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  • 1. DDz Quorum

A friend who just downloaded HSFX-6 has a problem with video in his game. From an altitude the shorelines have white block like edges. I've seen pictures of this and know there is a cure, but I can't remember what it is.

We've tried some changes in Conf, games settings and the Catalysrt Control Center, for a while I thought it may be fixed by shutting down the Catalyst AI.

Some old mate must recall the fix, Thanks..


There is a lot of stuff to look at for problems like this. Has he tried just running stock IL2? It may not be HSFX related.

  • 1. DDz Quorum

The party with the problem sent me some photos, I'll try and DL and take this along with his Dxdiag over to Ubi Forums.

He's running an ATI GPU (Radeon HD6950)post-291-0-39247500-1346096604_thumb.jpg

  • 1. DDz Quorum

That is what I recalled to fix the problem, but when I went where you make the change, there isn't a box to uncheck.

Only a bar to slide from Preformance to Quality. Tried oppisite from what it was set to, no improvement.


What is the version of his ATI drivers? Are they current? That is weird that he doesn't have that Cat AI checkbox.

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1. DDz Quorum

Thanks guys, we'll try drivers, it has to be the problem.

  • 1. DDz Quorum

~S~ Pooka M8,

It's almost certainly because he has those "Yankie" markings on the Spit !! LOL

Hope that helps :D

~S~ P.

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1. DDz Quorum

Yep that was it, took off those stars and all is wonderful.

Ended up going back to scratch, started from the 1946 disc (407) added all the updates and everything looked fine on each Quick Mission Bldr we ran between updates. When we put in the HSFX Updater the white shorelines reappeared, but this time they were black. I'd dl a file from some forum, atigo.dll or something like that. Added it for the heck of it, Presto, no black shoreline, all is functioning as should be. I think its a file that is needed with his 6950 GPU.

The screen doesn't fill to the edges when the game starts up. Mine has the black border edges during set up, but when the game starts there gone and the sim is at full screen. His won't stretch to the sides, any ideas here....?

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