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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by BBloke

  1. Thanks Glenn, If you could send me the high res version I'll put it on my webspace for quick downloading and no restrictions. Cant wait to view it but Vista aint playing ball. EDIT: Wow! Nicely done Glenn.
  2. I've used PSP for a little while and it has a nice feature where you can go over specific colours with an alternative colour.
  3. Do you have a make/model.
  4. It sounds as though USB on the w98 machine is a little goosed.
  5. BBloke


    Will do Kawilder.
  6. You should now have access to the download section.
  7. Can you see the attachment on the top post?
  8. Hi All, I was doing a little work on the links page and cam across this: http://www.voice-overlay.info.ms/ From what I can tell this is a new one.
  9. ;D ;D
  10. A google Talk allowing another avenue for emails. S! Rog nice one
  11. Ditto!!!!!
  12. I'll second that. I went from a 9800XT to an X850 Pro (modded to X850 XTPE). I was literally blown away.. and still am. Hundred bucks is a steel. I paid £116 for mine It is quite honestly a world of difference. I have a floppy pre done with the necessary files to quickly flash it. I stuck with the stock cooler but held the speeds back to X850 XT speeds. My system is a P4 Northwood 2.4 @ 3.38 (189 FSB), 1gb Geil memory, SB Live 5.1 (wish I had an audigy 2) I'm currently running: Water=0 Effects=0 TypeClouds=1 2xAA, 4xAF. FPS AVG on Black Death 5secs to 1:10 secs 53 (V-sync on) I ran Excellent before with only 2xAA. FPS AVG on Black Death 5secs to 1:10 secs 47 (V-Sync on) I'm sure you will be more than pleasantly surprised. You can always check the differences here: (posted to the links section) Graphics card comparison - 9600 128Mb v X800 AGP Check out the clock speed, memory bandwidth and fill rates as well as Fragment Pipelines (the more of these the better). It may also be worth doing a little research on possible unlocking of extra pipelines. Here's the difference between X850 Pro and X850 XT PE X850 Pro AGP v X850 XT PE AGP I'm waiting for my bosses card to turn up so I can fit it for him. He's running a 9800 Pro and wants to see the benefits. I'll post back my findings when he gets it!
  13. LMAO!!! You will probably find that should be merchant bank, as in Banker for wanker. You wouldnt get a Sherman Tanker now would you?!?! Or would you!!
  14. Its amazing how the sods can get themselves around and make life insufferable, especially as they get in unawares. Bloody trojans and things!!
  15. I did notice the seat beside was rather snug for a small bum!!
  16. I swear that thing was turning on my screen... honest!! I could also hear it werring.. or was that just me!?!? Great fun as always..
  17. I think me E management sucks too DT. I must say I've played a small pilot carrier with the Hurricane and against Ki43's you just dont stand a chance. I've never seen those suckers move so fast online. I know they can move but didnt think they could retain that much energy. I've also done some QMB stuff.. I tend to go against G2's with a Spit VIII CW and they don't seem to pull the same crap. I normally go against 3 or 4 and have better than average success. I think you are on the right track where AI are concerned and lots of targets. You should watch a ntrack of ground targets. They do strange things that they dont do when you are actually playing live!! Strange!!!
  18. Hope its not a confession you are posting Kelly!?!?!
  19. Sorry Shadow. Its normally Rog doing it to me!!
  20. Do you mean the all programs from the start menu. Then if so try this: Click Start, select All Programs, right click on anything in the list, say Accessories and select 'Sort By Name'
  21. BBloke

    New Monitor

    LMAo.. smell test.... I only wash mine when they stick to the wall!!!!!!
  22. Oh man. That sucks BG. What would you get for one? Free bar for a week?
  23. BBloke

    New Monitor

    Sweet.. I would love a bigger screen.. can you send me one!! pulllleeeeeeseeeee
  24. BBloke


  25. BBloke

    New wingman

    I'm sure its someones Ex Parrot!!! Are you sure its alive Rog. Cant tell much from stills!!
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