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Hello and thanks all.

Fooltrottel, Trying your suggestion of Delete Chkmods.exe, and rename Chkmodsnew to Chkmods.exe, then run that one. still didn't work.

In my original unzip there was no .exe file to run I just ran the chekmods one, maybe the extensions are hidden but if you compare the 2 attached screeen shots showing "first unzip" and "after new mod" you can see the contents are quite different. Please note that I have tried to run the "chkmods" before the 2nd picture was taken incase that adds any files here. I also notice that there is an .exe in the new mod file named renexe, mmmmmnnnn just noticed that there is no dot in it.

Any comments?



  • 1. DDz Quorum

You can run the 'renexe', it is a command procedure, will delete the old chkmods.exe, and rename chkmodsnew.exe to chkmods.exe, and then start chkmods.

What I'm really interested in, is a screenshot of the situation when the error occurs...


Here you go Fooltrottel

What I'm really interested in, is a screenshot of the situation when the error occurs...r

I deleted all and redid it but it still fails with a runtime error see attached files.

Does that give anyone any ideas or should I give up on this and do the classic but long winded install??




  • 2. Administrators

Hi Barnaby, FT will be on comms shortly, so you can ask him over comms, will be much easier to sort out, or if you decide to go through the manual install, i can walk you through that, know HSFX installing very well, have helped many Dogz already.....

  • 1. DDz Quorum

Well, the error 14 is an overload on the number of error messages it can handle ...lol

The source of the other error (that causes error 14 in the end) is unclear to me...

Somehow, your system won't let ChkMods download the games files...

But, the weird thing is, for ChkMods to run properly, it needs to download files as well.. and as it appears to be running properly (it does recognize the correct number of missing files expected to bring a vanilla install up to HSFX6.)... it can download files just fine...

Stumped, for the moment.

I've tried it on my system, with the game in a folder on the desktop - like you have - and it appears to be running correctly here.

Besides AVG virusscanner, are you running any other software to protect your system?


Hy Again FT

I have AVG's Internet Security 2012. I also have the Avg Internet Security toolbar which does watch what I visit. I may have a banking protector on but I think that only watches my banking stuff, might be wrong on that? Apart from that I am with Plusnet and am running their Help Assistant but I haven't activated any virus stuff of theirs. I also run AVG Tune-up but that is dumb unless I ask it to do something.

I'll have another go later or tomorrow and if it fails again I try the long route which may turn out to be the short route. It will be a pity as the Checkmod would seem to be ideal.


JUST A THOUGHT I also had issues when joining these forums as I couldn't get the validation email as my virus stuff was saying the site was not the original site ie it was a hidden/masked server and not signed?

That could only have been through AVG detection and masking [hiding the true server identity] is a known scamming way to trick people into giving out there details thinking it's their bank or shop etc. I definately get a report saying it's not correctly assigned but this could have been a false positive. Anyway I still don't know how to overcome this apart from shutting down all my virus stuff which I'm wary of doing.

If I look in the AVG logs at the blocked files what will they say if that's what is happening, will I see anything listing DANGEDOGZ or CHECKMOD?

  • 1. DDz Quorum

Some of your security software might be blocking stuff... hard to tell.

I can fully understand if you're not comfortable switching them off, and indeed, leave them

Log files may show that files are being blocked, but what I do not understand is that chkmods can and will download some files (autoupdate) but cannot download the game files... oh Well,..,.

You'll have to take the other route now, downloading the HSFX set and its patches.

It's doable...

Sorry this thing does not work for you... I'll make a note of the issue, maybe one day we can find the cause, and a fix!

Good Luck!


OK thanks FT I'll have a go tomorrow doing it the l o n g way so standby Fruitbat as I may come a knocking for you if I get stuck but hopefully not.


