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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Perfesser

  1. They do look a bit cheap. This is for hardcore gamers, you better make it high quality.
  2. Has some nice features, others not so good. $300 is a little steep even if you do get the pedals too. Force feedback, split/single throttle, dedicated trim functions (but in the wrong place). Pretty much guaranteed the software is better than Saitek. http://gizmodo.com/5275549 LOS ANGELES — E3 — June 2, 2009 — To provide flight simulation enthusiasts with a realistic experience, Logitech (SIX: LOGN) (NASDAQ: LOGI) today unveiled the Logitech® Flight System G940. The latest addition to the acclaimed Logitech G-series line of gaming peripherals and the company’s first force-feedback flight simulation controller, the design and controls of the Flight System G940 were inspired by military and commercial planes and helicopters. “There’s nothing ordinary about a G-series gaming peripheral, and the G940 is no different,â€
  3. You could always become an Autoworker for GM or Chrysler... Or Magna, off a couple of months now ... the party will be over soon.
  4. The rope could have been tied to the tree left and would have gone a long way to helping. I cut a tree in the summer when it was in full leaf, had a 10,000lb tie down strap securing it so it wouldn't go the wrong way. A gust of wind came up(prior to a thunderstorm) and that strap snapped like a bit of twine. Tree took out 20 ft of the fence. My neighbor was not amused.
  5. You want me to wiggle my HOT ASS? I always wondered about some of you guys.
  6. I see there's a post by DD_GreyKnight in their forums. He's having trouble getting it to work with IL2.
  7. Had I known of these I would have bought them rather than the ones I did get. Medusa is known for their high quality. Same price as the ones I did get.
  8. Depends how much $ you're willing to spend. I used Logitec Internet Chat ones for a long time. About $40 I found them reasonably comfortable. Decent sound, good mic. http://reviews.digitaltrends.com/review ... set-review Got a pair of these, horribly uncomfortable. $30 Still have em, free to anyone foolish enough to want them. http://www.logitech.com/index.cfm/gamin ... 8&cl=us,en When I finally gave in and decided to try the 5.1 sound thing I got a pair of these. $100 http://www.turtlebeach.com/products/efhpa2/home.aspx I was looking for some that I could easily attach my Freetrack emitters on to. They crushed my ears at first but the addition of some adhesive backed foam weatherstripping fixed that up. The curve is tight so I had to stitch them on in about 5 places to hold but it was enough. It's now a few months, great sound, good mic, no problems.
  9. These things are amazing Jack. Half a dozen of the planes I'm used to would fit right in there. Is this how air starts work?
  10. My colleagues at home here seem to do all kinds of things and protest all my accusations with "I did nothing" while the evidence suggests otherwise. Set them up with a guest account on your machine and password your admin account. They won't be able to do anything beyond the permissions you allow. http://www.komando.com/tips/index.aspx?id=747
  11. No doubt they used to work for Microsoft and it's natural for them to decide what's best for us. Or perhaps he's been at work too long and should get out more.
  12. For what it's worth I have pretty much the same system, E6750 2.66GHZ, 8600GTX. The upgrade I'm considering is the E8500 chip and more RAM. A video card probably won't give you much more FPS, but it will give you better quality in each frame that it does render.
  13. Just saw a show on TV about one of them, guy bought it for $513 in the '60s.
  14. You're wrong BA, education is the answer, just not the kind we're all thinking of. Who can blame the youth of today? All they've ever seen are relatively good times and that breeds self-indulgence. I couldn't appreciate the sacrifices of others till I had to do a little of my own, and they're no different than we were at their age. I feel sorry for them, their school of hard knocks won't have much to look to as an example, not many elders left to learn from. The affluent of the planet are in for some tough times in the next couple of decades as their way of life becomes prohibitively expensive, or what we would call tough times till we're more on par with the living standard of the rest of the planet. A nature with new fury fed by climate change will deal her blows on a cash strapped society used to throwing previously unlimited money at the problems of "controlling" nature. State of emergency means nothing if there's nobody to come to help. And that's without the "new wars" on the horizon, Israel isn't too happy with Iran's nuke program and has already shown her willingness to act. Pakistan is about to be taken over by the Taliban and that frankly has me more than concerned, worried more like. This generation will have her own heroes that will be forgotten by the next one. And for the record ... Hugh Dowding would be a more fitting hero to remember than Park but even W.W."wrong way" Feldman deserves more mention than the trash they have on display there.
  15. Just speculating here ... How well would the OS evenly space all tasks among the cores?
  16. After 3 or 4 months I can safely say the Freetrack setup is reliable. After initial teething problems with my setup (that you would have with any type) that Jedi fixed up(thanks yet again Jedi) it's worked perfectly. I will say that after trying the reflector route I went with powered LED's. If your setup is in the basement where the ambient light changes little or not at all you could use reflectors. If anywhere near a sunny window go with the powered setup. The link that Trout was intending to post on the [CHG] website http://www.canadianhonourguards.ca/messageboard/viewtopic.php?f=21&t=6607
  17. It is a little known fact that Georgian Bay was once known as Gowrie Bay but he lost it to some guy named George Champlain over a card game and a bottle of whiskey way back.
  18. Too true but it's only one mutation away from pandemic. It bears watching without hype, awareness without panic. Is the media capable?
  19. Burt Rutan has come up with the coolest aircraft over the last 20 years, unconventional but great concepts and great fliers unhampered by conventional thinking. He's been an inspiration to me.
  20. Caught the little bugger. I haven't been sick for many years but I woke up Friday with what I can only assume is the flu. Not a bad case, mild fever and aches but I'm listening to the news with interest these days.
  21. Footage from the recent test of Virgin Mothership Eve at the Scaled Composites skunkworks. http://www.wired.com/autopia/2009/05/exclusive-video-of-virgin-galactics-test-flight/
  22. Just heard at an employee meeting last week that Magna has worldwide jobs posted on their website. An option if anyone is looking these days. Search by location or title. No doubt most are in emerging markets but here they are anyway. The auto industry might seem like a dead end but as smaller suppliers go under we keep picking up more business. http://www.magna.com/xchg/magna_com_careers/XSL/standard.xsl/-/content/16_804.htm?appInit=true
  23. Nice BG. Not all ponds turn out well around there, water table can do funny things. Some people will find this funny but around there clay is a rare and valuable commodity. We have a couple of much smaller ponds at our place, the first was dug by hand(my father was a little crazy about his trout like that). One year we must have gotten an invasive weed during the stocking process and it's been a battle. I did find a natural control. Sterile grass carp, haven't been able to find a place to get some though.
  24. For testing use unlimited, voice activated. Some keys "pulse" like letter keys, frequency set in Windows setup. I wouldn't use one of those as PTT. I use a function key myself but any of the ins Del Home End Page Up/Down would be a good choice
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