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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Arsenal

  1. Arsenal

    Group Buy?

    Mark IX Spitty for sale. Only 2 million pounds! That's a bargain if you consider that it seats 2. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/howaboutthat/5071649/Spitfire-for-sale-at-2m.html
  2. GUNS! BEER! WOMEN! *Plays American Anthem
  3. Adidas should have been Adidios! Some good ones in there though.
  4. The Zero's were way too maneuverable in that game. Totally unrealistic.
  5. Thanks for that. I guess the Dogz are still in a bit of transition. I'm not sure whether to go with the 352nd or the AAA installer. Maybe I'll just hold off on all mods until there is a decision on which one we are going with (if any). I'd hate to get the AAA all set up and then have the decision go to 352, or vice versa. Of course the universal switcher you're working on would solve my indecisiveness.
  6. That really clarifies things. Thanks a lot BG, I look forward to hopefully meeting up with you guys this weekend.
  7. So that's all the Dogz use? I don't fly anywhere else, so I don't need a switcher, correct? I see about 7 AA files. I need all of them? Thanks for the reply.
  8. Ok, so I got the '46 DVD and installed, so I'm at 4.07. I've looked through the forums for what I need now and from what I can tell... 1) Ubi patch to 4.08m 2) All of the 352nd mods in the vault (the original 1.2giger + 2 updates) This seems to be all I need, is that correct? There are just so many threads, I can't keep my head wrapped around it and you run the danger of going to far back to information that is no longer applicable.
  9. Hahaha! Awesome!
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch/v/7pLSmYbEOyk Hmmm, Painless?
  11. Just an FYI, I just ordered the DVD on Amazon per BG's recommendation. It cost $11.32 (!) and express shipping cost $6.99. So $18.31 total. Damn good deal. Hopefully, I'll get it in the post today or tomorrow.
  12. Bleh, can't figure out the embed thing-a-mabob http://www.break.com/index/scariest-hiking-trail-in-world.html
  13. She may be hot, but I'd be hard pressed to date a girl whose resume included the words, "Expert at kicking balls."
  14. Wow.... I'd be afraid of waking up with a leg missing and her picking her teeth.
  15. The whole what? Must be the reason why we don't have wooden decks anymore! I can imagine some ordinance or fuel storage right below the deck there. Well placed bomb make big boom.
  16. I thought it was pretty awesome. Feel free to move it if it's not in the right section. http://www.dailymotion.com/swf/1eMj8eU86sxwZcLpW
  17. African Greys are amazing birds. One of the most, if not the most, intelligent of the avian species. I believe they live quite a long time as well, don't they?
  18. I'm starting to get really confused about all the versions coming out at once. If I wait long enough, will I be able to buy a DVD version that has everything all rolled into one?
  19. ^^^Man, that poem is unreal. It's like a beautiful "In your face!". Thanks for sharing, I'd never read it before.
  20. I'll have to admit that I'm pretty ignorant of WW1 vintage a/c. Does anyone have a guess as to how easy or difficult it will be to shoot down an enemy? I know a lot of these planes are fabric covered, but the machine guns were not that powerful and had a rather low rate of fire and payload. Just wondering if this means I'll be juking and jiving behind someone for 5 mins while doing little damage, or will they go down fairly easily (assuming good shots in somewhat vital areas, etc.)?
  21. Fixed it for ya. No charge!
  22. SMACK!! Sometimes it's the simple things. The cable seems to be working, thanks Rog! (Though I still don't understand why it would bring up a connectivity error rather than just not having a connection. Meh, I won't question it while it's working!)
  23. ^^^Hahahaha! Dialing now.....Enforcer, be on your guard! You may want to check your moped for explosive devices!
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