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Everything posted by Enforcer57
I miss doing that, but the eyes and hands just won't let me.....plus the outrageous cost of those things now. A few yrs ago, I saw a Tamiya 1/4 scale Buffalo for over $40. I figured it was time to quit.
Well, it appears that the UK govt made some kinda oil deal with Libya recently that included this. I thought it was just some SCotiish Judges who went nuts and were imitating the ones in the US, especially Ga. I'll be kinda alarmed if that's true. I guess oil companies own the world. All I got to say about it. Neville Chamberlain has been re-animated I guess.
I love the ultra rare old C/d models, so few of them. Is that an F-101B behind you toward the end? I took a few shots of one of those back in the early 80s at an airshow at Dobbins AFB.
That was well done. That Mossie was Kermit Weeks late 45 bird wiht the large bombay. I shot that extensively at Memphis back in 88 right after he got it and finished the restoration. Incredible machine. Last I heard it was on display at the EAA museum at Oshkosh, but I don't think it's flown much if at all these days. Just Too valuable I would suppose. I was also surprised to see a couple of T-2 Buckeyes.....I thought the Navy retired all those a few yrs ago. This is an interesting clip of the A-380 landing there, pretty hard in a crosswind. Several othters of that as well. Sure shows how durable that machine is. I can't believe how much the wings are flexing.
Kinda looks like some high tech sex toys. I think we may have to start designing Galactica class battlestars pretty soon.
Assuming he remembers how to. I think it's possible this is a Logos from an alternate universe. Neat finds in those pix. I hope you kept a few notes about the Korea vet's experiences. That 4.5 inch shell is interesting, but I think those began to have HE in some of htem by that time. Iwouldn't put it near a camp fire, unless it's solid shot. That's pretty interesting stuff. Amazing coins. Glad you are back. Apparently razor blades don't exist in this parallel universe he returned from.
Yes, the reds need you JP........(wink wink). And don't forget about the friendly Italian lasses that will arrive at your new house once you start sending.......um, I mean, .....contributions to the Maltese humane society. (Wink wink, damn I got sumthin in my eye....). Well, welcome back in any event.
Does the AI plane CG correction actually exist? IS there any possibility that it is compatible with anything AAA? Kinda doubtful since much of the AAA stuff isnt compatible in house. Would be really nice to be able to actually fly most of the AI planes. I keep seeing odd stuff happening at AAA, like VP media's stuff disapearing, and the SeA fury just as it was almost done. The P-80C just vanished kinda, and th eP-80A has some uncertain dnload sites that infected hell outta my older computer months ago. As much as I like some of this stuff, we seem to be a way from most of the planes being anything other than a curiosity, as there is just so much incompatibility. Making a cmpn project more than a few can fly is nearly impossible at this point. The common squadron mod package is certainly the way to go, but it would sure be nice to try some new planes without fearing the crash problem. Considering all the Korea jets and ohter stuff, that's frustrating. I had my new computer totally fried by a mod despite having everything backed up, and had to reload everything. I hope some Steven Hawking brain can get this nightmare straightened out someday.
Sounds like the CAA is a clone of the FAA. They come up with some crap of thier own sometimes as well. Pissed off all the acts in a large airshow in Tenn when I was a kid, some well know pilots in the 70s. They ALL refused to fly. FAA was hissed and booed rather rudely for the rest of the day. Those of u that saw the photo I posted once of my late dad in a J-3 while his friend Henry climbed from a ladder and tumbled, probably remember that the FAA made him stop that, as it was "too dangerous", so he had to climb back up the ladder. Henry was later killed trying to climb back up with another pilot.
Yeah, but "Lynch Mob' would be a great name for a squadron. And I am certainly an open minded lynch mob member. My dog Stan and my mother's cat Frank had an ......'unusual' relationship. I never gave them any grief about it, though Frank sometimes looked a bit confused. How can anybody call ME a racist?
For the record, Cindy was NOT married; I got her between hubbys for a few yrs. I never even noticed that ring, as she had all sorts of rings. Rest assured, I am not the one who would have to worry in such an event. I did however get a bit carried away instructing Carla (who had a bit larger assets) in weapons use before she shipped out to the Army in 1990, as can be seen in this 1989 photo.
