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Everything posted by Enforcer57
Magnificent of those people. I had a HS teacher in the early 70s (Mr. Peters) who was in the equivalent of High school when German paratroopers started falling out of the sky. He had horrid stories of their treatment, managed to escape, and became active in the resistance. He had started out by putting all sorts of crap in their gas tanks etc, and wound up a combatant.
Holy moly Batman. THat thing looks cool, but will take a bit of time on it to solo methinks. There is a company developing a motorized wheel to fit on the front of bicycles. And
heh heh, great pix JP. That's one lucky kid. I've never been able to sit in an F-86 (or Canadair Sabre).
Well that sounds mighty nice........ at first I couldn't see why it had to be a seperate install, but I think that makes sense. BTW, Im glad to see gibbage's B25 mods, with gun noses etc. And the early P38s with streamlined engine fairings. Gibbage is a master of htis. Some corrected AI flt modlels it seems. Nice stuff. Lots of work. But why the FCK is the P-80a always left out? I mean, the stuff is already made for petes sake. It's got the F9F. I guess I shouldn't gripe, but really. And what the hell is a P-24? I can't imagine a military AC since 1939 that I've never heard of. THink they may have meant P-26?
Oh how reassuring; instead of using our classified weapons for their designed purpose, we're gonna declassify them and just bluff Kim and Ahmamoronjahd or whatever his name is.
I started to say WTF, but then "Canadian" was thrown in there. I didn't realize South Park was so..........accurate. I'm thankful for being from a country with the fortitude to go to war, but wanna surrender when it lasts more than a week. Yup, I can see why you envy us so much. Happy Canuc thanksgiving btw. You guys got any turkeys? Don't you just love me using any excuse to bitch? I'm also thankful that you guys actually tolerate me and my mouth running handicap.
It won't let me in on any server at HL. It keeps telling me I don't have 408 or 409 moded, but it let me in last sunday no problem.
Fooltrottel, I got it going with my stick working now (sounds sorta like I'm talking to doctor about Viagra). I had done that long ago and completely forgot about it. works fine. I didn't expect that many of the new AC to be AI only, but hopefully they will take care of that eventually. I'm ready to rock and roll though. Love the SM79. Wish we coulda had that for the pedastal cmpn. And FT, I"m not EVEN gonna ask how you did that, but it may be useful info for some.
Man, 30 sec shutter, even zoomed in, and they are that sharp and the colors that good. I'm again impressed. In the category of pix I wish I'd taken. Whooo.
Since my late Egyptian great uncle, Mohammed Louhdmouthie Bloejobby, apparently helped loot King Tut's toomb, I keep having these unusual curses, including the computer crap curse. I have installed a new install (a redundant term if ever there was one) and patched it to 408. However, it will not recognize my CH stick as a controller. I mean, it recognizes all the damn button controls etc, but wont move the control surfaces. I've never had this problem before. Damn thing works fine with my current 1.5 installs (long story), but I can't get this thing to recognize it at all. Is fine in the windows control settings, but nadda. Anyhow, I was gonna patch it to 409m, but as it was installing, it got a corrupted file error. Typical. So now I gotta dnload that bloddy thing anohter
That's pretty impressive man. Neat formation take off.
Ditto, but for the record, I voted for the hot wife option.
WTF? Your back finally start hurting or something? Damn man. I've heard of R&R, but really. BTW, we could use another cold blooded killer in the Luftwaffe as we take Malta. I can always use a good gunner again in my 110. Now get off your arse and get your flight gear on. That account of him in the Eastern front cmpn is being made into a movie as I understand. They're paroling Chuck Manson to play the lead.
I saw him at teh symposium I attended in 83 with Stienhoff, galland and krupinski. He was pretty humorous about some of the stuff he talked about, and incredibly interesting. Helped rebuild the post war Luftwaffe and NATO. What a loss.
Thank God for Ultra. That scene where the gunner gets his goggles bloodied nearly made my poor grandmother throw up when she took me to see it the first week it came out (and Patton to). I made her sit through the movie twice...you could do that back then. I have three DVD versions, one VHS, and I still watch it every few mos. I used to have the Air Classics issue that was devoted to the making of it back in 70, but I have no idea what happened to it. One reason it's so good is the HUGE role the advisers played on set.....guys like Adolf Galland, Hugh Dowding (in his wheelchair), and about the whole surviving RAF that was still around back then. I just wish they had saved all the hundreds of feet of film that they didn't use. Galland took up one of the Buchons and was tearing up the field "showing them how it was done" at one point. Some great tales from that production. "Home and tea", I love that. It's so..........British. I also have a DVD of the music that is excellent, and has the original theme that was never used as well. I wish I could make the RAF and Luftwaffe themes play in the sim when appropriate.
Enforcer57 replied to Beebop-RIP's topic in Jim's Place
JP, you have really got to do something about that boozing problem you have......I mean, it's tuff enough to have that bobbling head thing we see on South Park. Well Col, at least you finally got promoted. Man, that place is like the post war armed forces.......tales forever to make sgt. Have fun on the train. Now you said you will still have Weds and Thurs off right? Wink wink, nudge nudge. Surely you can forgo family and life to command us in our virtual adventures. Look at the bright side......I may not be able to blow your keyster outta the air with my 30mm on a semi regular basis. Are there gonna be any loose chix at your party? I'll bring my camera. -
Damn JP, you should work for CNN........you are pretty good at twisting stuff around man. Heh heh. (but they always ran faster than I did).
I never trusted those little broads........they always ran away when I came to the door for some reason.
For some blasted reasons chkmod no longer recognizes me as a member
Enforcer57 replied to Enforcer57's topic in Help!!
Ok, hoping to get some updated ones of her....eventually. But this is my ransom to you for getting that damn thing to work. I havent logged on anywhere else, and the thing worked fine a few weeks ago. I just wanna do it again due to the odd fact taht all my misns and skins etc are coming from an earlier install taht I deleted adn just left a few folders. Kinda complicated, but I want it to check that one as well, so it will be consitent with everyone else and get what I need. I get so tired of this computer twilight zone crap. -
One of the "Band of Brothers" soldiers died on June 17, 2009.
Enforcer57 replied to MadTrooper's topic in Jim's Place
Oooh Raaa. Yeah, he was interviewed some on the series. Man, what that guy and his pals did. Don't expect ANY mention on ANY lousy news network (maybe fox, but don't count on it). I'm sure the pentagon channel or the military channel, but not the main ones. He was one of those guys that was there when we needed them. They are too busy covering the President going to Denmark lobbying for the olympics, or who knocked up the Kardashian broad etc. The people that matter care. -
Only JP could make a post that winds up as a discussion of the culinary value of horses, camels, and (ew) donkeys. The sheep feel left out.
Heh heh. That is hilarious. I wonder who designs his uniforms. The UN listened to this fool for 90 min, so they should let me have at least half that much time.
In my alternate universe I've created, lawyers regularly meet in the street at 25 meters to solve arguments. So the best imitation of Doc Holiday usually wins, as it includes prosecutors as well. Hey, it worked 130 yrs ago, quite well. After reading this article,
I nearly choked when I read this, as I was eating at the time (just lunch unfortunately). The mental imagery was right out of Family Guy.