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Everything posted by Enforcer57

  1. I guess that adds a new dimension to "delayed action" bombs. That's amazing how common Luftwaffe ordinance is around England. I'm sure that stuff turns up in Germany and Japan as well, but for some reason it isn't reported very much. I guess so much was concentrated on London itself. They still commonly find ordinance around Verdun from WW1, so they will still be finding this stuff a century from now.
  2. Some great photography there. If you aren't into cameras too much, it's hard to appreciate how difficult it is to get such amazing shots. Wow.
  3. Some great photography there. If you aren't into cameras too much, it's hard to appreciate how difficult it is to get such amazing shots. Wow.
  4. Looks 1/72. 1/48 would be much bigger. Very nice.
  5. Looks 1/72. 1/48 would be much bigger. Very nice.
  6. I was really impressed with how he managed to disrobe thrashing around under that damn blanket. What's even more amazing is why mom waits till he's got a major interest in a fairly addictive though relatively harmless hobby, then cuts him off cold turkey (assuming this is real). That's even goofier than the kid's rage.......almost. The emotional impact does seem to be realistic, very well acted if fake.....including the brother's sadistic joy at recording it. Kinda odd when he started to stick the remote up his ass. I predict he will wind up on Fox news or CNN in an hour long car chase someday.
  7. I was really impressed with how he managed to disrobe thrashing around under that damn blanket. What's even more amazing is why mom waits till he's got a major interest in a fairly addictive though relatively harmless hobby, then cuts him off cold turkey (assuming this is real). That's even goofier than the kid's rage.......almost. The emotional impact does seem to be realistic, very well acted if fake.....including the brother's sadistic joy at recording it. Kinda odd when he started to stick the remote up his ass. I predict he will wind up on Fox news or CNN in an hour long car chase someday.
  8. looking forward to that. I guess the nazi zombies came back and got all the Kraut and Eyetie planes. Ive always been fascinated with that cmpn.
  9. looking forward to that. I guess the nazi zombies came back and got all the Kraut and Eyetie planes. Ive always been fascinated with that cmpn.
  10. Is that with mods or without? The only wierd thing like that I see is when Im in the mods....sometimes....and some of the trees turn into big white refrigerators with red doors. I have no idea what to do aobut it.
  11. Sieg BG ! Uh, I mean, yea, This place has certainly been the place to be. And the Hellhounds are still around, some of us just have so much crap on our platter these days. We still fly on Beebop's server on sat nights (usually), and we wanna get back on sundays to......we just gotta figure a way to control the time space continuum. Anyway, for the..............almost three (?) yrs I've engaged and flown alongside you guys in desperate combat, I have had a real blast.
  12. Wow. I wish I knew when they had that stuff on Discovery, especiallly since the History channel has all but eliminated anything military. Strange.
  13. Yeah, its a shame they take all that memory and info with them. two yrs ago I met a pastor at a wedding I photographed taht had been on an LST during the practice landing a few days before DDay tath was attacked by E-boats when the destroyers left them and we lost aobut 400 guys and a few Lsts. He had some incredible details. M-1s aren't very effective against E-boats though.
  14. Man, what a great place for a shooting range................for M-1 tanks. You could build a real airbase there.
  15. Hey man, they know what causes that now. It's been found to be something in the water. Those things are expensive, but I'm sure nobody will mind that. I suggest Mot or Yob for a name, regardless of sex.
  16. Heh heh. The jehovah witlesses will be highly offended. I love it.
  17. Reminds me of combat sims about 18 yrs ago. Those nazi guys were sure artsy. And JP, Im going to report you to the UAW....as soon as they get through celebrating all the extortion money they got from the govt.
  18. Such bad influences. Let me cover my eyes.
  19. Loved those RC. The tanks were interesting, as I assume those included some models with a panther much larger than a Tiger. Very well done. The F7Fs and firefly as well. You might wanna consider getting a bigger lense, as these things keep getting farther away from the crowd line.
  20. Next to the BoB, this is probably the best product of the British movie industry.
  21. Reminds me of the inside of C-5Bs I used to make parts for at Lockheed Ga in the 80s. Are those new build or 747s that have been rebuilt? I should know that, but haven't kept up for a while.
  22. Well, I guess we can't keep the Colonel's true nature a secret anymore.
  23. Ok, it's a fairly new computer. The card reader appears to stil be connected, as teh USB port on the same card works fine. But fo rsome reason, it won't read any of my SD cards anymore, at all. This came about yesterday while I was doing some work for somebody and having to transfer some pix back and forth with my laptop. This is strange, as it worked fine for most of the day (I use it almost everyday), but I left for a few hrs adn when I came back, it ignored any card I put in it. Yeah, I rebooted several times, but nadda. The only thing i did in hte meantime was install the drivers for my Cannon flatbed scanner that I had on my old computer. I had to dnload them as I can't find the CD. After mucking around a bit, the scanner works fine. I'm wondering if my mucking around may have changed a setting, though I didn't as far as I know. I probably shoulda put this in the help section, but I'm kinda pressed here. I can do stuff on my laptop, but it's not hooked to my scanner, printer, etc. Maybe it's just the microsoft curse I have.
  24. Toad is right about the wiring being totally different. We all would have had a muich easier time in our younger yrs if we had realized this, especially me. Eg: they don't understand what timing and making an appointment or verbal commitment means, even when they are the initiators of such (im not talking about dating). They don't have the first concept of the fact that such is important (almost sacred) to men in almost all aspects of life; it is a much lower priority to women. Marilyn Monroe was late to everything she did, well before she started abusing assorted "stuff". She was even late to Kennedy's birthday party whehre she sang Happy birthday in that silk dress that had to be sewn on her (sigh). Joe Dimaggio did not comprehend this either. Nearly all celebrity chix are known for it. I still get taht when I have "appointments" for pics from chix (through the yrs) . They have about a 50% reliability rate when it comes to appointments. Ask any pro photog or most other business where they have to make an appointment, and you will get teh same response. They aren't being inconsiderate in their view, it's just a low priority for them compared to ohter stuff. It's a priority thing. Just an example of they way thier brain is TOTALLY different from ours. That's the reason so many morons abuse women when they get pissed. The only reason the chix stick with them is that they also have a masochistic tendency as well, so they enjoy this. I'll spare you my non PC view of the institution of marriage, but it's failure rate is proof of such differences. See, it all works out. Just wanted to make a point about the most obvious area. The aliens who engineered our development were having a good time with this methinks.
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