Heh heh. Yeah, a Tom Clancy jam like that will make a priest curse. Badaim, she got a better grip on the weapon correcting that. Shortly after, she got a Taurus Pt92, which is basically a brazilian Baretta M-92 wiht the original frame mounted thumb DOWN safety as designed, not that lousy SW style thumb UP slide mounted thing that some moron pentagon analyst came up with. Much faster and easier to use. I just couldn't believe I could make the Browning do it at will by holding it on its side a la gangsta method. Incidentally, yrs later when we were still, um, "good" friends (cheaper than actually going with them), I just happened to be the dispatcher she called at 911 in the wee hrs as this drunk Mexican dude was trying to climb into her bedroom window. Can't say I blame him, but he should have gone through channels first. This was similar to the few other times an ARMED person called 911 under such circumstances; No fear or screaming, just hoping the cops got there before she had to 'double tap' him (NOW you know the origin of our esteemed comrade's call sign). she basically was locked and loaded, hammer back, safety on (cant do that with the issue Baretta goofy moron safety). I sent the cops running emergency to this 'burglary in progress', but just as he was hanging half in the window yelling something in Spanish, the city cops arrived. She stood down and nearly choked laughing as this fool tried to kick the cops. It was a bad night for him, as she had a couple of those damn cactus plants beneath her window he had avoided climbing up, but became intimate with as the cops dragged him down by his feet. What amazed me was that he was still coming in despite her pointing a rather sizable 9mm auto at him after dropping the slide on it. Amazing. And for anyone curious, she's in the "Cindy" folder in myspace photography site. I can't put the best ones in there. Aw hell, here she is about that time loading my Browning 22 lever action. And for purely informational purposes and as official moral officer, a shot taken a couple yrs later before I had proper studio lighting etc. I felt the opportunity should be preserved, despite lack of proper equipment.
Ok, Mine was made in 69, modified a bit with throating etc for feeding JHPs. Now this actually happened; in 85 I was teaching my hot new gf to shoot (I met her on the range and was instructing her out of the goodness of my heart). She did ok with the Makarov adn Ruger 22 auto, but when she fired the P-35, the thing stove-piped, and this was with FMJ hardball. I cleared it, and it did it two more times with her. Freaked me out. I ripped a full magazine rapid fire with no problems. Fresh mag, handed it to her (and had showed her how to hold it) and it happened again. I rarely had to ask advice on such things, but the County PD SWAT commander knew exactly what it was. (He was a few lanes down). I had never heard of such a thing, and ALL my friends and most of the county cops carried Brownings back then. He held it on its side and it jammed, stove-piping like before. I did the same thing several times, including with JHPs I usually carried. The apparent reason it was happening while SHE held it was because she wasnt holding firmly enough and it was recoiling too much. It was loose enough in her hands that it had the effect of being on its side. I was mystified. I asked George (The SWAT commander) WTF? He had no idea, but he had seen it happen before with a female officer rookie and with his own during a SWAT excercise. I have no idea if it always happens or just with a few out a a particular batch, or because of the throating or other slight mods (which made it extremely reliable whith JHPs and flat nose Glasiers), or what. You might wanna give that a try on the range (or sand-dune etc) sometime just to see. All us gun guys usually don't have this happen because we know how to shoot them and never have reason to shoot on thier side. May not do it, but I thought it was a good idea to inform you of my experience. I dunno. This had nothing to do with why I carried a Glock later on, nor did it affect my trust in it. I just kept it in the back of my mind.
Delta's info is very useful here. I also saw where there were crowds of indignant Scots who were raising all sorts of hell about this in public, maybe even chunking
Remember to get close when you shoot, as I like to try to fill at least half hte sight with the enemy. Practice wth Vet and average ai enemy of comparative performance (but different types). Pay attention to stuff that may be a bit differnt in the planes you fly, like the k13 site in some american
I believe B-52s were most effective in the LInebacker ops of 72, where large numbers were released (finally) on North Vietnamese targets for the first time. This is probably the main reason the N. Viets were on their knees in Jan 73 and agreed to quit.....at least until the US govt changed hands and they were allowed to roll into Saigon in 75. Former POWs (the few they released at least) saw thier guards literally piss their pants trembling as the ground rumbled in Hanoi. Woops. I think Im helping to get this thread a bit of topic here. Ill go back into my cave now. And Tribunus, Taylor probably was sponsored by a publication or company. He has been one of the combat weapons gurus since I was in high school, and I am 52 now. It was mainly how he made his living. He was second only to the 45 God Jeff Cooper. Both these guys had seen a good bit of combat. Yeah, I had three Glocks at one time of different models. Best handguns I had. Damn things would feed any design bullet, even lead semi wad cutters. BTW trib, try holding your BRowning on its side while you fire it and see it it deos what they used to do. You may have a newer one.
