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Everything posted by Klinger

  1. So long as you have a tinfoil hat on, it'll still work. :) Shit Tonar, I almost thought something was really happening, lol.
  2. Sorry for the bum steer m8s.
  3. Removed due to lying wankers.
  4. Lol Snacko. Hi Farret. Any m8 of TOAD is likely to be...... a friggin' menace.
  5. Really good flying with you again Gman. Glad you are on the mend. Have fun camping. ~S~
  6. Colin m8, I set the 'test runway_4' as a 'home base' and allowed only H8Ks to spawn from there. I believe you can lock the loadout, though I didn't do that for BoB. The planes spawn facing East 090 @ 2000 metres and 300kmh. I dont know of a way to change that.
  7. LOL, come on lads, we all did stuff like that when we were young didn't we? Be honest.
  8. For the Sunderlands in BOB I used 'Test runway_4' which is in the 'Stationary ships' menu. I believe the planes will be oriented in the direction of the first waypoint. Whats the project m8?
  9. A few of us played around with some of this stuff a few months back:
  10. Ok, you've got me intigued now. If a Stuka diving from 3000 metres to 1000 metres, with a terminal speed of 400kmh, releases his PC 1600, the bomb will be doing ~ 650 kmh when it hits the deck of a ship, with a kinetic energy of approx. 30 MJoules.
  11. Mission 1 is at the top of the page m8. Mission 3 needs some adjustment. I want the Blenhiems to have a good crack at a target because they dipped out in the DF. I'll post it up in a few days.
  12. Heres 'Mission 2' Dogz friendly coop chaps:
  13. You'd think the torp would do more damage than a bomb. I remember us (blue team) going in to this during the Italy SEOW. The best distance any of us could do was ~3000m, soon after that the motors stop. I dont remember us being too successful with torps. Some naval vessels have an armoured belt in the middle at the waterline, and are a softer target towards the bow or stern. We tried the German PC1600 armour piercing bomb, quite effective if used from altitude via a Stuka or level bomber, difficult to do though. Enforcer and Sid had some success against shipping, skipping SC500s in off Bf110s.
  14. I like crap planes, and these should take the biscuit of crapness. If the FM is any way accurate, we are in for a steep learning curve. Left is up, right is down etc. on a rotary engined plane. Add some interesting stall characteristics, and I forsee 20 Dogz augering in at first.
  15. LOL. I draw the line at chicks with moustaches and machineguns. Maybe its a dare. 'Go ahead punk, laugh at my sign.' Or they are South African and spelt it like they say it.
  16. The great American outdoors.
  17. Happy birthday Quazi, have a JD and a good day m8.
  18. I'm going through the BoB missions, and converting them to coops. Mission 1 is done and is on Yousendit:
  19. I dont know much about the A26. Is that right that one version had 14 forward firing 50 cals ? Man, I'd like to see that thing strafing something!
  20. My guess would have been The Pussycat Dolls. But having The Snowbirds stay at your hotel is pretty cool also.
  21. Ah, there's nothing like a trip down mammary lane.
  22. LOL. Men obiously need to 'whip it out and play with it'. Top Gear should do a feature on these diverse drifters.
  23. Lol. The frame by frame of Mr Pink submarining it is pretty cool. Thanks for posting the tracks up also. ~S~ Nice flying.
  24. Superb tight formation making your gunners 3 times lethal. Nice flying while under pressure and target totally destroyed. That is as good a mission as you'll ever see. Very impressed, great job guys. ~S~
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