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Everything posted by Enforcer57
Damn. Amazing how in both countries, some morons can do any damn thing they want, but you can get into legal trouble (or just get harassed like hell by govt sponsored Arse openings) for challenging them verbally or in print. And they don't see it. I feel like the main character of hte 60s TV show "The Invaders" trying to reveal an alien invasion, or like Rowdy Roddy PFiffer trying the same thing in "They live".
Damn JP, I thought our courts couldn't be outdone as far abuse and insanity in their rulings. I'd last about thirty seconds in Canada I guess, as I've pissed off the Ga. Taliban so badly that (in the past 15 yrs) I've had considerable threats and vandalism, my favorite husky was poisoned wiht anti-freeze, shots fired over my house, etc. These morons (in support of these nazis) must've been getting inspiration from Canada. You have my sympathies. I bet Canadian WW2 vets do not approve. And these stupid courts in this state (and many eslewhere) along wiht the state legislature, have ordered that the Constitution be printed on all toilet paper used in state buildings. Poor Troy Tanier (google him) has been on death row 2 decades for killing an Atlanta police officer. Now nearly all the witnesses against him have come forward over the yrs admitting that the reason they testified against him was because of combined threats from a prosecuter and the actual murderer. Now they STILL wanna fry the guy without delay, and the state is fighting tooth and nail against a new trial. The state says htey may consider reducing it to a life sentence. The arrogance of that is beyond description. I guess this has something to do with "Red Dawn" becoming my favorite movie. You know it's gotta be bad when I would rather stay outside trying to convince people that they should be protesting a REAL threat,
Yeah, they provided the best possible advertising for this place and the GGW franchise, but I couldn't talk anyone into going to the state capitol or even the local court house and protest some OUTRAGEOUS and dangerous crap that opens a WIDE door to them being regulated by govt and even abolished. I used this to establish a common ground with these folks and show them that I was not thier enemy, after telling them how proud I was of people with the guts to use their 1st Amendment rights, like the GGW and bar owners were doing.
Well, the biggest thing to hit backwater repressed Rome Ga. hit here this weekend, and yes I dropped by for a few min with my camera........................ this was Most controversy since the locals learned that the city govt didn't actually take down the capitoline wolf statue that Benito gave us in 36, melt it down into bullets (yeah, bronze bullets-these folks aint to bright) and shoot it back at him in 42. I took a few more of these rather bold chix and a little vid to. I know one of them.
Take your camera dammit ! I can help you wiht the tech details if you do. Skulking back into cave now.
Pussy? Pussy? ........(ahem), I will refrain from mentioning anything about those who......"hesitate".....to fly jets, although I do approve of the subject matter in some forms. I should shut up I guess, as I don't wanna be "landfill" on the estate. Regarding the airline crew, I think it had something to do with their conference with a hot new stewardess nicknamed "Double-ender" that may have distracted them. And how bout the Delta guys that landed on a taxi way at Atlanta? Sheesh man. This is just more proof that I am the prophet of the western world, as I predicted that the removal of the third cabin crew guy was gonna cause some SEVERE problems. You need three guys up there, I don't give a damn what any "economist" says. The same thing is wrong with with US airpower; the guys making the decisions don't know a bloody thing about the subject matter.
I've got to come by this forum a bit more. We already know that Canada is wierd, as shown in South Park. Speaking of which, I really think you should point this out to those guys. They would make a great episode on this. BTW, American beavers don't wonder around in the middle of highways; they convince you to take them home and then clean out your wallet and screw up your life, THEN they stand up and make smart-ass remarks to you.
Obit in one of our national newspapers...RCAF Ace passes
Enforcer57 replied to JensenPark's topic in Jim's Place
Ditto BA. I won't mention politicos who answer desperate calls for re-enforcement with "we'll make that decision in a few weeks.......(maybe)." I'm glad these guys weren't always able to COMPLETELY get in the way for short periods during WW2 or during the Pusan Pocket and Khe Sahn.. They always come back though. Fighter pilots seem to really piss off politicos. They use any excuse to "punish" them for having the temerity to be so non PC. Same kinda crap kept Yeager from advancing pass brigadier, and Robin Olds and........ etc. I think it started with Billy Mitchell after WW1. -
"I can, like go out and walk behind it and shit too." Damn Gec, that's a neat trick. I'm curious as to the reaction of the local population; are they not offended by some guy operating a flying buzz-saw and "doing his business" at the same time? That should make U tube for sure. And Tonar, that vid is worthy of "North America's most fercked up videos."