  • 2. Administrators

Actually FT, there is a possible issue here which you might have overlooked - I see from your screenshots Barnaby that you are running the game out of the c:\users\desktop folder. I don't think that using this folder is a good idea for two reasons - one is because the files in this folder are cached into the memory at boot up, thereby increasing boot times and possibly hogging unnecessarily large quantities of the memory - I'm dredging this up from somewhere so I might be hazy on the details. Two is that this folder is a sort of 'system' folder (i.e. created for you by the windows installer) and I'm not sure the UAC doesn't interfere with it. Bottom line is, I think you need to move your game folder to somewhere else (c:\il-2 for example) before you do anything more. Once moved, you can try checkmods again or install the patches whichever suits.

Of course I might be talking utter rubbish...



If you use my 'classic' instructions above, BitTorrent does a checksum on the downloads automatically, and the files have always worked the first time for me. And the download is 1 file (not 1 file broken into 6 parts to download). I know I'm preaching to the choir, but I don't get why you guys don't recommend the normal way that every other person usually installs this. Everybody on the SAS forums does it this way. (Ok, I'll shut up now). ;)

  • 1. DDz Quorum

Nick, I've seen that use of the Desktop folder... and I've tried that on my system, to put both ChkMods and the game (vanilla 4.10.1m) in folders on the Desktop, then run ChkMods: No problem at all... so, not the cause of the issue here.

And, I'm with Snacko now, somehow ChkMods has an issue on your system that cannot be solved quickly, so better go the traditional route now!

(@Snacko, the traditional route may be 'better' as it is ....well... the traditional route... using ChkMods -if it works- is much less a hassle... it's does stuff automatically .. :) .. )

@Barnaby: Although probably not the cause of the issue with chkmods, in the long run it's better and easier to move the folder ...

Hold on, I was testing this with UAC off... oopsie... will do some more testing...


OK thank you very much Gents I've a couple of jobs to do then I'll try the CLASSIC route.

I'll delete checkmods and the of copyHSFX6 already downloaded that I have on my desktop and start afresh again..

Ok Commencing run in Tallyho.

Let's hope I meet less resistance this time.



Ok here's a Sit-Rep

I've got my IL-2 game file sat at C:/ and not as was in the program file.

I've also D/L the MegaPatch and 4.11 and 4.11.1 and they are sitting on my desktop for easy access.

I've also got a vanilla of the original game just incase, held in a folder also on my desktop for now.

One thing the two 4.11 files are both saying unassigned and look like they are waiting for me to authorise them, could this be why the CheckMods was failing.. Do I need to run them as admin as right clicking them shows different options when compared to the megapatch.

So what's my next step, the megapatch looks fine as it has one folder and looks like I just add it to my IL-2 folder @ C: There is just an application in there called RunMe.

Need some help here.

  • 2. Administrators

Hi Barnaby, if you can get online tomorrow evening, we can work through it with you - it's a little difficult with the time delay here.


  • 2. Administrators

You might want to think about downloading teamviewer too, so if I or one of the other guys need to remote in to help, you're all ready. We managed to do two complete set ups on painless's rig that way, so it's a useful facility

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Well thank you very much gents using TeamView was a breeze..

I'm all modded and patched up and had a little dabble up in the sky until I got into a flatspin nose down, throttle back with left rudder and pray but didn't pull out until 20ft above the sea. I then tip stalled into the water in panic.

I need to set up my JS sidewinder and review the other ingame keys. At the moment my JS is physically off to the right so I need to reposition it a bit nearer my screen.

I'll get some rolling take offs done and map work too.

Thanks again for all the assistance given.



Nice to see you last night. If you dont know already some info for you

If you want to practice take offs use quick mission builder, make sure that there are no enemy or friendly aircraft selected and choose scramble as your target.

It is worth mapping keys/buttons to

prop pitch up

prop pitch down

flaps up

flaps down

manual u/c up

manual u/c down

tail hook

select engines 1,2,3 and four

select all engines



there are a lot more but that will get you going. Some are already mapped but you still have to know which button to press ;)

Someone will be along to give more advice anyway.

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