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Hy gents

I'm returning to flight sims and I know IL-2 has a good following so when a digital m8 PARTS said he was joining DangerDogz I asked him to get me the details.

I receive my IL-21946 tomorrow so I'll be updating it to 6.0.15 over the weekend but I may need some guidance.along the way.

I'll pop back on TS if I do.

Got my sidewinder force feedback re-installed and up and working and I'm hoping it will work with IL-2 also.

catch you in the clouds




Hi Barnaby! Welcome to the pound.

Are you new to IL2? If so, training is available on everything from takeoffs and landings, to sheep identification.


  • 1. DDz Quorum

A few of us here use the MS Force Feedback 2, so you shouldn't have a problem. If so there are those that can help, also we have a Download in the site here that will update from 4.07 up to HSFX. A couple of mates can direct you, check in on TS for some advise, either FT (fool throttle) or Jabo or a lot of others can assist.

Also, Welcome finding us was your lucky day.

  • 2. Administrators

hi, pm me if you need some help, will be around tomorrow evening.


Thanks for Hi's gents and assistance offers I'm sure I'll need some lead in's to complete my install.

Yes Snako I've never flown IL-2 before but have flown several others SIMS so I'm rather hoping it will be somewhat similar.

Off to commence install............................


Must get my pic changed from army to air



I'll keep this going here unless CFO needs to side slip it into another topic

I've loaded the basic game up and had a little fly about. My Sidewinder seems to work but not all the buttons seem active so I'm not sure if each aircraft needs me to assign all the buttons each time, I hope not.

Game notes: version says it is 4.04m - 4.07m

So which patch do I start with from the downloads. Somebody in TS was saying there is a mega patch which saves loading lots of little patches up, but which is it.

Does the mega patch take me from where I am at 4.07m upto 4.10m? If so how do I get to HSFX 6.0.15 or are these 2 different patch types ie PATCHES & MODS?

Also after D/L the patches but before attaching them to the game I should save them for future reinstall needs, did I understand that correctly?

I'll pop into air-comms later tonight 21.00hrs uk time incase anybody is about.

Your help will be much appreaciated.


  • 1. DDz Quorum

~S~ Barnaby sir,

Glad to have you on board M8. If you can put up with my dear friend Mr "Parts" then you are well qualified to mix it up with the DDz. ;)

Welcome. :D

~S~ Painless.



I'll keep this going here unless CFO needs to side slip it into another topic

I've loaded the basic game up and had a little fly about. My Sidewinder seems to work but not all the buttons seem active so I'm not sure if each aircraft needs me to assign all the buttons each time, I hope not.

Game notes: version says it is 4.04m - 4.07m

So which patch do I start with from the downloads. Somebody in TS was saying there is a mega patch which saves loading lots of little patches up, but which is it.

Does the mega patch take me from where I am at 4.07m upto 4.10m? If so how do I get to HSFX 6.0.15 or are these 2 different patch types ie PATCHES & MODS?

Also after D/L the patches but before attaching them to the game I should save them for future reinstall needs, did I understand that correctly?

I'll pop into air-comms later tonight 21.00hrs uk time incase anybody is about.

Your help will be much appreaciated.


Hello :) Make sure that you havnt installed into C/program files if so copy the whole folder somewhere else like a new folder called games. The first 4 buttons will be auto assigned although you can change them. The other buttons will need to be assigned (maybe prop pitch up and down and flaps up and down)

  • 1. DDz Quorum

If you want to try and go directly towards HSFX 6.0.15, then you may want to try 'CheckMods'.

It's a utility exclusive to us DD's. It will check your current installation, and will download missing or incorrect files, so you will end up with our current standard.

Best is to keep your current version, and make a copy of it to a folder named 1946HSFX or similar.

Download check mods from here: Link

Create a separate folder for it, and unzip the contents to that folder.

RightClick Chkmods.exe, and select 'Run as Administrator' (only need to do that once)

Let it search for your IL2 install, and select the correct one.

Press 'Verify Mods', let it run (will take a while)

After it's done checking, press 'Fix issues', that will take even longer.

After its first run, exit ChkMods, and start it again.

Repeat the 'Verify Mods' - 'Fix issues' until 'Verify Mods' stops finding issues.

Note: It will overwrite your current conf.ini and User folders, so after ChkMods is done, copy them over from your initial installation.

May look like a lot of work... but it still is easier than installing the vanilla up to 4.11m, and then add the modset. Also, if you let ChkMods run on a copy, you will not lose anything in case it goes all wrong except some time ... (well, it won't go wrong)

If you want to go the classic route:

Here's a link to the MegaPatch which will bring your installation up to 4.10.m.

Then download and install 4.11m patch, and next 4.11.1m

Next, check whether it runs.

Then make either a backup copy of it, and a copy to a folder where you will apply the mods.

