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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Bojan

  1. ~S~ Thank you guys. I am overjoyed. And you are absolutely right - Dogs won it again :) Howl, howl, howl... Drinks for everibody!!!! Cheers Bojan
  2. Waaw gents, splendid photos. You had a really good time there. The weather looked exellent too.
  3. Hi! I usually create disk 2 partitions, when I change my computer. I use C: disk for serious staff and D: for all other BS. My chicks are completely safe in that way.
  4. Hopefully Tracker IR will allow 3D positioning.
  5. That looks a very smooth and clean flight. You could fly it in a nice and shiny tuxedo.
  6. ~S~ Well 4.08 was great right? And yesterday I've installed, how you call it, Ultra mega all inclusive pack? Honestly I was littel bit cranky to go all over that torture into downloading deleting, copying, pasting and worrying if I could screw something up things... Well actually I did it so I had to do it twice. You know what? That Ultra mega painiintheassinstall pack is really great and much better then everything before. And I like it. O.k. this thread is really screwed now.
  7. That's great news Jedi! Remember to kick the right rudder when you want to go right.
  8. Well I went for 3D twice (Confession, I am a sinner too). Well I can watch 2D any day.
  9. Haha Rattler, Another 2D guy?
  10. Ha Snacko! I would use 3D glasses to shoot better and then have fun.
  11. How about 3D mod for Il2? Anibody against it? http://www.nixiepixel.com/virtual-reality-3d-game/
  12. Impressive pictures, indeed. On he other hand I don't like the way this show is running. I would prefer that BOB was here.
  13. What's facebook?
  14. What's facebook?
  15. Oouch! One second and you are in serious trouble.
  16. ~S~ I just wanted to remind and invite you to a short meeting about establishing a DD acrobatic group on Sunday at 10 p.m. BST (5 p.m. US eastern time) There we will discuss: - purpose - participation - timetable - training program - maps - planes - skins - hosting a game - and everything else you'll bring with you. ~S~
  17. A friend of mine asked me if I can provide him a sound file of 20 mm gun firing from the mod. He wants to use it to make a mod his beloved game called Fallout. Does anybody know how to get sound files from IL2 game?
  18. Oh yeah! I will prepair my M1 eyeball night goggles.
  19. ~S~ I was suggesting Sunday 10p.m. London time and it's equal to 5 p.m. US eastern time so that everibody could attend. This is also standard DD flying time when we usually fly coops. Bojan
  20. Check this out. http://www.funnyordie.com/videos/64ad536a6d I guess it's going really hot in US.
  21. Since you are a nice guy I will give you one of mine since I have some left in my refridgerator.
  22. Unfortunately Mr. Snacko your request to become an Elite acrobatic DD member has been rejected. You may always tag along with The Mighty Whimping Puppies. And about your 1 dollar change - please try at ice cream machine. ~S~
  23. Easy gentlemen, hold your horses! About participation in DD acrobatic group: First we will test each candidate if he fulfills the criteria of becoming a DD acrobatic pilot. Each candidate will be tested for endurance, balance, and perception. The tests will be held in the following sequence: ENDURANCE test Part one: Candidate will have to consume 5 double whiskeys in a period of 10 minutes.
  24. Let's get rolling, sir!
  25. Teaming up with a buddy is a very good idea. We could always have regular meetings to check the progress and practice larger formation flying. We could run some sort of competition like which pair can best perform certain stunts. This could give use solid fundament for future development.
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