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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Rattler

  1. Pics deleted to save space... I believe that it is pronounced "Lattla", or "Lattlah" Also, i wasn't just blasting away, i was shedding ammo to reduce weight so that I could turn even tighter! REALLY nice pics, Kelly. Good thing that we always have you to die early so that you have these opportunities! Just kidding, you West-coast tree-hugging hippie commie pinko.
  2. Does anybody know what the consequence of not getting the download will be for online play? Can we wait until all three add-ons are released, hopefully as a cheaper bundle? Any thoughts?
  3. I dunno what happened. Some files don't compress well. Get the ointment. It substitutes as emergency rations when you bail out!
  4. Yes, I tried using Winace, but it got larger!. I'll try it again with something else...
  5. Ok, one set of fishing boats coming up. Still, how do I keep the size of the .ntrk file small enough to upload?
  6. I hope that the 24 transport vehicles were all that was required. If not, let me know. I accomplished the task in 13:15, in a P-47 with rockets, 1 pair per pass (with ranging .50's, of course!) How can I get the .ntrk small enough to post? Mine is over 2.1 MB. I promise that I will post it!
  7. Actually, I used to fly LB 2 online with some guys some 5-6 years ago. It was a hoot! We had an SOP where if you flew higher than 50 feet, you were sent back to ground school! And this was at 125-150 kts in a Longbow! It was a cool game in its day.
  8. Cheers, mate. I hope that you and your wife can work out things for the best. My prayers are with you, if that helps at all. Pete
  9. I think that one of the things we can learn is to never ever go off on your own. We 3 ME-109's jumped all over that poor P-47. I found it a useful tool to go over the track to see what I did. I noticed that I was very lucky to survive Roger and his wingman!
  10. Wow! I though my rig was min spec, Emann! This is what I fly on: Intel Pentium 4, 3.0 GHz (HT), 250GB HD MSI MS-7046 motherboard 1024MB RAM (was 512 MB until last week!) C-media Azalia Rear panel onboard sound NVidia GeForce PCX 5300 Windows XP Media Edition Monsoon speakers with (small) sub) Logitech Wingman Extreme Hansol 17" CRT
  11. I don't want to be laughed at (more than usual), so I'm not telling.
  12. BG, I believe that the seat lifter works only for a/c which have opening canopies, and even then not all of them. It sure helps a bunch!
  13. That's me, having renounced my wayward youth and settled down to a kindler, gentler family life... or maybe it's a meeting of the mini-politburo in a smoky cafe somewhere in Central Europe; it's hard to tell. The kid might just be an elaborate cover. PS- Waldo, I would not recommend you wear that pink mini-skirt in future... it just doesn't work for you. Isn't the kid Rosa Luxembourg in disguise?
  14. I would like to see some 1941-44 era intruder-style attacks over Western Europe (Spits, Mossies, etc.). "Rhubarbs".
  15. That would be my basement. The bars are the back of the futon. Only rarely do I feel like I'm in prison, and that's usually at school!
  16. I doesn't really matter to me. I wouldn't mind if we did, or didn't. What I like about our flying is that we're not too serious. For role-playing purposes, it can be fun to include rank in the situation. It doesn't need to fixed in stone.
  17. Some o' my buds at work...
  18. Here's my ride in a previous version of me, many moons ago...
  19. Let's see if this one works! Hey, I was never a cadet! A sergeant, but never a cadet!
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