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3. Danger Dogz
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    United Kingdom

Everything posted by DD_asas

  1. Thanks a lot Crash. ~S~
  2. ~S~ guys hello to everyone, I have a problem with my saitek pro flight rudder pedal for pc. The rigth pedal don't go down to break. I think it has something lose inside. Does anyone knows how to disassenble the pedals? If you could help in this i'll apreciate .. thanks in advance Cheers A
  3. well, i think i have enougth stuff from the "lunacy" of the dogz. OBRIGADO A TODOS or thx very much to u all! And yes, Sir, Painless, u said it, and u were quite right. Again thx, and with based on your tips i'm going to reorganize my controls. Cheers A
  4. thx, Kevin. Nice tips on the Prop and radiator. Cheers A
  5. Hi guys, after last night coops i realize that my joy settings are useless, not proper assign or many of the commands are making me lose a lot of time online, which puts me in disadvantage always, cause i waste a lot of time searching. Can you guys, using the SAITEK X52, give me a hand and advice or if u don't mind, some of your settings, so that i can see what i need or not. It would be a great help. thx in advance to u all. cheers ~S~ A
  6. i sure will! careful ...u got Asas at you 6:00...... ehehehehehehe
  7. "Assuming it is, say some nice things about FT and you're done." hurrayyyy after several PM's and a few IP's after and a lot of Patience from FT..it's official im back k, u dogzzzz got myself up to date !!!! THZ FT and Jabo cHeers m8's Asas
  8. thx both. will try this now. cheers A
  9. DD_asas

    New Toy Mmm

    well, under exposed it's cool. if u wont to make some kinda design or effect on photoshop, let's say, Nashville effect, the popular instagram effect. I didn't loved the final result either, too over the top, but HDR it's a very cool tool to use. Just saying. Anyways, i like more, doing designs and analogical photos. Digital just doesn't have the magical of the "click", you know. loved Andy 's pics, tough A
  10. DD_asas

    New Toy Mmm

    Thx, Snako, rather cool tuts. I'm more into analogical photograph machines now. I've got a vintage (it was my father's) Minolta Hi-Matic 9, 1966. Quite cool. But off course it doesn't have the technicals of the digital ones. It's fun. Cheers A
  11. DD_asas

    New Toy Mmm

    yes. that's it. and u can even tweak it even more in Photoshop or Elements or other program that suports RAW files. U get stunning images, without photomontage, u see, cause for me that´s no longer photography but design. well, opinions. Cheers A
  12. DD_asas

    New Toy Mmm

    Well, Arthur, although JPEG is useful for you to see how you pics get, for example , when you shoot in b&W, the difference is that if u shoot in RAW u get more quality , take more advantage of the tonal info of the subject, and u can capture much more details overall. The RAW file will include more data then a JPEG file, plus give you full control over the contrast, balance and highlight. Hope it helps Cheers A
  13. DD_asas

    New Toy Mmm

    Andy, great shoots and use of HDR. One can lose himself on dramatic styles, like FT's first pic, dunno if it's his or not. I saw yor's . u really tweak the photos very well. I personally use PS CS 5 extended, but that Photomatix looks great for HDR. It's only for that particular effect or one can tweak shadows, Highlights, field of depth and stuff? Anyways, liked a lot your portfolio, m8 Cheers
  14. . THX i've gotta the torrent set and dl the Rc. my bad.. ahahahah cheers
  15. i did dl, crash, but it says it's not compatible with my system. I have win 7 pro (x64) any ideas?
  16. I lost my RC game. i do have sme zip's. but i dunno if i lack same, asnd i dunno ther order weel, so any help is welcome: i think is clean 1.10.1 - UP 3.0 ( i don't have this one) - UP-rc2; Up-rc3;UP-rc4, right or wrong ? i've alreadu th eV.11, but i want to keep the RC 4 too, so pleaseeee gents, help... thx in advance A
  17. magnificent...Gotta see if the sound in the game looks like dat....great findind
  18. GREAT web site, Pooka. thx for charing A
  19. Well, if so i do apologize.
  20. great
  21. What ? they salute u in aligned rows ?
  22. Yep. Jensen, Look at the order and discipline, and how well the show is displayed. It was really made to impress the masses, with all the standards and flags, Roman style. A
  23. ~S~ AWESOME QUALITY OF PHOTOS TAKEN AROUND 7O YEARS AGO These photos were taken by a photographer for "Life" magazine between 1939 and 1940 in Berlin and the American photographer disappeared early in the conflict, along with his Rolleiflex camera and the original slides (at the time used for reproduction in magazines) most in 6 x 9 inches (see the details of the original frames of trading). These trading cards were found by a German nurse at a hospital in Berlin, which kept them all these years. After his death, his daughter found them and returned them to the current American publisher, which owns the rights of "Life." This description came along with the pics. Maybe for the US's gents this is not new, but it's very cool anyways. A Fotos do Terceiro Reich - LIFE.rar
  24. Yes. I do agree with u again, Jabo, Crappy is not, strong word. it's well conceived and all. But, so many control options, even for a realistic Sim, it's absurd. well, dat's my point of view anyways, and one could argue dat " if i can do it why can 't u", but dat's not the point, it just i like the realistic approach of the game, but let's face it, i don't wont to learn to fly a real craft, i don't need dat much of a controls. But dat''s just me. one men's opinion. cheers
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