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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by BBloke

  1. Happy Birthday Cold_Gambler S~
  2. Blasphemy!!!!
  3. I have tended not to use the SST in the past but I have found it to be better using it. If you consider plugging in another device or using your other stick along with the throttle then you may well run into reprogramming issues as a new device may use the ID that is current assigned to your X52.
  4. LOL.. In a simplistic sense its nothing more than CSI.
  5. Despite its nature and the obvious that this may very well offend, unnerve or upset anyone I have found it a rather intriguing and enlighting program (even with my sometimes extreme nature). The programme is Autopsy: Emergency Room.
  6. Oooooooooooooo.. wouldn't have been so bad if he was a sheep farmer!
  7. Title says it all. ThingsThatScareYou2.wmv
  8. Bummer
  9. Bummer
  10. Just spent the evening dossing around on Warclouds on comms with Brain, c2xtreem, eShark and Titan (and others).
  11. Just spent the evening dossing around on Warclouds on comms with Brain, c2xtreem, eShark and Titan (and others).
  12. BBloke

    What a trip

    He's had a few whiskies!
  13. BBloke

    What a trip

    He's had a few whiskies!
  14. You almost make such a wonderful vision sound somewhat dirty & cheap. It worked then.
  15. You almost make such a wonderful vision sound somewhat dirty & cheap. It worked then.
  16. Holy crap!
  17. Holy crap!
  18. Great quick read Guitarman.
  19. Great quick read Guitarman.
  20. Grrrrrrr... I really need to get my memorial flight box set finished.
  21. Grrrrrrr... I really need to get my memorial flight box set finished.
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