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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Bojan

  1. Merdog, Shayd, Sitngray. Right because of time issue and similar points we are talking about this matter. Speak your mind and then we will put together what we have. I believe that there are ways for Euro and American members to participate.
  2. Gentlemen, A few points for you to meditate: - Who wants to participate? Because we are all best of the best, everybody is welcome. - Training hours. Due to work, family and other obligations I suggest that we meet once per week for 2 hours. The best hour could be 8 p.m. London time (weekends excluded). From my personal experience 2 ours per week is barely enough, so we will have to compensate with a good training program and personal practice. Of course we could always organize something extra. Any ideas? - Training program (group and individual) - we need something to work on. If I have judged Mr. 69 correctly, he has already sketched something. - What type of aircraft do you prefer? Please think about trim, maneuverability, outside view,… - Do we need a name? We should use DD, HH or K9 alike. Here is one example “K9 mating packâ€
  3. Here is a challenge: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=givc8HBX ... re=related and breathtaking http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XjSvHxw5jzE&NR=1
  4. I am afraid that there is nothing much to boil.
  5. Ah, Mr. Painless; you read my mind - I completely agree with you. Flying in an acrobatic group needs a lot of hard work and practice => I love it. Everybody can gain a lot. About the aircraft: we could leave our sentimentality aside and choose something practical => easy to trim, maneuverable, good view, adequate power. Since most of people you mentioned are also JO distinguished members, we could also perform something special for new BFS students... well, there are many possibilities for promotion, if we think out of the box. And about flight leader, I honestly think that you are the most qualified person Mr. Painless. Your flight skill is awesome, your communication great. On the other hand I would gladly coordinate work. Let's keep this thread rolling gentlemen! ~S~ Bojan
  6. I guess it's time to clean the dust and revive old projects. Who else wants to participate?
  7. ~S~ Gentlemen, Has anybody thought about establishing an virtual acrobatic section? We could practice formation flying, attractive stunts, etc... We could make different moovies and post them on the internet for public view. We could also perform on special occasions when possible. I would like to hear your thoughts about this matter. Bojan
  8. ~S~ and welcome at JO Here is one tip: If you want to survive the basic school without becoming a washout, you have to learn a few very important words: Yes sir, Mr. Painless, sir! And Yes sir, Mr. Ob, sir! You have to practice that every day to sound it perfect. You may try to put some emotions in your tone. Good luck! P.S: Actually it's a great experience, it's fun. You'll make a lot of new friends. You'll love it.
  9. Aaaahhhh, Much better then a squadron of
  10. Ah, great shots Gents. The weather looks similar to that we saw on movies. Do you have any photos about how you see the coast from bunkers?
  11. Ah so many trophies at one day
  12. Nice, but I like the original one because I would easier park my long legs. Aniway, I would gladly swap my seat with that pilot on final.
  13. Bojan

    IL2 down HELP

    I think if you install the new game in the same folder as the old one and overwrite the old files you'll keep all skins, tracks, because they have different names and won't be overwritten.
  14. Do you want to became a proud owner of a brand new flyable FW-190 or P-51? Check this out: http://www.flugwerk.de/
  15. Here is a good one: Small add about good deal: Special offer: I am selling an used parascute. It hasn't been opened yet!!.
  16. Just a thought about the dogz at Joint-ops. It's a pity that there is no action at APS. I would be great to see a pack at work.
  17. Hi Flyboy! Wellcome to the best squadron in the IL2 community. Bojan
  18. Ouch!!! How can he run like that?
  19. More photos.
  20. Versatile Slovenia. Last time I have showed the Alpine part of Slovenia with hills and mountains. This time I am going to show the flat lands of Slovenia called Prekmurje. Prekmurje is the easternmost region of Slovenia. It borders Hungary to the north-east, Austria to the north-west, Croatia to the south and the Slovenian region of Styria to the south-west. It is named after the Mura River, which separates it from the rest of Slovenia (a literal translation from Slovene would be Over-Mura or Transmurania Prekmurje is an agriculture area known for different food crops and wine yards. The most famous Prekmurje product is pottery and “prekmurska gibanicaâ€
  21. That's great! Time to sell my joy-stick and buy some stock in ladle production.
  22. ...and that's the way the cookie crumbles... Well done BG.
  23. Hey Bucky! I will just have to meet you at joint-ops then See you!
  24. Postojna caves There are many caves in Slovenia, but this is the most famous one. I have visited it many times. The funniest part I remember was when I brought a friend from Korea. Close to the end of the tour he became brave enough and touched one of the vertical stones. He was deeply impressed by the touch and said “I thought this was made from mudâ€
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