WTF? Racist lynchmob? Ditto DT. We were all very reserved, even myself, compared to our true anger at this. And I and at least one other Dogz DID voice concern about his possible innocence, I pointed out that due process requires a hearing a possibly a new trial. Releasing him under the current status of Islamic terrorist is INSANE, and rest assured of the celebrations in our enemy's camp. This sends the wrong message and assists the enemy. As stated above, if they released him to avoid embarrassment, then the Scottish judicial system has sunk to the level of the US one, depending on what state one is in. We are also concerned that they are placating an alternate motivator. Scotland is a nation, not a race btw, and please point out to me where the racism was. Mr. West sir, (if you are even reading any of this), we fly a WW2 flight sim.......I can't see how one can be so sensitive and participate in a fairly realistic re-enactment of the bloodiest war in history that was started primarily because of pacifists like Neville Chamberlain and American firsters. I would suggest checking out a little history so you can understand our references sir. I hope u stick around so we can help you gain said familiarization, and I mean that respectfully, and for your benefit, and hope to fly with you.
Taylor carries a 9 now?!?! (Faints dead away.....thud). Greenstreaks, thanx for the info on the 5.45. I would send that to the pentagon, but Gates would ignore it, being the moron he is.
Ditto Tribunus, Painless, and DT, among others. There should have been an ACTUAL investigation and a MEANINGFUL new trial if there were LEGIT questions; we FORMERLY did that in the US, but political capitol mostly prevents that now. I wonder how many more similarly ill Scottish inmates of even lesser charges are NOT being released. IF he is guilty (most likely), then It seems the Scottish judiciary has failed its duty .
Yeah, Hollywood is pathetic gun wise. Exceptions are movies produced by John Milius, or projects involving Tom Selleck. Those guys make sure the gun work is pretty accurate. The old TV show MIami Vice was pretty good to. The WW2 epics involving Tom Hanks are also very accurate. Ever notice how the slides lock back when most guys on shows and movies fire a few rds? That's because they are scripted to shoot just a few rds, and that's all the prop guys put in them, so they are empty and lock back. You would think that prop people and producers would realize that, but they haven't, with some exceptions like the aforementioned ones. Sending 4 white guys in Suburbans into that scenario is so typically stupid. I think that kinda thinking didnt help in the Blackhawk down scenario, and it gives Tom Clancy material for some great books.
"you shot me you xxxxx!" is so classic.
Well, regardless of whether it is compatible to the Geneva deal, the effectiveness of the M-16 series would be greatly improved by using soft points. And any country using the AKS-74 has the equivelant of soft point ammo, and there have been no complaints from Geneva as far as I know. I've seen some M-14s in use in Iraq, so maybe dig some of those out. Since the ammo legality is based mostly on looks it seems (like those idiotic "assault weapons" laws), we could do what the Ruskies do, and make a hollow area behind the tip on the current 63gr ammo. That was brilliant on their part. I am sure that alot of guys have some of those topping off thier mags, especially the special forces types.
Damn, Tribunus always has the best stories on here.
I'm sure you will have your Browning......and an M-4 might be handy as well. Back before I had to sell most of it, the only two revolvers in my collection were a small Taurus 2 inch 38, which some maggot stole outta my vehicle (that's why I carried places my car might be vulnerable), and a 6.5 inch SW M-29 in .44 Mag. I handloaded for it (lighter 180 gr JHP that had much higher velocity but much less recoil, like Dirty Harry used), and enjoyed shooting it. I figured if I was gonna be limited to 6 shots, they may as well be cannon rounds.