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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by GreyKnight

  1. Well if you do, the bouncer will only come and hurl you out of the club. Maybe you could pay a little extra for a private dance in a... Oh wait, you're talking about aircraft.
  2. Wow! Looks more like a cheap B movie, than a computer game.
  3. Nice one Swep, I've always wanted to catch a photo like that. Well done!
  4. Can't give you any info on this OT, but all I could say is that you would look semi-professional if you used that. Rather than some train-station announcer with the current, desk mic.
  5. " Buggered If I Can See Any Resemblance."
  6. Nice skin Sweper, pity about the markings screwing it up.
  7. Bloody hell BA, are you mixing this game up with some James Bond type game instead? Would be cool though, especially if you could 'give the bird' too.
  8. That is a cool experience DT. I had one similar last summer. I got out of the subway on my way home one evening when I heard a loud drone in the sky that didn't sound like the normal aircraft you hear go passed. When I looked up and located the source, it was a Ju-52 slowly crawling its way across the sky not far away from me and at about 500m above the River Danube. Of course everyone else around me was like 'MEH!'
  9. What you got now Tonar?
  10. Good point! If there was 16 of us flying, 14 of us would have to man all the AA guns so that just one of us could get up in the air from one Mr. Vulture-Streaks Esquire.
  11. But like he said, DRM is not up to him, it's up to the Publisher. But I'm in Beta in another game, and so many people bitched about Starforce on their forum it ended getting dropped by the Publisher.
  12. October 2010 now!
  13. Dear Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer,
  14. That sounds even better! But then... does anyone know if your bombs drop quicker if you have the bay doors already opened? Might have to test this.
  15. I found that problem out just last night Sulky. You have to map some key press(es) to POWER 10% option.
  16. I don't know about the DESELECT ENGINE button Sweper. I just have the four engines mapped to SHIFT + KP1, SHIFT + KP2, SHIFT + KP3 and SHIFT + KP4. Then have SHIFT+# as SELECT ALL ENGINES. So I can started up pretty quick... SHIFT + KP1 I SHIFT + KP2 I SHIFT + # And throttle up and away you go.
  17. Anyone know what happened to the pilot? Says at the end, "...the late...."
  18. Nice one! PC World's 'Ace' employee of the month, and a cheque for £250, is... Jabo Nick!
  19. Ah... very sorry, I missed out the 'at' you wrote.
  20. High post count
  21. Well put Sid, I would just like to add that even though London and the SE bore the brunt of the Blitz, the Luftwaffe also bombed as far afield as Liverpool and even Belfast. With the area around Liverpool being the most heavily bombed outside of London. But anyway... back to shaking our fists at the corrupt politicians and pain-in-the-ass politically correct brigade.
  22. NICKNAMES If Laura, Kate and Sarah go out for lunch, they will call each other Laura, Kate and Sarah. If Mike, Dave and John go out, they will affectionately refer to each other as Fat Boy, Godzilla and Four-eyes. EATING OUT When the bill arrives, Mike, Dave and John will each throw in £20, even though it's only for £32.50.
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