Wow, htat's great. I Love finding folks that were witnesses to such. When I read the post title, I thought you were gonna tell us about having a beer with Fidel, then stealing his cigars.
Even my Dad initially found the RC choppers to be pretty hard to fly, and he had thousands of hrs in real ones, from TH-13s to AH-1Js. He soon mastered it though. Keep in mind that it's aerodynamically impossible for those things to fly......and they are somewhat addictive from what I've seen.
Obit in one of our national newspapers...RCAF Ace passes
Enforcer57 replied to JensenPark's topic in Jim's Place
Damn. That's a helluva guy. Our guys managed to blast him twice, but IFF was kinda bad back then. I am very sorry for that.....kinda embarrassing. Sad about his mother. The only thing worse than commie vermin (that are still dangerous as hell btw) are the politico morons who would penalize a guy that suffered like that for his country while still bleeding the enemy. As if anyone would take such a satirical "confession" seriously. -
Sprinkles? Sprinkles? From a weather service? Ok, this gay rights thing is going a bit far.
It would really help if you English guys would speak English. Haven't been this puzzled since that time I was listening to all those Brit guys packing their chutes for their skydiving adventures at our local airport many eons ago.
Just back from Cairo - many thanks to Tribunis
Enforcer57 replied to Zeus-cat's topic in Jim's Place
Kinda cool having a guy packing a Browning HP carry you around that place. Did you come across any WW2 stuff laying around anywhere? Did you have your camera if you did? -
Thanx BA, I know how to do that, I just never heard it called such.
Said that to me to. Why the hell would Utube put taht up if that was the case? Told me the same crap, which makes me wanna go Jack Ruby on 'em.
I kinda modified my post a bit, but point made. I wouldn't want anybody to go nuts, or any more nuts than they already are.
Well I get "unable to dnload torrent file" or some crap, but that's just me, part of the computer stuff curse. Ive fought with torrent for while, and it took 2.5 days to get "Malta Story". I got it already from a different source, but Im not gonna use it until all this deal gets settled. will the new AAA version be able to function on our switcher thingy without screwing stuff up? (Can you tell I'm so damn sick of trying to remember all this terminology that it confuses the absolute hell outta me?) WTF is zuti whatever, and what does "commented out" mean? Is that (whatever it means) all that needs to be modified so it will work in the switcher? See, it's just over my head at this point. I love the stuff that's in it, but Ill wait till somebody comes up wiht the means of integrating this into our little system, which Im sure somebody will. Logistics is a pain in the ass, like it was with the allies in WW2 with everybody using different calibers. I wanna be able to still fly in pedastal as well as use this if practical,
Been there, done that, twice in a row with two computers. STILL trying to get back to normal......er, I mean normal as far as computer ops. I have an external drive and a bunch of dvds etc filled with stuff, but i cant do it as much as I need to.
Amazing. I spent about 20 yrs hand-loading ammo of many types and bullet designs, and ballistics was always a fascination with me, especially in military applications. Notice the slanted metal's better resistance to the slugs? And what was the deal with those rd slugs hitting the bullets in flight? I've never seen anything like that. This thing needed some more info with it, but it was amazing. The shotgun loads at the end was wild. Never seen film of that before. Thanx for posting this.
Heh heh, I just hope everyone realizes that I use A HUGE AMOUNT of sarcasm with our Canuc pals, prompted mostly by thinking of them every time Southpark does an episode concerning Canadians. Can't help it. I go into spasms worse than seizures if I can't. Besides, BG owns half the place, so.............. And keep in mind that Brits are not immune........especially since certain ones like to scream "hit control E" when I'm in a desperate dogfight and don't have time to think about it......then wait about a yr and do it again.....and I fall for it again. And I still can't figure out why the US has its second biggest holliday so close to Christmas. Sheesh. That always annoyed me when I was a kid needing school breaks spread out a bit more. The Canadian version is better placed. OH, and how 'bout the upcoming sensible "Halloween"........where the object is to scare the hell outta little kids and then give them candy. Hmmmm............ The following was filmed in the town I live in. South Park Songs - Blame Canada
Woo Hoo! BArbie Benton, and she STILL looks hot as an afterburner. She's kinda nutty though, but I can overlook that for the most part. God knows I have before. And JP, I've often wondered how chick parents can be even nuttier than their daughters. I could tell you some tales.
I wonder if a rocket booster kicks in during the decent. They need to rig the B-1s to carry that to.