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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Rattler

  1. Woah, this thread is spiralling out of control!!!!
  2. nah nah nah nah nah nah They say it's your birthday! nah nah nah nah nah nah Well it's my birthday too yeah (tomorrow) nah nah nah nah nah nah They say it's your birthday nah nah nah nah nah nah well
  3. lol, Tim.
  4. :k9lmao: :horsespank:
  5. LOL!!!!! Excellent, Tim.
  6. Rattler


    Too little, too late.
  7. Uh oh, someone swallowed their Poli-Sci textbook this morning......
  8. Cool find, Skypup.
  9. Both my parents speak and write Dutch fluently, my sisters both taught themselves too (born in Edmonton like me), and I speak and understand it enough to get myself in trouble thinking that I know it well enough to carry on a conversation! BTW: GreyKnight is the one in Austria....
  10. That's hilarious!
  11. I was born in Edmonton, Alberta. Both of my parents were born in The Netherlands, and emmigrated in the 1950's. They met and married in Edmonton.
  12. May I reply "all of the above" or do I have to choose only 1? How about being Psycho's rear gunner in a Me 110, then having him get us shot down, and he didn't even realize I was in the back seat!!
  13. You're their advocate now, Andrew?
  14. Well, here's a happy birthday anyways, Ray, if you happen to read the forums still.
  15. "It's only a flesh wound...."
  16. I remember that one happening.
  17. Good job, Kelly. 3 cheers for Jim: Hip hip............
  18. I tend to fly online mostly right now, but I also play Civilization IV solo and with my wife.
  19. The IXe CLP is a nice ride indeed.
  20. That's just a bit over the top malicious-wise, isn't it?
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