you know!


1. Will externals on the ground be available Yes / No – I don’t really care, I learned how to S-Taxi decades ago, so I can get by without externals.

2. Are we going for locked pit once in the air Yes / No – Yes, it’s the only way to fly realistically.

3. What will the icon ranges be for both friend and foe - I’m okay with any sort of Icons that the group decides upon. Or we can go without icons and really make it a challenge.

4. Will external padlock be available Yes / No – In in my opinion it’s a Cheat

We should also agree that

1. If a player has been shot down they do not disconnect before the plane has crashed. – Agreed

2. Strafing of airfields should not take place, bombing from altitude yes, strafing no. – Agreed

3. No shooting of parachutes - Agreed. It’s not honorable and it violates Article 20 of the 1923 Hague Rules of Air Warfare

4. No ramming on purpose – I wouldn’t do that even if it was allowed. You could get hurt.

5. Damaged planes should be given all best effort to return to base rather than bail and re-fly as soon as you are hit. - Absolutely! For me it adds to immersion to limp a damaged bird home

Should we define a winning scenario? Yes, being alive when it’s over.

  • 1. DDz Quorum

Reply received...

Of course you do. smile.gif

Here is what we have now:

1. Externals ON, player plane only.

2. See 1.

3. Friendly icons only, showing up under 300m: black / callsign only.

4. No padlock available.

The rules:

1. Agreed.

2. NO strafing of airfields with guns and cannons, bombs and rockets only.

3. Agreed.

4. Absolutely agreed.

5. That is a gray area IMO. What defines a damaged plane? RED team will have a goal of shooting down as much planes as possible. Slightly altered rule perhaps - allow your opponent to bail if he put his lights on by giving him 10-15 seconds to do it. If he doesn't or starts doing something else - open fire freely. Crash landing is another matter why this is a gray area...

Winning scenario my take (this is how the mission has been built):

RED: shoot down certain amount of planes and/or/both destroy certain amount of targets

- since you only have Blenheims at your dispossal, we gave RED a smaller target to destroy

BLUE: Destroy certain amount of fighters and ground / sea targets

- we could place plane and pilot limits on all airfields, that could make this even more interesting...

Let me know how DD guys feel about this and I will start a new thread with rules and everything no latter than tomorrow evening.

  • 1. DDz Quorum

Your opinions are always welcome FT as is anyone else who wants to chip in. The more advice I get the better

  • 1. DDz Quorum

according to this;

Friendly icons only, showing up under 300m: black / callsign only.

is this correct;

mp_dotrange FRIENDLY DOT 20.000 NAME 0.30

mp_dotrange FOE DOT 20.000

  • 1. DDz Quorum

Copy of post from their site..

Battle-Fields & Dedicated Bomber Squadron vs. Danger Dogs

DATE: Sunday, December 9th




TS 3: | password: letmein

SERVER: | HyperLobby: battle-fields3

SERVER PASSWORD: will be posted here on the day of the Match


  • game version: 4.11.1 + HSFX v6.X.XX
  • TeamSpeak3: Do join TS, even if you do not have a working microphone.
  • skin pack: DEFAULT SKINS ONLY (to eliminate any possible lag)


  • If a you have been shot down do not disconnect before the plane has crashed.
  • Strafing of airfields is not allowed, use bombs and rockets if available.
  • No shooting of parachutes.
  • No ramming on purpose.
  • No penalty required for hitting refly after you get shot down.
  • External view available for your plane only.
  • No padlock (both external and in the cockpit).
  • Icons available for friendly planes only (black, name, under 500m).
  • Dot range: 20 km.


  • The map chosen for this is Battle of Britain, in 1:1 scale. Match run time is 3h. After 1:30h we will switch sides and restart the map.
  • Both teams will have 3 defined goals. The first team who first meets 2/3 of those goals constitutes a WIN. If after 1:30h there is no winner, we will count points to decide on who won. Record tracks if you can.
  • Each goal represents certain target type, and a required percentage of it destroyed.
    - For RED team those are total number of enemy planes, ships in the harbor and static planes on an airfield.
    - BLUE have to destroy an airfield, ships in the Channel and radar installations on the coast.
  • Both teams will have radar cover represented by FOW and 90 seconds refresh interval. Tactical advantage can be achieved here. If you destroy enough radar objects the enemy will be left without radar cover.

(further map details and info will be available tomorrow evening when Fusek is done with the map)


  1. Colin it says start 17:00 GMT. I thought we where going for 19:00 . Wifey will be a bit miffed if I say I am off to fight the Battle of Britain as dinner is being served. :chainsaw:

  • 1. DDz Quorum

Sorry, should have added not to worry about the time they state.

The time is as we have stated...on comms as soon as you like for a 7:30 definate start

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