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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Bojan

  1. If I have understood you correctly you are asking about females. Well there is 51% female and 49% male population. Since you like girls, I have enclosed photo of miss 2007.
  2. Triglav national Park Location: NW part of Slovenia (Close to border with Austria and Italy) Highest mountain:Triglav 2864 m Interesting points - Planica (world cup nordic ski center, world ski jump record has been changed here 30 times!!! Now is 239 m), more on http://www.planica.info/index.php?t=galerija&l=3 - Kranjska gora (world cup alpine
  3. Welcome to Slovenia! ~S~ Gentlemen. Since a lot of members asked me about my country I opened a new thread, a virtual tour on Slovenia, where I would like to show you my country. General statistics REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA (Republika Slovenija) Location: Central Europe Established: 1991, former Yugoslav state Government: Parliamentary republic Size: 7,827 sq mi, that’s about 490 times smaller than US or Canada, and 12 times smaller than UK Population: 2.000.000,00 Currency: EURO Capital: Ljubljana Religion: Roman-catholic Membership in EU: since 2004 Membership in NATO: since 2004 Alcohol consumption: 12.60 liter (3.33 gallons) Beer consumption:93,3 liter (24,7 gallon), world’s rank 7 Here is a good link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slovenia When time allows, I will post some additional staff. Actual and funny staff: Slovenia played on world hockey championship in Canada 2008. Number of hockey clubs in Slovenia altogether:15 Number of clubs in Slovenian hockey league altogether: 6 Number of registered hockey players in Slovenia all categories (men, children, women): 1200 (estimate)
  4. That "Beardmore Inflexible" looks like a construction road roller with wings. I don't know what were those guys thinking? Maybe they wanted to use it in building airstrips close to the front.
  5. Hi Lt. Crash! If you have joined The joint-ops flight school, most of the answers in how to run the game will be given at SEPS procedure (Studnet Emrollment Processing Session) on June 1.st from 2.pm to 5 pm. eastern time. The responsible instructor will check with you that you have everything needed, installed, and working to participate in Basic Flight School. You don't need another squadron. You are allready a DD member. Join at teamspeak at dedicated hour and enjoy. Bojan
  6. Hi Lt. Crash! Welcome to the best squadron. If you want to train with us, no problem. Just show up at our regular flying time. There will be always somebody willing to help you. If you want a quick organized course, try at joint-ops virtual flight school as Mr. Klinger suggested. Many of our pilots went through that school.
  7. Bojan


    There is also another aspect: If there wouldn’t be any alcohol, the human race would have extinct long time ago.
  8. Bojan


    Hmmm. You should take off your fire protection suit and a mask.
  9. Bojan


    Salute! This test is for all those gentlemen who are still learning how to achieve the proper alcohol mixture in a bloodstream: How to use it? -Take a coup of your favorite booze. -Watch the photo (enclosed). -If you see double, have a sip. -Slowly repeat this procedure until the picture becomes clear. -If your picture becomes quadruple, take a break, you have exceeded the optimal dose. Meanwhile you may go to the toilet, but watch your step, you don't want to tumble.
  10. Damn, you were right GreyKnight. Good observation. It's definitely a workout. Look at the position of people (white shirt and a man with bend leg on the right side). I haven't noticed that before. Sorry lads.
  11. Hehe... Check this out (see attachment below). I think it happened somewhere in Poland.
  12. Yeah! Feel the power of the dark side!
  13. Oh my English! When you look at certain planes and their skins, the parts of the skin have different position (X,Y). I see no logic in that. Is there a software that may help you to paint your plane. Thanx.
  14. Is there any software that would help positioning the certain parts of the plane?
  15. Ahhh! Very nice. I just love historical monuments. And I would be scared to death if I would have to walk over there.
  16. Hello! I wish you all the best. Have a rest and replenish your batteries. I hope we will get to know each other one day. Cya!
  17. Will be ok if they just like joy-sticks?
  18. Oh, I thought that our wives are the highest authority.
  19. GOD will forgive you since you admit everything.
  20. Interesting. You know that cheating message got my intention when I was more active at ubi.com.
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