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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by CaptJackG

  1. A husband and wife are lying quietly in bed reading when the wife looks over at him and asks the question. Wife: 'What would you do if I died? Would you get married again?' Husband: 'Definitely not!' Wife: 'Why not? Don't you like being married?' Husband: 'Of course I do.' Wife: 'Then why wouldn't you remarry?' Husband: 'Okay, okay, I'd get married again.' Wife: 'You would? (With a hurt look) Husband: Groans Wife: 'Would you live in our house?' Husband: 'Sure. It's a great house.' Wife: 'Would you sleep with her in our bed?' Husband: 'Where else would we sleep?' Wife: 'Would you let her drive my car?' Husband: 'Probably. It is almost new.' Wife: 'Would you replace my pictures with hers?' Husband: 'That would seem like the proper thing to do.' Wife: 'Would you give her my jewelry?' Husband: 'No... I'm sure she'd want her own.' Wife: 'Would you take her golfing with you?' Husband: 'Yes. Those are always good times.' Wife: 'Would she use my clubs?' Husband: 'No. She's left-handed.' Wife: - silence Husband: ' . . . No no. I mean I don't know.
  2. a One day out on the golf course, a golfer accidentally overturned his golf cart. A very attractive woman, who lived in a villa on the golf course, heard the noise, came out onto her balcony and called out to him, Hey, are you okay? I'm fine, thanks," he replied. "You look frazzled, the woman said, Come up to my villa for a drink and I will help you get the cart up afterwards." "That's mighty nice of you," he answered, But I don't think my wife would like that." "Oh, come on, " the woman, a gorgeous brunette in a sexy bikini, insisted. I can see you've cut your head. It could be serious. Let me take care of that right away. I'm a nurse. She was very persuasive....and he was weak. "Well okay," he agreed, but added, "But my wife won't like it." After she bandaged his wound, she gave him a most welcome brandy. They talked a little about golf and he discovered she was an avid golfer with a four handicap. When he confessed to a weakness in his putting, she gave him a putting lesson holding him close and intimately as she did so. Finally he confessed, "I feel a lot better now, but I had better get going. I know my wife is going to be really upset with me being here with you." "Don't be silly! the woman said with a smile, She won't know anything. By the way, where is she?" "Under the cart," he replied.
  3. AP and I were up flying some F-86s against some Mig-15s. What a beautiful game now. No icons on and you can find the bandits, engage and defeat them. We'll be checking out other planes but this looks really impressive.
  4. CaptJackG

    Dcs News

  5. CaptJackG


  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ynBX-MFFors#t=165
  7. Truck carrying Ramen Noodles crashes, estimated loss to company, $38.00
  8. That is exactly the way I use to navigate across the ocean.
  9. Here is a topic on the DCS forums about 10 and the x52, don't know if you have seen this. http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=143906
  10. I just upgraded from Win 7 to 10. It took about 40 minutes and it was done. The only problem I found was CLoD would not launch. I did some checking and found where you need to disable Sweet FX. I did and it worked. PS: Also had to update printer driver.
  11. Our teacher asked what my favorite animal was, and I said, "Fried chicken." She said I wasn't funny, but she couldn't have been right, because everyone else laughed. My parents told me to always tell the truth. I did. Fried chicken is my favorite animal. I told my dad what happened, and he said my teacher was probably a member of PETA. He said they love animals ........very much. I do, too. Especially chicken, pork and beef. Anyway, my teacher sent me to the principal's office. I told him what happened, and he laughed, too. Then he told me not to do it again. The next day in class my teacher asked me what my favorite live animal was. I told her it was chicken. She asked me why, so I told her it was because you could make them into fried chicken. She sent me back to the principal's office. He laughed, and told me not to do it again. I don't understand. My parents taught me to be honest, but my teacher doesn't like it when I am. Today, my teacher asked me to tell her what famous person I admired most. I told her, "Colonel Sanders." Guess where I am now...
  12. I expect my computer to short out soon because of all the drool. http://www.leatherneck-sim.com/f14/
  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zkbaBtt_u-Q
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