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3. Danger Dogz
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    United Kingdom

Everything posted by guitarman68

  1. I've been to Normandy 3 times and still haven't seen everything.Its a must place to visit.
  2. This means war JP, we will not stand for you pinching our women.I was looking forward to next years trip after seeing the photo's of the young lady in question. I think we need to start a petition to keep her on our fine shores. Can't we get somebody to drive up to the red lion and lock all the doors. ~s~
  3. All ready got it john, setup nicely in my loft.My mate wanted to sell it to get a xps laptop, I cant believe the difference a 22" widescreen makes and the only thing I have to sort out is my mic is a bit quiet.
  4. After years of poor performance in my old rig(& my flying ) i got offered a rig for 300 english pounds, although not the latest state of the art it runs il2 on execellent at a cosy 70+ fps.What do you think? AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 6000+ ASUSTek M2N4-SLI Board 2Gb PC2-5300(333MHz) Ram NVIDIA Geforce 8800 GTS Card PCI Express 2 x 250 SATA hard drives 2 x dvd rw 5.1 sound card Firewire ( whatever that does) Artic cool Silent case 22" LG Flatron Widescreen TFTMon No more 7 fps for me on seow campaigns.
  5. Good news mate, pass on my gratitude
  6. Thanks chaps I was gutted to miss Duxford and not being able to get to my flying rig has been a pain in the rear, but things are looking up.As for my fitness Pete, the surgeon said I could be fully fit within 2 years and Mick you guessed it I have acquired the name forest by my work colleagues See you on coops later, just tested my TS and all is good. ~S~ Legless
  7. ~S~ All
  8. All the best to you VT, may you have many happy years.
  9. Brings back good memories of my tours over there, god help the first french pilot to join the dogz
  10. Looks like the back of circuit boards for a flight deck or cockpit panel in English.
  11. Found a great site for finding out paint scheme's numbering and units.Just pick which era i.e ww11 then type of plane and away you go. http://wp.scn.ru/en
  12. You are a C-21. You are narcissistic, but nothing unique. You stay out of fights and ride the coattails of the rich and powerful, as you`re their personal chauffer. Despite your clean-cut appearance that you take so much pride in, you prefer to stay out of the limelight.
  13. Card's back at Novatech and will be sent back to the factory tomorrow, then hopefully they will replace it.As for being old it happens to us all, but airsoft rocks.
  14. It was a SAPPHIRE X1950 PRO 512MB AGP, im wondering if there is a warranty on it as its only 6 months old.
  15. Sorry for my sudden exit last night, my graphics card decided to self destruct bloody things only 6 months old.
  16. On the breakfast theme, does anyone know if the red lion do a walk in english fry up
  17. Hello GK, fodders working on a few things for the server.Any requests put them on here and he will endeavour to add them for you.We can access it from work aswell so we can make changes as and when needed.
  18. If there is anyone wishing to have a bit of online practice Cannon Fodder now has a server up and running 24/7. It can be found at
  19. Yep just installed it and using it on a second monitor very good mate.Even
  20. ~S~ Lt. Welcome aboard. gman
  21. No but we got lots of pictures of is hot chicks
  22. Thanks for hosting GK last night, and i loved the stuka mission first class fun.
  23. Brilliant mate, go giants.
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