(It's always smart to keep a copy of the vanilla version, just in case...)

Download the HSFX6 package: All parts on this page and install them, next the patches on page 1, and the HSFX Autoupdater.

Hm. That's a lot...

I'll be on TS later, but by the looks of it, I'll be gone by the time you get there...

Good Luck!

  • Like 1

Thanks gents that's very helpfull.

Fooltrottel, should I do what you say first then move everything to a new folder like Crash says.if my original install has been into c/program files?


Update Yes the game is in Program files (x86) under ubisoft folder which also has Farcry in it. Both games do work from there though so fo I still need to move it.

  • 2. Administrators

Hi Barnaby, the problem is that the il-2 game writes back to the game folder when running and this falls foul of the UAC cos windows doesn't like write backs into protected folders. Sooo, to get the game to run properly, you need to move the entire folder to an 'unprotected' location, say c:\ or if you have a second drive or partition d:\ (this is what I do, and has the advantage of not being affected if you have to wipe the system drive)

Oh, and use checkmods, it's really clever and will give you a perfect install,, but move that folder first!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk



I'll get stuck into it tomorrow now as we've been doing some entertaining and the red stuff has been flowing freely.

Thanks all


Snako u just reminded me of my childhood.

I was 9 months old when we went back to Austraila late 1944. We lived in the outback and had various animals hens, geese and a sheep well a lamb actually. Guess his name . . . . . . . yup snowy.

Now I took him for walks in the bush with a l o n g metal chain lead. I could slip the lead off him tell him to stay walk away some 20yards then call him to me. He got the wait and run bits ok but every time he forgot to stop and knocked me flying but he never ran off.

I bet you know where this is going don't yar well at Sunday lunch we were having a roast and yes it was snowy he'd gone missing a few days before or so I was told but in fact he'd got turned into Sunday roast.

So no wooly sheep here but don't let anyone tell sheep are stupid they're not.

I'm suprised I was not mentally scared for life after that but I never named any of the other animals we had they were the food chain.....................

Now I wonder what we are having for sunday dinner this weekend?

My dad had come to the UK to join the RAF but that's a another story. .


Sheep know their Shepard. In the Bible it talks about that and says the sheep know their Shepard's voice. They were talking about Christ of course. But I saw a documentary a few years ago and they showed 5 Shepards bringing in their flocks at night to a well where they spent the night. All of the sheep from the 5 flocks were inter-mingled at the well... In the morning as each Shepard left, he just called his sheep as he walked up the hills, and only 'his' sheep left the flock. The rest stayed put! The Bible talks of this, but to actually see it happen was amazing. The sheep really do know their Shepard's voice! And I bet that Snowy knew your voice. Now he knows your stomach as well..


Well I flipped on take off.

I got as far as unzipping the contents of the CHECK MODS into a new folder when bummer it said there is a newer version. I asked for it and got another file called chkmodsnew. Nothing happens so I again started this with right click and run as adminstrator.

It starts the first scan and ask to fix fields and it gets stuck into that but THEN hangs up saying RUNTIME ERROR 2147417848. I don't seem to be able to get past this point even after 4-5 goes it keeps saying the same runtime error.

I've done a registry scan using AVG tuneup and a reboot but to no avail.

Anyone got any ideas as a google search points at the software I'm trying to install and not my pc.

I'm not aware of any issues with my pc.

I've not managed to find anyone on ts when I've looked but I'll keep trying.



Barn, I would suggest just trying it the 'normal' way. It's fairly straight forward.. Install the game. Patch up to 4.11.1. Install mods. Run the built-in mod auto-updater.

  • 2. Administrators

One for FT I think. Chkmods is his pidgeon. Sit tight Barnaby, he'll be along..


Here are some instructions I wrote up for Skypup to do it the 'classic' way, as FT puts it.. You'll need (free) BitTorrent to download one big file instead of 8 smaller ones. And it will verify the files automatically.

Patch your game up to stock 4.11.1

Test game runs.

Download the HSFX 6 torrent here: http://dangerdogz.co...e__hl__ torrent

Install that into your game folder.

Download the patch here: http://dangerdogz.co...6-0-patch-1exe/

Install patch into your game folder.

Run the HSFX_Client_Updater.exe in the game folder.

That's it, now your ready to play.

Copy a shortcut for the il2fb.exe and jsgme.exe to your desktop.

run jsgme and enable the HSFX History mod. (move it to the right side). Also we usually enable at least the Expert mode mod. If the host is using this mod, then everone needs it. You will get a connection error saying 'different version' if they are using Expert mode, and you are not.

Run IL2!

More info is here: http://dangerdogz.co...e__hl__ torrent

Cheers Skypup!

  • 1. DDz Quorum

Should that error happen again, could you grab a screenshot, and add it to a reply in here?

I'm very curious why it happens... it should not, ya know...

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