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Well this is odd....cant get the IL2 46 disc to install the game....no matter what I do it wont work.


 Edit.....nevermind I got it....geez


 Edit more......lol I can't believe how much I've forgotten about installing and patches n stuff...

  • 1. DDz Quorum

Hey Bucky !

Great to hear from you again. Good luck with the install phase and hope to fly with you soon.

Bloody hell Bucky and JP coming back, it will soon be a bit like old times : )


  • 2. Administrators

Get DT and Psycho back on board and it certainly will be!




P.S. How are you getting along Bucky?



Are we going to have a Rupert flying tonight?  Wow, I might be there. :P


FruitBat; didn't you go for Rupert selection once?

Yah, mtq1 & 2 passed, tcb passed, pre rcb passed, sponsered by the green howards and my rcb was booked in....



When Ruperts go bad!!



Despite making what I would have thought a pretty good landing considering the circumstances and after Their Lordships had spent several million pounds of taxpayers money training him this Rupert was given a desk job.  Almost certainly for shooting his mouth off to the world's press when he got off the boat!!


Sorry for going completely off topic. I blame Eshark :P


Edit.  Hello Bucky! :thumbsu:


JP and Bucky coming back in nearly the same week? This must surely be a sign. I shall consult my many books of spells and incantations and perhaps Friar should check with sister Jonathan to see if she sees anything in her crystal balls. :The_Pope::toil::meditate:



P.S. Welcome back you big beautiful lumberjack!

  • 2 weeks later...


 ...just when I thought I was out,real life pulls me back in lol


 During a really genuine try to get into the air,...really struggling with the patches btw lol,... real life showed up and said I have to go work out of town in the middle of "What's IL2 land?"...

 That means another 4 months or so of building pipelines in Northern Canada...have they even heard of CTRL E??

 Sadly I must postpone my endevour to be one with the Dogz....for now.

 Nice to know that some of you still remember who the heck I am lol.....btw I spoke with JP briefly today,...he got another call and had to go...typical....




JP and Bucky!?  Welcome back boys!


Now if only Quazi would check in... He, DT, and Psycho all said they were coming back about a year ago...

  • 2. Administrators

Sorry to hear that real life is getting in the way Bucky - check in when you have the time m8.



  • 2. Administrators

It may be a pain but you're the one that let things get out of step. No-one to blame but...etc etc etc. :riot:  However, a bit like L'Oréal, we ARE worth it. :bouncy::thumbsu:


Anyway, although I don't use the x52 anymore, I'll send you my tir profile later.




for x-52 see vault -documents x-52 layout

I have put in the buttons I use as some arnt default but it should give you a template to work from -

If you want the actual profile to put in your folder then Ill put it in the vault


ha...you out of touch accross-the-ponders.


Rog moved to St Louis to be at the home office.


Geez, I've been away like 8 years and am more in touch than you guys.


(did you hear the other news...Princess Di died...)


Sorry...have alot of 'being an asshole' to catch up on.

What!!? Where in the US are you moving?

Job is located in St. Louis MO but family locating to Albuquerque NM and I am to work from home, a lot!




Crash pm'd me the log on stuff at IL-2 BoS forums back in august, how many more months of quarantine for the logons before they can be used/safe? I have a couple of dogs now, just for you guys.

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