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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Fireman

  1. with regards to this......... is it better to set it to "system managed size" or set a size myself.
  2. Well, This is what I've narrowed it down to: (based on advice and price matching at NCIX) Case: http://www.ncix.com/products/index.php?sku=26048&promoid=1060 PSU: (changed it to this based on advice to get the 8pin EPS connection)
  3. a lot of mail in rebates required in order to shave a few buck here and there........
  4. bah, you guys are starting to confuse me............lol Falconise, If I understand you correctly, the final spec I was thinking of ordering is pretty good. (it is using the more expensive of those 2 mobos and has the proper connectors for what I'd need, even If I upgrade to a quad core in the future....I had chosen the asus p5q pro crossfire one) But I should look at the different dvd drive(the one I had chosen was sata though not IDE) and hdd? And maybe a different psu since the one I've chosen doesnt have an 8 pin EPS connection which I'd need if I ever upgraded the cpu to a quad. but would be fine with the current cpu? correct?
  5. the more expensive of those 2 boards that linked comes with free shipping for the entire order....I just didnt wat to get it if the nVidia card wouldnt work in it... I beleive it is the one I chose in that final spec.
  6. I'm still looking around and checking to see if there is a comperable mobo (features and price) to the one I've chosen here.
  7. Thank Roger, he gave me the link.
  8. OK, this is what I've been looking at so far....... (I've decided to make this a purchase for me...daughter gets my leftover...lol) Case: http://www.ncix.com/products/index.php?sku=26048&promoid=1060 PSU: http://www.ncix.com/products/index.php?sku=26884&promoid=1060 MOBO: http://www.ncix.com/products/index.php?sku=30418
  9. with regards to these two mobo: http://www.ncix.com/products/index.php?sku=31839 http://www.ncix.com/products/index.php?sku=30418 they are both P5QL Asus boards.
  10. I'm not a big fan of the jets myself (this coming from a guy who belonged to a jet sim squadron for years.......) I always seem to burn (actually flame out) the damn engine and end up exploding....lol I am, however, looking forward to this campaign.........been reading it since you started this thread and have been waiting for the finished product.
  11. when looking at the Asus P5Q mobo (which variant....looking at a barebones sytem, but still have everything I'd need to game)
  12. what about this one guys......the processor looks to be a good one.
  13. ROFLMAO....BG
  14. Odd.....there is a file called "a.exe" on the root of the dvd (same directory as the setup.exe and autorun.inf)
  15. as the title says.......cant do it for some reason. I click on the setup.exe and the drive spins but doesnt load. I tried sharing the dvd drive from another pc in the room here and same thing. (it wont even load on that pc either for that matter) I seem to remember running into this problem when I installed the first time (but since its been soo long since I've had to re-install the game I dont recall what I did to get around it) I need to get a fresh install loaded here so I can move along with my re-install and mods and such.
  16. Fireman

    DDR Ram

    So, in this case, would 1gig + 256MB (1.256approx) running at PC2700 333mhz be better or worse than just 1gig running at PC3200 400mhz? The MOBO in question (ASUS A7V8X) says it uses DDR PC3200 400mhz, but only in one slot.
  17. thanks to all who gave thier input yesterday (especially Rog)
  18. i think i've asked this smoewhere before but................ should I install service pack 3? And also... netframework all the way to version 3.5?
  19. Absolutely stunning............ I am a huge fan of American Idol...I've watched every season.
  20. ok...creating the 115 c: partition now...... When its done and the OS is up and running do I create the D: partition within windows on the control panel/administrative tools/computer management/storage/disk management pages or do I do it somewhere else?
  21. Do I need to partition the unpartitioned space as well? (so that it reads as D:)
  22. thanks...I went with a partion split of 120/380 I just hope I did it the right way around...when it asked me the size of the new partition (min 8 megs) I told it 380,000MB...so I hope that becomes the 2nd partition and not the first...... I like this idea: Install clean IL2 and download the 9 AAA downloads (8 files = initial install 1 file = update). just as long as it allows me to play with the dogs and go online with HL too.....I play UKded2 alot and it uses 4.08m (skies of valor uses 4.08modded i think...can the AAA be used there or would I need to incorporate the 352nd as well....doh) I know BG uses 4.09modded for co-ops...can AAA users join that as well?
  23. just ripped apart the old PSU (because I felt like it....lol) there are 2 good fans in the there look to be the same as any of my case fans.
  24. with regards to what you call "data" for the partitions.
  25. Fireman

    DDR Ram

    My daughter PC was running 768megs of RAM.
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