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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Rattler

  1. 1/2 x 1/10 = (1 x 1)/(2 x 10) = 1/20 multiply the top numbers (numerators) together over the bottom numbers (denominators) together.
  2. Yup; Vegas has the Reds as 12 point favorites to take Italy.....
  3. Cool. Hope to see you flying when you're settled.
  4. Genetic culling?
  5. Good advice from Delta and GreyKnight. You can also use clear Scotch-type tape to mask, but it can leave alot of residue if you're not careful - don't leave it on long! I use Tamiya Acrylics for paint, spray gloss overall, do the decals, then overall matte finish. There are lots of online sources available as well. Try largescalemodels website for your 1/24 Spit - they may even have done it already.... http://www.largescaleplanes.com/
  6. It's not the terms, mate - it's the brogue we have trouble with! "Bloody Russian s h i t e!!" Nice job on the guide!
  7. Because it keeps IT support people employed!
  8. Like this? (BTW - apparantly, they had the proper 1000 ft vertical separation....)
  9. Rattler

    Hoard XP

    Seems about right.
  10. Priceless!! I love it! Ah, lawyer jokes....
  11. More engine work completed. The frame is glued in upper and lower sections for now, but not to each other. It's going to get a coat of paint soon. I'm considering doing a gold or silver undercoat, then the flat black overcoat to weather away, leaving the silver or gold (one modeller I read a review on used gold.)
  12. Sorry I can't help you.
  13. Rattler


    Oh..................oh...............oh!!!! Zing! Flame war!
  14. I don't remember whose it is exactly, but it is Roland Beamont's Sqn Cmdr skin, R B. I've got an excellent book of his, and i quote him in my UbiZoo sig.
  15. Happy Birthday, Youth-less!! Get like this:
  16. A few screenies from this past Saturday... BG Killing a train [attachthumb=1] Convoy before... [attachthumb=2] ...and after. [attachthumb=3] Logos lays a smackdown on a target rich environment. [attachthumb=4] Low level Tempest fun. [attachthumb=5]
  17. Yes it did, and I have yet to update them.
  18. Ah, Bonger the sociologist.
  19. I did, BG, and it did check and find updates for my laptop. [attachthumb=1]
  20. Cheers, mate! Have a great day! Hope to see you soon.
  21. Where the heck dod you find that one Chris
  22. Reminds me of a story in one of J Douglas Harvey's books... A young lad aircrewman was introduced to the mess early in his flying career, and in his enthusiasm to impress his elder fellows, he over-indulged. He was encouraged to vent his digestive tract in the bathroom, where a comrade encouraged him: "Keep puking it up until you see a brown ring, lad. Then, pick that up and swallow it again. It's your arsehole."
  23. I was having trouble connecting at around that same time, BG. A temporary slow down, perhaps? Freak occurance?
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