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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Perfesser

  1. So.... really you don't want to attach them to the floor, you want to attach them to your chair. Screw the pedals on to a base that is wide, wider than your chair so your feet don't get tangled. Attach some kind of cord to the base with a hook on the end, once you get settled in your chair, reach down and hook the cord on the shaft above the wheels of your chair. You can push as hard as you want and never move. Rubber would be best for a bit of give so you don't destroy the pedals. A pair of wide bungee cords would work great, they have a hole at one end to screw onto the plywood and a hook on the other. Might be awkward if the doorbell rings though. And if they ever break ..... POW. You are gonna hit the back wall at 20kph. Concussion, twisted neck from your headphones.... Explain THAT to the insurance company.
  2. Whenever you do a campaign in DCG you know the message you get saying "replace D-gen with DCG?" I suspect that is what happened. It's in there somewhere, dunno how to get it working again though.
  3. Check your ISP home site. Mine offers an F-secure online scan through their website. I haven't had a virus scanner installed on my computer for years. Firewall yes, spyware yes.
  4. DCG replaces the in-game(D-gen) one. Did you install DCG and then delete it? This is the help page for the third party DCG. http://www.lowengrin.com/content.php?article.cat.8
  5. The CH's I used to have needed a wedge for the right angle. Saitek's don't need the wedge for me. I put a big book between them and the wall but I think I'll just drive a couple of screws through mounting holes and the carpet into the floor. I push em all over the place. I have the tension to max and like Snako still lean on them too much, always skidding the wrong way.
  6. Thanks Painless, it gives me an excuse to look him up and thank him for the memories, gently put feelers out if he would document his experiences. I'd always heard he was reluctant to talk about it (I think his brother was killed) but when he wears a suit you always see his little RAF wings.
  7. Yeah thanks, just a noob starting off with FMB, learning as I go. Got that sorted out. Having fun.
  8. Got the pic. The happy gent in the center is our intrepid Spit pilot, I'm left. They're holding a pic of a hunting trip where the best way to lure a moose is a moose call combined with Mac filing a bent prop off the outboard.
  9. Today, this humble simm pilot had the great honour
  10. Thanks for taking the time to put this all down DT.
  11. I seem to recall some motherboards not reading the temperature correctly. Maybe a quick google to see if your fears might be groundless.
  12. I now believe the stats do NOT reflect the way the game is modeled. Trout and I just finished some testing and even right up to 6000 m the LA appears to be have the advantage. The only thing we have available that can deal with the LA is the 109G2.
  13. I would be the guilty party there. That quote was right from the game's aircraft guide. High speed scissors is counter to what I thought scissors were, a low speed series of turning maneuvers
  14. Yeah, I messed this up somewhat. I was not aware when you test the mission from inside FMB you're only in the plane you select as "player". When none are selected as "player" you can external view any of them but not fly any. The mission works fine in the game once I removed the player checkmark from all planes. Thanks for the quick reply anyway, this mission building stuff is sort of fun.
  15. change what is the question........ first foray into FMB
  16. I wanted to add a few things to a mission Mad Trooper created so in my first foray into FMB I did so. Tried his first and it flew fine, I could select any plane. I added a few flights and on one plane I clicked the "player" tab. I can only fly the plane with "player" checked, I'm assigned that spot when the mission loads and cannot change. I want to fly others so I uncheck "player" on that particular plane. When I load the mission I can't select any plane. What have I done wrong?
  17. Figures, oh well.
  18. There was talk in another thread about the difficulty of keeping the ball centered without any sort of reference beyond the in-cockpit gauge. If there was some way of reading the game's output for the slip/skid (not my area of expertise) it would be fairly simple to make a remote gauge using an LED display or a bank of LED's. Hell, you could even rig the output to swivel your chair with an actuator with a little more work for that seat of the pants feel. Is it possible to read the games output? If so, I might see this as an interesting project to pursue.
  19. Both submerged so they aren't using radar, only passive sonar, just listening, not pinging away for echoes. Even radar I think they used to just use briefly looking for aircraft as they surface. Maybe not any more. Any emission(sound or radio)
  20. Just my failure to Read The F Manual. My first foray into building anything with LED's. Yes current overload, resistor seems have fixed it. In a couple of days I'll have access to a digital multimeter and get some proper readings on voltage and current.
  21. I would call him Chaplin (Charlie) cause I haven't heard a word out of him yet. Buster (Keegan) .. same reason.
  22. JU87 D5 running 4.09 mods. I set the Stuvi bomb sight and it salvos all the bombs. Is there a control I can't see to get a separate release for 2 drops?
  23. Every time I alt tab out something goes wonky(TS mic hiss or Freetrack lockup) or the game crashes. If I use the windows key it almost always works fine. In your case I might try a system restore to a date before the problems surfaced but since my last suggestion caused you more problems I'll just
  24. I used to have issues with choppiness (some process taking up CPU at the worst time) but I now go into task manager and set IL2FB.exe to "high" or "realtime" priority after the game starts. I set TS to "above normal". This has always made things better for me, however, a few Dogs tried that and their situation got worse. You could go through all processes to see if any others are at high priority. Ctrl+Alt+Del to bring up task manager, select task, right click, set priority, ignore warning. Kinda curious why TrackIR(with Freetrack) is always at lowest priority...... Something else I haven't done: A Guide to Optimizing IL-2 for Multi-Core CPUs. http://il2.netteq.com/guides/multicore/multicore.html
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